1996 AnIntroToCatDataAnalysis
- (Agresti, 1996) ⇒ Alan Agresti. (1996). “An Introdution to Catagorical Data Analysis.” Wiley. ISBN:0471113387
Subject Headings: Conditional Independence, Likelihood-Ratio Test, Logistic Regression
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Book Overview
1. Introduction p.1
1.1.1 Response Explanatory Variable Distinction
Many statistical analyses distinguish between response variables and explanatory variables. For instance, regression models describe how the distribution of a continuous response variable, such as annual incomce, changes according to levels of job experience. The response vriable is sometimes called the dependent variable or Y variable. and the explanatory variable is sometimes called the independent variable or X variable.
The subjsect of this text is the analysis of categorical response variables. …
1.1.2 Nominal/Ordinal Scale Distinction
There are two primary types of measurement scales for categorical variables. Many categorical scales have a natrual ordering. Examples are attitude toward legalization of abor
2. Two-Way Contingency Tables 16
3. Three-Way Contingency Tables 53
4. Generalized Linear Models 71
5. Logistic Regression 103
6. Loglinear Models for Contingency Tables 145
7. Building and Applying Logit and Loglinear Models 174
8. Multicategory Logit Models 205
9. Models for Matched Pairs 226
10. A Twentieth-Century Tour of Categorical Data Analysis* 257
Appendix: SAS and SPSS for Categorical Data Analysis 267
Table of Chi-Squared Distribution Values for Various Right-Tail Probabilities 279
Author | volume | Date Value | title | type | journal | titleUrl | doi | note | year | |
1996 AnIntroToCatDataAnalysis |