1992 ClassBasedNGramModelsOfNL

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Subject Headings: Word N-gram Model, Brown Word-Hierarchy Cluster, Brown et al Clustering Algorithm.


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We address the problem of predicting a word from previous words in a sample of text. In particular, we discuss n-gram models based on classes of words. We also discuss several statistical algorithms for assigning words to classes based on the frequency of their co-occurrence with other words. We find that we are able to extract classes that have the flavor of either syntactically based groupings or semantically based groupings, depending on the nature of the underlying statistics.


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 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
1992 ClassBasedNGramModelsOfNLPeter F. Brown
Peter V. deSouza
Robert L. Mercer
Vincent J. Della Pietra
Jenifer C. Lai
Class-based N-gram Models of Natural LanguageComputational Linguistics (CL) Research Areahttp://acl.ldc.upenn.edu/J/J92/J92-4003.pdf1992