1996 DATRaLanguageforLexicalKnowledg
- (Evans & Gazdar, 1996) ⇒ Roger Evans, and Gerald Gazdar. (1996). “DATR: A Language for Lexical Knowledge Representation.” In: Computational Linguistics Journal, 22(2).
Subject Headings: DATR Lexical KR Language.
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Much recent research on the design of natural language lexicons has made use of nonmonotonic inheritance networks as originally developed for general knowledge representation purposes in Artificial Intelligence. DATR
is a simple, spartan language for defining nonmonotonic inheritance networks with path/value equations, one that has been designed specifically for lexical knowledge representation. In keeping with its intendedly minimalist character, it lacks many of the constructs embodied either in general-purpose knowledge representation languages or in contemporary grammar formalisms. The present paper shows that the language is nonetheless sufficiently expressive to represent concisely the structure of lexical information at a variety of levels of linguistic analysis. The paper provides an informal example-based introduction to DATR
and to techniques for its use, including finite-state transduction, the encoding of DAGs and lexical rules, and the representation of ambiguity and alternation. Sample analysis of phenomena such as inflectional syncretism and verbal subcategorization are given that show how the language can be used to squeeze out redundancy from lexical descriptions.
1. Introduction
Irregular lexemes are standardly regular in some respect. Most are just like regular lexemes except that they deviate in one or two characteristics. What is needed is a natural way of saying "this lexeme is regular except for this property.” One obvious approach is to use nonmonotonicity and inheritance machinery to capture such lexical irregularity (and subregularity), and much recent research into the design of representation languages for natural language lexicons has thus made use of nonmonotonic inheritance networks (or “semantic nets") as originally developed for more general representation purposes in Artificial Intelligence. [[Daelemans, De Smedt, and Gazdar (1992)]] provide a rationale for, and an introduction to, this body of research and we will not rehearse the content of that paper here, nor review the work cited there. [1] DATR is a rather spartan nonmonotonic language for defining inheritance networks with path/value equations. In keeping with its intendedly minimalist character, it lacks many of the constructs embodied either in general-purpose knowledge representation languages or in contemporary grammar formalisms. But the present paper seeks to show that the language is nonetheless sufficiently expressive to represent concisely the structure of lexical information at a variety of levels of language description.
The development of DATR
has been guided by a number of concerns, which we summarize here. Our objective has been a language that (i) has an explicit theory of inference, (ii) has an explicit declarative semantics, (iii) can be readily and efficiently implemented, (iv) has the necessary expressive power to encode the lexical entries presupposed by work in the unification grammar tradition, and (v) can express all the evident generalizations and subgeneralizations about such entries. Our first publications on DATR
(Evans and Gazdar 1989a, 1989b) provided a formal theory of inference (i) and a formal semantics (ii) for DATR
and we will not recapitulate that material here. [2]
With respect to (iii), the core inference engine for DATR
can be coded in a page of Prolog (see, e.g., Gibbon 1993, 50). At the time of writing, we know of a dozen different implementations of the language, some of which have been used with large [[DATR Lexicon|DATR
lexicon]]s in the context of big NLP systems (e.g., Andry et al. 1992; Cahill 1993a, 1994; Cahill and Evans 1990). We will comment further on implementation matters in Section 5, below. However, the main purpose of the present paper is to exhibit the use of DATR
for lexical description (iv) and the way it makes it relatively easy to capture lexical generalizations and subregularities at a variety of analytic levels (v). We will pursue (iv) and (v) in the context of an informal example-based introduction to the language and to techniques for its use, and we will make frequent reference to the DATR
-based lexical work that has been done since 1989.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 uses an analysis of English verbal morphology to provide an informal introduction to DATR
. Section 3 describes the language more precisely: its syntax, inferential and default mechanisms, and the use of abbreviatory variables. Section 4 describes a wide variety of DATR
techniques, including case constructs and parameters, Boolean logic, finite-state transduction, lists and DAGs, lexical rules, and ways to encode ambiguity and alternation. Section 5 explores more technical issues relating to the language, including functionality and consistency, multiple-inheritance, modes of use, and existing implementations. Section 6 makes some closing observations. Finally, an appendix to the paper replies to the points made in the critical literature on DATR
by Example
We begin our presentation of DATR
with a partial analysis of morphology in the English verbal system. In DATR
, information is organized as a network of nodes, where a node is essentially just a collection of closely related information. In the context of lexical description, a node typically corresponds to a word, a lexeme, or a class of lexemes. For example, we might have a node describing an abstract verb, another for the subcase of a transitive verb, another for the lexeme love, and still more for the individual words that are instances of this lexeme (love, loves, loved, loving, etc.). Each node has associated with it a set of path/value pairs, where a path is a sequence of atoms (which are primitive objects), and a value is an atom or a sequence of atoms. We will sometimes refer to atoms in paths as attributes.
