Category:Publication 1996
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Pages in category "Publication 1996"
The following 48 pages are in this category, out of 48 total.
- 1995 RiverOutofEdenADarwinianViewofL
- 1996 ADensitybasedAlgorithmforDiscov
- 1996 AdHocAttributeValuePrediction
- 1996 AdvancesInKnowledgeDiscovery
- 1996 AMaxEntApproachToNLP
- 1996 AMaximumEntropyModelForPOS
- 1996 AnAnalysisOfCompoundsInHPSG
- 1996 AnaphoraForEveryone
- 1996 ANewStatParserBasedOnBigramLexDeps
- 1996 AnIntroToCatDataAnalysis
- 1996 AStochasticFSWordSegAlgForChi
- 1996 BaggingPredictors
- 1996 BiasPlusVarianceDecompForZeroOneLossF
- 1996 DATRaLanguageforLexicalKnowledg
- 1996 EvaluatingInternalControlsALoca
- 1996 ExperimentswithaNewBoostingAlgo
- 1996 FastDiscoveryOfAssociationRules
- 1996 FASTUS
- 1996 FromDataMiningToKDInDBs
- 1996 IncorporatingLatentSemanticInde
- 1996 IncreasingReturnsandtheNewWorld
- 1996 InfiniteJest
- 1996 IntegratingMultipleKnowSourceToDisambigWordSense
- 1996 IsItAnAgentOrJustaProgramATaxon
- 1996 KillingTimeTheAutobiographyofPa
- 1996 LexicalSemantics
- 1996 MatrixComputations3rdEd
- 1996 MotivationsandMethodsforTextSim
- 1996 MUC6ABriefHistory
- 1996 NounPhraseAnalysisInUnrTextForIR
- 1996 ProblemsOfCitatAnalysis
- 1996 ProgrammingPerl
- 1996 RegressionShrinkageAndSelViaLasso
- 1996 ReinforcementLearningASurvey
- 1996 RoutledgeDictionaryofLanguagean
- 1996 TheBalancingActCombSymbAndStatApprToLang
- 1996 TheBigFiveversustheBigFourTheRe
- 1996 TheFieldMatchingProblem
- 1996 TheJavaLanguageSpecification
- 1996 TheKDDProcess
- 1996 TheKnowingOrganization
- 1996 TheLogStructuredMergeTreeLSMTre
- 1996 TheUnifiedModLangForOOD
- 1996 UnderstandingPatenteseAPatentGl
- 1996 UnifyingInstAndRuleBasedInduction
- 1996 WordSenseDisambigUsingConceptualDensity
- 1996 X-Tree