1996 ANewStatParserBasedOnBigramLexDeps
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- (Collins, 1996) ⇒ Michael Collins. (1996). “A New Statistical Parser Based on Bigram Lexical Dependencies.” In: Proceedings of ACL-1996 (ACL 1996). doi:10.3115/981863.981888
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This paper describes a new statistical parser which is based on probabilities of dependencies between head-words in the parse tree. Standard bigram probability estimation techniques are extended to calculate probabilities of dependencies between pairs of words. Tests using Wall Street Journal data show that the method performs at least as well as SPATTER (Magerman 95; Jelinek et al. 94), which has the best published results for a statistical parser on this task. The simplicity of the approach means the model trains on 40,000 sentences in under 15 minutes. With a beam search strategy parsing speed can be improved to over 200 sentences a minute with negligible loss in accuracy.
- 1 E. Black, Steven P. Abney, S. Flickenger, C. Gdaniec, C. Grishman, P. Harrison, D. Hindle, R. Ingria, F. Jelinek, J. Klavans, M. Liberman, M. Marcus, S. Roukos, B. Santorini, T. Strzalkowski, Procedure for quantitatively comparing the syntactic coverage of English grammars, Proceedings of the workshop on Speech and Natural Language, p.306-311, February 19-22, 1991, Pacific Grove, California doi:10.3115/112405.112467
- 2 Ted Briscoe, John Carroll, Generalized probabilistic LR parsing of natural language (Corpora) with unification-based grammars, Computational Linguistics, v.19 n.1, March 1993
- 3 Kenneth W. Church, A stochastic parts program and noun phrase parser for unrestricted text, Proceedings of the second Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing, February 09-12, 1988, Austin, Texas doi:10.3115/974235.974260
- 4 Michael Collins and J. Brooks. (1995). Prepositional Phrase Attachment through a Backed-off Model. Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Very Large Corpora, pages 27--38.
- 5 Donald Hindle, Mats Rooth, Structural ambiguity and lexical relations, Computational Linguistics, v.19 n.1, March 1993
- 6 F. Jelinek, Self-organized language modeling for speech recognition, Readings in speech recognition, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., San Francisco, CA, 1990
- 7 F. Jelinek, John D. Lafferty, D. Magerman, R. Mercer, Adwait Ratnaparkhi, S. Roukos, Decision tree parsing using a hidden derivation model, Proceedings of the workshop on Human Language Technology, March 08-11, 1994, Plainsboro, NJ doi:10.3115/1075812.1075873
- 8 John D. Lafferty, D. Sleator and, D. Temperley. (1992). Grammatical Trigrams: A Probabilistic Model of Link Grammar. Proceedings of the 1992 AAAI Fall Symposium on Probabilistic Approaches to Natural Language.
- 9 David M. Magerman, Statistical decision-tree models for parsing, Proceedings of the 33rd annual meeting on Association for Computational Linguistics, p.276-283, June 26-30, 1995, Cambridge, Massachusetts doi:10.3115/981658.981695
- 10 David M. Magerman, Mitchell P. Marcus, Pearl: a probabilistic chart parser, Proceedings of the fifth conference on European chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, p.15-20, April 09-11, 1991, Berlin, Germany doi:10.3115/977180.977184
- 11 Mitchell P. Marcus, Mary Ann Marcinkiewicz, Beatrice Santorini, Building a large annotated corpus of English: the penn treebank, Computational Linguistics, v.19 n.2, June 1993
- 12 Fernando Pereira, Yves Schabes, Inside-outside reestimation from partially bracketed corpora, Proceedings of the 30th annual meeting on Association for Computational Linguistics, p.128-135, June 28-July 02, 1992, Newark, Delaware doi:10.3115/981967.981984
- 13 L. Ramshaw and M. Marcus. (1995). Text Chunking using Transformation-based Learning. Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Very Large Corpora, pages 82--94.
- 14 Adwait Ratnaparkhi. (1996). A Maximum Entropy Model for Part-Of-Speech Tagging. Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, May (1996).
- 15 M. M. Wood. (1993). Categorial Grammars, Routledge.
Author | volume | Date Value | title | type | journal | titleUrl | doi | note | year | |
1996 ANewStatParserBasedOnBigramLexDeps | Michael Collins | A new statistical parser based on bigram lexical dependencies | Proceedings of ACL-1996 | http://acl.ldc.upenn.edu/P/P96/P96-1025.pdf | 10.3115/981863.981888 | 1996 |