For example, a node describing the present participle form of the verb love (and called perhaps Wordl) might contain the path/value pairs shown in Table 1. The paths in this example all happen to contain two attributes, and the first attribute can be thought of as distinguishing syntactic and morphological types of information. The values indicate appropriate linguistic settings for the paths for a present participle form of love. Thus, its syntactic category is verb, its syntactic type is main (i.e., it is a main verb, not an auxiliary), its syntactic form is present p a r t i c i p l e (a two-atom sequence), its morphological form is love ing (another two-atom sequence). In DATR
this can be written as: [3]
Table 1 Path/value pairs for present participle of love. Path Value syn cat verb syn type main syn form present participle mor form love ing in
Wordl: <syn cat> = verb <syn type> = main <syn form> = present participle <mor form> = love ing.
Here, angle brackets (<...>) delimit paths. Note that values can be atomic or they can consist of sequences of atoms, as the two last lines of the example illustrate [4]. As a first approximation, nodes can be thought of as denoting partial functions from paths (sequences of atoms) to values (sequences of atoms), [5]
5.4 Implementations
As already noted, the inferential core of DATR
is extremely simple to implement. We know of the existence of approximately a dozen different implementations of the language but there may well be others that we do not know of. The best known, and most widely available are our own (Brighton/Sussex), which is written in Prolog and runs on most Unix platforms, Gibbon's (Bielefeld) DDATR Scheme and NODE Sicstus Prolog implementations, and Kilbury's (Duesseldorf) QDATR Prolog implementation, which runs (in compiled form) on PCs and on Sicstus Prolog under Unix. All of these are freely available on request, as is an extensive archive of over one hundred example fragments, some of which illustrate formal techniques and others of which are applications of DATR
to the lexical phonology, morphology, syntax, or semantics of a wide variety of different languages. 48 Other interesting implementations that we are familiar with include the experimental reverse query implementation by Langer (Osnabrueck), Duda and Gebhardi's (Berlin) implementation that is dynamically linked to PATR, and Barg's (Duesseldorf) implementation of a system that induces DATR
descriptions from extensional data sets.
6. Concluding Remarks
Our title for this paper is to be taken literally -- DATR
is a language for lexical knowledge representation. It is a kind of programming language, not a theoretical framework for the lexicon (in the way that, say, HPSG is a theoretical framework for syntax). Clearly, the language is well suited to lexical frameworks that embrace, or are consistent with, nonmonotonicity and inheritance of properties through networks of nodes. But those two dispositions hardly constitute a restrictive notion of suitability in the context of contemporary NLP work, nor are they absolute requirements: it is, for example, entirely possible to write useful DATR
fragments that never override inherited values (and so are monotonic) or that define isolated nodes with no inheritance.
It is true, of course, that our examples, in this paper and elsewhere, reflect a particular set of assumptions about how NLP lexicons can be best organized. But, apart from the utility of inheritance and nonmonotonicity, we have been careful not to build those assumptions into the [[DATR Language|DATR
language]] itself. There is, for example, no built-in assumption that lexicons should be lexeme-based rather than, say, word- or morpheme-based.
Unlike some other NLP inheritance languages, DATR
is not intended to provide the facilities of a particular syntactic formalism. Rather, it is intended to be a lexical formalism that can be used with any syntactic representation that can be encoded in terms of attributes and values. Thus, at the time of writing, we know of nontrivial [[DATR Lexicon|DATR
lexicon]]s written for GPSG, I_TAG, PATR, Unification Categorial Grammar, and Word Grammar. Equally, the use of DATR
does not commit one, in advance, to adopting any particular set of theoretical assumptions with respect to phonology, morphology, or semantics. In phonology, for example, the language allows one to write transducers that map strings of atomic phonemes to strings of atomic phones. But it also allows one to encode full-blown feature- and syllable-tree-based prosodic analyses. Unlike the formalisms typically proposed by linguists, DATR
does not attempt to embody in its design any substantive and restrictive universal claims about the lexicons of natural language. That does not distinguish it from most NLP formalisms, of course. However, we have also sought to ensure that its design does not embody features that would restrict its use to a single language (English, say) or to a particular class of closely related languages (the Romance class, say). The available evidence suggests that we have succeeded in the latter aim since, at the time of writing, nontrivial DATR
fragments of the lexicons of Arabic, Arapesh, Czech, English, French, German, Gikuyu, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish have been developed. There are also smaller indicative fragments for Baoule, Dakota, Dan, Dutch, Japanese, Nyanja, Sanskrit, Serbo-Croat, Swahili, and Tem.
