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List of results
- 2012 ARobustRealtimeReadingSkimmingC + (A Robust Realtime Reading-skimming Classifier)
- 1929 ARoomofOnesOwn + (A Room of One's Own)
- 1994 RuleBasedPPDisambiguation + (A Rule-based Approach to Prepositional Phrase Attachment Disambiguation)
- 2010 AScalableTwoStageApproachforaCl + (A Scalable Two-stage Approach for a Class of Dimensionality Reduction Techniques)
- 2005 ASearchEngineTechUsingRelBasedKeywords + (A Search Engine Technique Using Relation Based Keywords)
- 2023 ASearchforPromptsGeneratingStru + (A Search for Prompts: Generating Structured Answers from Contracts)
- 2007 ASeedDrivBotUpMLFrameworkForExtrRels + (A Seed-driven Bottom-up Machine Learning Framework for Extracting Relations of Various Complexity)
- 2007 ASemanticApproachToTextualEntailment + (A Semantic Approach To Textual Entailment: System Evaluation and Task Analysis)
- 2007 ASemanticApproachtoContextualAd + (A Semantic Approach to Contextual Advertising)
- 2005 ASemApproachToRecogTextualEntailment + (A Semantic Approach to Recognizing Textual Entailment)
- 2005 ASemanticKernelToClassifyText + (A Semantic Kernel to Classify Text with Very Few Training Examples)
- 2010 ASemWebPageLingAnnModel + (A Semantic Web Page Linguistic Annotation Model)
- 2012 ASemiSupervisedApproachtoExtrac + (A Semi-supervised Approach to Extracting Multiword Entity Names from User Reviews)
- 2010 ASemiSupervisedKeyPhraseExtract + (A Semi-supervised Key Phrase Extraction Approach: Learning from Title Phrases through a Document Semantic Network)
- 2008 ASequentialDualMethodforLargeSc + (A Sequential Dual Method for Large Scale Multi-class Linear Svms)
- 2012 ASequentialRecommendationApproa + (A Sequential Recommendation Approach for Interactive Personalized Story Generation)
- 2017 AServiceComputingManifestoTheNe + (A Service Computing Manifesto: The Next 10 Years)
- Business Service + (A Service Computing Manifesto: The Next 10 Years)
- 2012 AShapeletTransformforTimeSeries + (A Shapelet Transform for Time Series Classification)
- 1999 AShortIntroToBoosting + (A Short Introduction to Boosting)
- 2012 AShortIntroductiontoProbabilist + (A Short Introduction to Probabilistic Soft Logic)
- 2005 AShortestPathDependencyRelationExtraction + (A Shortest Path Dependency Kernel for Relation Extraction)
- 2005 SimpleApproachToProteinNER + (A Simple Approach for Protein Name Identification: prospects and limits)
- 2012 ASimpleMethodologyforSoftCostSe + (A Simple Methodology for Soft Cost-sensitive Classification)
- 2002 ASimpleApproachToEmptyNodeFilling + (A Simple Pattern-Matching Algorithm for Recovering Empty Nodes and Their Antecedents)
- 2017 ASimpleRegularizationbasedAlgor + (A Simple Regularization-based Algorithm for Learning Cross-Domain Word Embeddings)
- 1992 ASimpleRulebasedPOSTagger + (A Simple Rule-based Part of Speech Tagger)
- 1993 ASimpleRulebasedPOSTagger + (A Simple Rule-based Part of Speech Tagger)
- 2011 ASimpleStatisticalModelandAssoc + (A Simple Statistical Model and Association Rule Filtering for Classification)
- 2009 ASoftwareEngineeringApproachtoO + (A Software Engineering Approach to Ontology Building)
- 2008 ASoftwareSystemforBuzzbasedReco + (A Software System for Buzz-based Recommendations)
- 1997 ASolutiontoPlatosProblemTheLate + (A Solution to Plato's Problem: The Latent Semantic Analysis Theory of Acquisition, Induction, and Representation of Knowledge.)
- 2013 ASpaceEfficientStreamingAlgorit + (A Space Efficient Streaming Algorithm for Triangle Counting Using the Birthday Paradox)
- 2012 ASparsityInducingFormulationfor + (A Sparsity-inducing Formulation for Evolutionary Co-clustering)
- 2011 AStackedSubWordModelforJointChi + (A Stacked Sub-word Model for Joint Chinese Word Segmentation and Part-of-speech Tagging)
- 1998 AStatisticalApproachToAnaphoraResolution + (A Statistical Approach to Anaphora Resolution)
- 1996 AStochasticFSWordSegAlgForChi + (A Stochastic Finite-state Word-Segmentation Algorithm for Chinese)
- 2012 AStructuralClusterKernelforLear + (A Structural Cluster Kernel for Learning on Graphs)
- 2017 AStructuredSelfAttentiveSentenc + (A Structured Self-attentive Sentence Embedding)
- 1995 AStudyOfCrossValidAndBoostrap + (A Study of Cross-Validation and Bootstrap for Accuracy Estimation and Model Selection)
- 2004 AStudyofSmoothingMethodsforLang + (A Study of Smoothing Methods for Language Models Applied to Information Retrieval)
- 2017 AStudyofSmoothingMethodsforLang + (A Study of Smoothing Methods for Language Models Applied to Ad Hoc Information Retrieval)
- 2010 AStudyoftheUniquenessofSourceCo + (A Study of the Uniqueness of Source Code)
- 2014 ASurveyofAutomatedTextSimplific + (A Survey of Automated Text Simplification)
- 2012 ASurveyofBayesianPredictiveMeth + (A Survey of Bayesian Predictive Methods for Model Assessment, Selection and Comparison)
- 2002 SurveyOfClusteringDMTechniques + (A Survey of Clustering Data Mining Techniques)
- 2005 ASurveyOfCurrWorkInBioTextMining + (A Survey of Current Work in Biomedical Text Mining)
- 2002 ASurveyOfDimeRedTech + (A Survey of Dimension Reduction Techniques)
- 2004 ASurveyOfEmergingTrendDetection + (A Survey of Emerging Trend Detection in Textual Data Mining)
- 2003 ASurveyOfKernelsForStructuredData + (A Survey of Kernels for Structured Data)
- 2023 ASurveyofLargeLanguageModels + (A Survey of Large Language Models)
- 2018 ASurveyofMachineLearningforBigC + (A Survey of Machine Learning for Big Code and Naturalness)