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An Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Its Applications, 2nd edition +
Attention, Intentions, and the Structure of Discourse +
Automatic Sense Disambiguation Uusing Machine Readable Dictionaries: How to tell a pine cone from a ice cream cone +
Documentation - Guidelines for the Establishment and Development of Monolingual Thesauri, 2nd ed +
Law's Empire +
Learning Distributed Representations of Concepts +
Learning internal representations by error propagation +
Lexical Semantics +
Semantics and Quantification in Natural Language Question Answering +
Stabilizing An Unstable Economy +
The Forms of Capital +
Engineering Statistics +
Inference in Text Understanding +
Intention = Choice + Commitment +
Markup Systems and the Future of Scholarly Text Processing +
Reactive Reasoning and Planning +
Real-time Heuristic Search: First Results +
Stochastic Blockmodels for Directed Graphs +
Truth and Beauty: Aesthetics and Motivations in Science +
Algorithms for Clustering Data +
Automatic Generation of Hypertext Knowledge Bases +
Dependency Syntax: Theory and Practice +
Interpretation As Abduction +
Learning Quickly When Irrelevant Attributes Abound: A New Linear-Threshold Algorithm +
Locally Weighted Regression: an Approach to Regression Analysis by Local Fitting +
Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media +
Mind Children: The Future of Robot and Human Intelligence +
On Language and Connectionism: Analysis of a Parallel Distributed Processing Model of Language Acquisition +
Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems: Networks of Plausible Inference +
Queries and Concept Learning +
Relational Models of the Lexicon: Representing Knowledge in Semantic Networks +
Self-Organization and Associative Memory +
The {C} Programming Language, Second Edition +
The Design of Everyday Things +
The Knowledge Acquisition Bottleneck: Time for Reassessment? +
Toyota Production System: Beyond Large-scale Production. +
An Introduction to Concept Mapping for Planning and Evaluation +
Bibliometric Measurement of Research Performance and Price’s Theory of Differences Among the Sciences +
Hypertext, Full Text, and Automatic Linking +
Infinite Words with Linear Subword Complexity +
On the Limited Memory BFGS Method for Large Scale Optimization +
Parsing By Chunks +
Relative Entropy Measures of Multivariate Dependence +
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People +
The N-Best Algorithm: An Efficient Procedure for Finding Top N Sentence Hypotheses +
The Weighted Majority Algorithm +
A Bridging Model for Parallel Computation +
An Apprentice that Discovers Hypertext Links +
An Application of Case Relations to Document Retrieval +
Approximation Algorithms for Scheduling Unrelated Parallel Machines +
Basic Local Alignment Search Tool +
Biolexicon: A Guide to the Language of Biology +
Building Large Knowledge-based Systems; Representation and Inference in the Cyc Project, 1st edition +
Computational Models of Scientific Discovery and Theory Formation +
Domain Description Grammar: Application of linguistic semantics +
Finding Groups in Data. An Introduction to Cluster Analysis +
Gender Differences in Mathematics Performance: A Meta-analysis. +
Indexing by Latent Semantic Analysis +
Integrated Architecture for Learning, Planning, and Reacting based on Approximating Dynamic Programming +
Learning Logical Definitions from Relations +
Matrix Multiplication via Arithmetic Progressions +
Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models for Repeated Measures Data +
Poverty and Opportunity Structure in Rural America +
Real-time Heuristic Search +
Reengineering Work: Don't Automate, Obliterate +
Reverse Engineering and Design Recovery: A Taxonomy +
TREAT: A New and Efficient Match Algorithm for AI Production Systems +
The Fair Wage-effort Hypothesis and Unemployment +
The Symbol Grounding Problem +
Envisioning Information +
Instance-based Learning Algorithms +
Integration-Kid: A Learning Companion System +
Introduction to the Theory of Neurol Computation +
Moving From the Old to the New: Research on Reading Comprehension Instruction +
Ratio and Product Type Exponential Estimators +
Rule Induction Using Information Theory +
Statistical Data Analysis in the Computer Age +
The Frame Problem in Situation the Calculus: A Simple Solution (sometimes) and a Completeness Result for Goal Regression +
The Generative Lexicon +
The Generative Power of Categorical Grammars and Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammars with Lexical Rules +
The Work of Nations: Preparing Ourselves for 21st Century Capitalis +
Word-Sense Disambiguation Using Statistical Methods +
A Bayesian Method for the Induction of Probabilistic Networks from Data +
A Simple Rule-based Part of Speech Tagger +
Acceleration of Stochastic Approximation by Averaging +
Agent Oriented Programming: An Overview of the Framework and Summary of Recent Research +
Association-based Natural Language Processing with Neural Networks +
Automatic Acquisition of Hyponyms from Large Text Corpora +
Class-based N-gram Models of Natural Language +
Feudal Reinforcement Learning +
Information Filtering and Information Retrieval: Two Sides of the Same Coin? +
Knowledge of the Firm, Combinative Capabilities, and the Replication of Technology +
Multivariate Density Estimation: theory, practice, and visualization +
One Sense per Discourse +
On the Approximability of the Maximum Common Subgraph Problem +
Probability +
Technical Note : \cal Q -Learning +
Query by Committee +
Reinventing Government: How the Entrepreneurial Spirit is Transforming the Public Sector +