Unlike most other languages proposed for lexical knowledge representation, DATR
is not intended to be restricted in the levels of linguistic description to which it can sensibly be applied. It is designed to be equally applicable at phonological, orthographic, morphological, syntactic, and semantic levels of description; but it is not intended to replace existing approaches to those levels. Rather, we envisage descriptions of different levels according to different theoretical frameworks being implementable in DATR
: thus an NLP group might decide, for example, to build a lexicon with DRT-style semantic representations, H PSG-style syntactic representations, "item & arrangement"- style morphological representations and a KIMMO-style orthographic component, implementing all of these, including the HPSG lexical rules, in DATR
itself does not mandate any of the choices in this example, but equally, nor does it allow such choices to be avoided. [6] DATR
cannot be (sensibly) used without a prior decision as to the theoretical frameworks in which the description is to be conducted: there is no "default" framework for describing morphological facts in DATR
. Thus, for example, Gibbon (1992) and Langer and Gibbon (1992) use DATR
to implement their ILEX theory of lexical organization, Corbett and Fraser (1993) and Fraser and Corbett (in press) use DATR
to implement their Network Morphology framework, and Gazdar (1992) shows how Paradigm Function Morphology analyses (Stump 1992) can be mapped into DATR
. Indeed, it would not be entirely misleading to think of DATR
as a kind of assembly language for constructing (or reconstructing) higher-level theories of lexical representation.
- ↑ Daelemans and Gazdar (1992) and Briscoe, de Paiva, and Copestake (1993) are collections that bring together much recent work on the application of inheritance networks to lexical description. Other relevant recent work not found there includes Bouma (1993), Briscoe, Copestake, and Lascarides (1995), Calder (1994), Copestake (1992), Daelemans (1994), Daelemans and De Smedt (1994), Ide, Le Maitre, and V6ronis (1994), Lascarides et al. (1996), Mellish and Reiter (1993), Mitamura and Nyberg (1992), Penn and Thomason (1994), Reiter and Mellish (1992), Young (1992), and Young and Rounds (1993).
- ↑ Note, however, that the definitions in the 1989 papers are not given in sufficient generality to cover [[DATR equation|DATR equation]]s with more than one (non-atomic) descriptor on the right hand side. Keller (1995) effectively replaces our 1989 presentation of a semantics for
and his treatment is general enough to cover descriptor sequences - ↑ The syntax of
, like its name and its minimalist philosophy, owes more than a little to that of the unification grammar language PATR (Shieber 1986). With hindsight this may have been a bad design decision since similarity of syntax tends to imply a similarity of semantics. And, as we shall see in Section 4.7 below, and elsewhere, there is a subtle but important semantic difference. - ↑ Node names and atoms are distinct, but essentially arbitrary, classes of tokens in
. In this paper we shall distinguish them by a simple case convention--node names start with an uppercase letter, atoms do not. - ↑ This is an approximation since it ignores the role of global contexts, see Section 5.1, below.
- ↑ However,
's framework-agnosticism may make it a plausible candidate for the construction of polytheoretic lexicons. For example, one that would allow either categorial or HPSG-style subcategorization specifications to be derived, depending on the setting of a parameter.
- 1. François Andry, Norman M. Fraser, Scott McGlashan, Simon Thornton, Nick J. Youd, Making DATR Work for Speech: Lexicon Compilation in SUNDIAL, Computational Linguistics, v.18 n.3, p.245-267, September 1992
- 2. Barg, Petra. 1994. Automatic Acquisition of DATR Theories from Observations. Theories Des Lexicons: Arbeiten Des Sonderforschungsbereichs 282, Heinrich-Heine University of Duesseldorf.
- 3. Bleiching, Doris. 1992. Prosodisches Wissen in Lexicon. In G. Goerz, Editor, Proceedings of KONVENS-92, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, Pages 59--68.
- 4. Bleiching, Doris. 1994. Integration Von Morphophonologie Und Prosodie in Ein Hierarchisches Lexicon. In Harald Trost, Editor, Proceedings of KONVENS-94, Pages 32--41, Vienna: Oesterreichische Gesellschaft Fuer Artificial Intelligence.
