1991 WordSenseDisambigUsingStatMethods

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Subject Headings: Word Sense Disambiguation Task.


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We describe a statistical technique for assigning senses to words. An instance of a word is assigned a sense by asking a question about the context in which the word appears. The question is constructed to have high mutual information with the translation of that instance in another language. When we incorporated this method of assigning senses into our statistical machine translation system, the error rate of the system decreased by thirteen percent.

A Pilot Experiment

We used the flip-flop algorithm in a pilot experiment in which we assigned two senses to each of the 500 most common English words and two senses to each of the 200 most common French words.

Future Work

Since the entropy of the translation of a common word can be as high as five bits, there is reason to hope that using more senses will further improve the performance of our system.



 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
1991 WordSenseDisambigUsingStatMethodsPeter F. Brown
Robert L. Mercer
Vincent J. Della Pietra
Stephen A. Della Pietra
Word-Sense Disambiguation Using Statistical MethodsProceedings of the 29th annual meeting on Association for Computational Linguisticshttp://acl.ldc.upenn.edu/P/P91/P91-1034.pdf10.3115/981344.9813781991