- 5. Bouma, Gosse. 1993. Nonmonotonicity and Categorial Unification Grammar. Proefschrift, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
- 6. Bouma, Gosse and John Nerbonne. 1994. Lexicons for Feature-based Systems. In Harald Trost, Editor, Proceedings of KONVENS-94, Pages 42--51, Vienna: Oesterreichische Gesellschaft Fuer Artificial Intelligence.
- 7. Briscoe, Ted and Ann Copestake. 1991. Sense Extensions As Lexical Rules. In D. Fass, E. Hinkelman & J. Martin, Editors. Computational Approaches to Non-Literal Language, Proceedings of the IJCAI Workshop, Pages 12--20, Sydney.
- 8. Briscoe, Ted, Ann Copestake, and Alex Lascarides. 1995. Blocking. In Patrick Saint-Dizier & Evelyne Viegas, Editors. Computational Lexical Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Pages 272--302.
- 9. Ted Briscoe, Ann Copestake, Valeria De Paiva, Inheritance, Defaults and the Lexicon, Cambridge University Press, New York, NY, 1994
- 10. Brown, Dunstan and Andrew Hippisley. 1994. Conflict in Russian Genitive Plural Assignment: A Solution Represented in DATR. Journal of Slavic Linguistics, 2(1):48--76.
- 11. Lynne J. Cahill, Some Reflections on the Conversion of the TIC Lexicon Into DATR, Inheritance, Defaults and the Lexicon, Cambridge University Press, New York, NY, 1994
- 12. Lynne J. Cahill, Morphonology in the Lexicon, Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, April 21-23, 1993, Utrecht, The Netherlands doi:10.3115/976744.976756
- 13. Lynne J. Cahill, An Inheritance-based Lexicon for Message Understanding Systems, Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing, October 13-15, 1994, Stuttgart, Germany doi:10.3115/974358.974414
- 14. Cahill, Lynne and Roger Evans. 1990. An Application of DATR: The TIC Lexicon. In: Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Pages 120--125, Stockholm.
- 15. Calder, Jo. 1994. Feature-value Logics: Some Limits on the Role of Defaults. In C. J. Rupp, M. A. Rosner, & R. L. Johnson, Editors. Constraints, Language and Computation. London: Academic Press, Pages 205--222.
- 16. Bob Carpenter, The Generative Power of Categorial Grammars and Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammars with Lexical Rules, Computational Linguistics, v.17 n.3, p.301-313, September 1991
- 17. Carpenter, Bob. 1992. Categorial Grammars, Lexical Rules, and the English Predicative. In Robert Levine, Editor. Formal Grammar: Theory and Implementation. New York: Oxford University Press, Pages 168--242.
- 18. Copestake, Ann. 1992. The Representation of Lexical Semantic Information. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Sussex, Cognitive Science Research Paper CSRP 280.
- 19. Ann A. Copestake, Ted Briscoe, Lexical Operations in a Unification-Based Framework, Proceedings of the First SIGLEX Workshop on Lexical Semantics and Knowledge Representation, p.101-119, June 17, 1991
- 20. Copestake, Ann and Ted Briscoe. 1995. Regular Polysemy and Semi-productive Sense Extension. Journal of Semantics 12:15--67.
- 21. Corbett, Greville and Norman Fraser. 1993. Network Morphology: A DATR Account of Russian Nominal Inflection. Journal of Linguistics 29:113--142.
- 22. Walter Daelemans, Review of "Inheritance, Defaults, and the Lexicon" by Ted Briscoe, Valeria De Paiva, and Ann Copestake. Cambridge University Press 1993., Computational Linguistics, v.20 n.4, December 1994
- 23. Walter Daelemans, Koenraad De Smedt, Default Inheritance in An Object-oriented Representation of Linguistic Categories, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, v.41 n.1-2, p.149-177, July/Aug. 1994 doi:10.1006/ijhc.1994.1055
- 24. Walter Daelemans, Koenraad De Smedt, Gerald Gazdar, Inheritance in Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, v.18 n.2, p.205-218, June 1992
- 25. Walter Daelemans, Koenraad De Smedt, Gerald Gazdar, Inheritance in Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, v.18 n.2, p.205-218, June 1992
- 26. Daelemans, Walter and Erik-Jan Van Der Linden. 1992. Evaluation of Lexical Representation Formalisms. In Jan Van Eijck & Wilfried Meyer, Editors. Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands: Papers from the Second CLIN Meeting, Pages 54--67, Utrecht: OTS.
- 27. Domenig, Marc and Pius Ten Hacken. 1992. Word Manager: A System for Morphological Dictionaries. Hidesheim: Georg Olms Verlag.
- 28. Duda, Markus and Gunter Gebhardi. 1994. DUTR---A DATR-PATR Interface Formalism. In Harald Trost, Editor. Proceedings of KONVENS-94, Pages 411--414, Vienna: Oesterreichische Gesellschaft Fuer Artificial Intelligence.
- 29. Roger Evans, Gerald Gazdar, Inference in DATR, Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, p.66-71, April 10-12, 1989, Manchester, England doi:10.3115/976815.976824
- 30. R. Evans, G. Gazdar, The Semantics of DATR, Proceedings of the Seventh Conference (AISB89) on Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour, p.79-87, June 1989, Sussex, United Kingdom
- 31. Roger Evans, Gerald Gazdar, Lionel Moser, Prioritised Multiple Inheritance in DATR, Inheritance, Defaults and the Lexicon, Cambridge University Press, New York, NY, 1994
- 32. Roger Evans, Gerald Gazdar, David Weir, Encoding Lexicalized Tree Adjoining Grammars with a Nonmonotonic Inheritance Hierarchy, Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting on Association for Computational Linguistics, p.77-84, June 26-30, 1995, Cambridge, Massachusetts doi:10.3115/981658.981669
- 33. Flickinger, Daniel p. 1987. Lexical Rules in the Hierarchical Lexicon. Ph.D. Dissertation, Stanford University.
- 34. Fraser, Norman and Greville Corbett. 1995. Gender, Animacy, and Declensional Class Assignment: A Unified Account for Russian. In Geert Booij & Jaap Van Marle, Editors. Year Book of Morphology 1994. Dordrecht: Kluwer, Pages 123--150.
- 35. Fraser, Norman and Greville Corbett. In Press. Gender Assignment in Arapesh: A Network Morphology Analysis. Lingua.
- 36. Fraser, Norman and Richard Hudson. 1990. Word Grammar: An Inheritance-based Theory of Language. In Walter Daelemans & Gerald Gazdar, Editors. Proceedings of the Workshop on Inheritance in Natural Language Processing, Pages 58--64, Tilburg: Institute for Language Technology.
- 37. Gazdar, Gerald. 1992. Paradigm Function Morphology in DATR. In Lynne Cahill & Richard Coates, Editors. Sussex Papers in General and Computational Linguistics. Brighton, University of Sussex, Cognitive Science Research Paper CSRP 239, Pages 43--53.
- 38. Gibbon, Dafydd. 1990. Prosodic Association by Template Inheritance. In Walter Daelemans & Gerald Gazdar, Editors. Proceedings of the Workshop on Inheritance in Natural Language Processing, Pages 65--81, Tilburg: Institute for Language Technology.
- 39. Gibbon, Dafydd. 1992. ILEX: A Linguistic Approach to Computational Lexica. In Ursula Klenk, Editor. Computatio Linguae: Aufsaze Zur Algorithmischen Und Quantitativen Analyse Der Sprache (Zeitschrift Fur Dialektologie Und Linguistik, Beiheft 73), Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, Pages 32--53.
- 40. Gibbon, Dafydd. 1993. Generalized DATR for Flexible Lexical Access: PROLOG Specification. Bielefeld: Verbmobil Report 2.
- 41. Gibbon, Dafydd and Doris Bleiching. 1991. An ILEX Model for German Compound Stress in DATR. Proceedings of the FORWISS-ASL Workshop on Prosody in Man-Machine Communication, Pages 1--6.
- 42. Ide, Nancy, Jacques Le Maitre, and Jean Véronis. 1994. Outline of a Model for Lexical Databases. In Antonio Zampolli, Nicoletta Calzolari, and Martha Palmer, Editors. Current Issues in Computational Linguistics: In Honour of Don Walker. Pisa: Kluwer, Pages 283--320.
- 43. Ronald M. Kaplan, Martin Kay, Regular Models of Phonological Rule Systems, Computational Linguistics, v.20 n.3, September 1994
- 44. Bill Keller, DATR Theories and DATR Models, Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting on Association for Computational Linguistics, p.55-62, June 26-30, 1995, Cambridge, Massachusetts doi:10.3115/981658.981666
- 45. Kilbury, James. 1993. Strict Inheritance and the Taxonomy of Lexical Types in DATR. Unpublished Manuscript, University of Duesseldorf.
- 46. James Kilbury, Petra Naerger, Ingrid Renz, DATR As a Lexical Component for PATR, Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, p.137-142, April 09-11, 1991, Berlin, Germany doi:10.3115/977180.977204
- 47. Kilbury, James, Petra {Barg} Naerger, and Ingrid Renz. 1994. Simulation Lexicalischen Erwerbs. In Sascha W. Felix, Christopher Habel, and Gert Rickheit Kognitive Linguistik: Repraesentation Und Prozesse. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, Pages 251--271.
- 48. Adam Kilgarriff, Inheriting Verb Alternations, Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, April 21-23, 1993, Utrecht, The Netherlands doi:10.3115/976744.976770
- 49. Kilgarriff, Adam. 1995. Inheriting Polysemy. In Patrick Saint-Dizier & Evelyne Viegas, Editors. Computational Lexical Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- 50. Kilgarriff, Adam and Gerald Gazdar. 1995. Polysemous Relations. In F. R. Palmer, Editor. Grammar and Meaning: Essays in Honour of Sir John Lyons. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Pages 1--25.
- 51. Krieger, Hans-Ulrich. 1994. Derivation Without Lexical Rules. In C. J. Rupp, M. A. Rosner, and R. L. Johnson, Editors. Constraints, Language and Computation. London: Academic Press, Pages 277--313.
- 52. Hans-Ulrich Krieger, John Nerbonne, Feature-based Inheritance Networks for Computational Lexicons, Inheritance, Defaults and the Lexicon, Cambridge University Press, New York, NY, 1994
- 53. Hans-Ulrich Krieger, Hannes Pirker, John Nerbonne, Feature-based Allomorphy, Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting on Association for Computational Linguistics, p.140-147, June 22-26, 1993, Columbus, Ohio doi:10.3115/981574.981593
- 54. Hagen Langer, Reverse Queries in DATR, Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Computational Linguistics, August 05-09, 1994, Kyoto, Japan doi:10.3115/991250.991327
- 55. Langer, Hagen and Dafydd Gibbon. 1992. DATR As a Graph Representation Language for ILEX Speech Oriented Lexica. Technical Report ASL-TR-43-92/UBI, University of Bielefeld.
- 56. Lascarides, Alex, Nicholas Asher, Ted Briscoe, and Ann Copestake. Forthcoming. Order Independent and Persistent Typed Default Unification. Linguistics & Philosophy 19(1):1--89.
- 57. Light, Marc. 1994. Classification in Feature-based Default Inheritance Hierarchies. In Harald Trost, Editor. Proceedings of KONVENS-94, Pages 220--229, Vienna: Oesterreichische Gesellschaft Fuer Artificial Intelligence.
- 58. Marc Light, Sabine Reinhard, Marie Boyle-Hinrichs, INSYST: An Automatic Inserter System for Hierarchical Lexica, Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, April 21-23, 1993, Utrecht, The Netherlands doi:10.3115/976744.976809
- 59. Paul McFetridge, Aline Villavicencio, A Hierarchial Description of the Portuguese Verb, Proceedings of the 12th Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, p.302-311, October 10-12, 1995
- 60. Mellish, Chris and Ehud Reiter. 1993. Using Classification As a Programming Language. IJCAI-93, Pages 696--701.
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- 62. Nerbonne, John. 1992. Feature-based Lexicons --- an Example and a Comparison to DATR. In Dorothee Reimann, Editor. Beitrage Des ASL-Lexicon-Workshops. Wandtlitz, Pages 36--49.
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- 69. Sabine Reinhard, Dafydd Gibbon, Prosodic Inheritance and Morphological Generalisations, Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, p.131-136, April 09-11, 1991, Berlin, Germany doi:10.3115/977180.977203
- 70. Ehud Reiter, Chris Mellish, Using Classification to Generate Text, Proceedings of the 30th Annual Meeting on Association for Computational Linguistics, p.265-272, June 28-July 02, 1992, Newark, Delaware doi:10.3115/981967.982001
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- 77. David S. Touretzky, The Mathematics of Inheritance Systems, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., San Francisco, CA, 1986
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Author | volume | Date Value | title | type | journal | titleUrl | doi | note | year | |
1996 DATRaLanguageforLexicalKnowledg | Roger Evans Gerald Gazdar | DATR: A Language for Lexical Knowledge Representation | 1996 |