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Showing 100 pages using this property.
A Calculus for Probabilistic Languages  +
A Comparison of String Distance Metrics for Name-Matching Tasks  +
A Data Mining Ontology for Grid Programming  +
A Decision Rule for Identifying Children at Low Risk for Brain Injuries After Blunt Head Trauma  +
A Neural Probabilistic Language Model  +
A Note on the Unification of Information Extraction and Data Mining using Conditional-Probability, Relational Models  +
A Practical Guide to Support Vector Classification  +
A Reference Ontology for Biomedical Informatics: The Foundational Model of Anatomy  +
A Survey of Kernels for Structured Data  +
A Symbolic Representation of Time Series, with Implications for Streaming Algorithms  +
Accurate Unlexicalized Parsing  +
Adaptive Duplicate Detection Using Learnable String Similarity Measures  +
Aggregation-based Feature Invention and Relational Concept Classes  +
An Efficient Boosting Algorithm for Combining Preferences  +
An Empirical Model of Multiword Expression Decomposability  +
An Evaluation on Feature Selection for Text Clustering  +
An Introduction to MCMC for Machine Learning  +
An Introduction to Variable and Feature Selection  +
An Introduction to Description Logics  +
An Introduction to Boosting and Leveraging  +
Automatic Annotation of Content-rich HTML Documents: Structural and Semantic Analysis  +
Automatic Evaluation of Summaries Using N-gram Co-occurrence Statistics  +
Automatic Ontology-based Knowledge Extraction from Web Documents  +
Bayesian Artificial Intelligence  +
Benchmark Test for Speech Recognition Using the Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese  +
Bibliographic Attribute Extraction from Erroneous References Based on a Statistical Model  +
Review of (Freund & Schapire, 1999) “A Short Introduction to Boosting”; and (Collins, 2000), “Discriminative Reranking for Natural Language Parsing”  +
COPLINK: managing law enforcement data and knowledge  +
Column Reduction During Progressive Sampling  +
Comparing Convolution Kernels and Recursive Neural Networks for Learning Preferences on Structured Data  +
Comparing Top k Lists  +
The Description Logic Handbook: theory, implementation, and applications  +
Design and Analysis of Cross over Trials  +
Determining Semantic Similarity among Entity Classes from Different Ontologies  +
Discourse Segmentation of Multi-party Conversation  +
Distance Metric Learning with Application to Clustering with Side-information  +
Document Clustering Based on Non-Negative Matrix Factorization  +
Early Results for Named Entity Recognition with Conditional Random Fields, Feature Induction and Web-Enhanced Lexicons.  +
Early Results for Named Entity Recognition with Conditional Random Fields, Feature Induction and Web-Enhanced Lexicons.  +
Efficient Record Linkage in Large Data Sets  +
Efficiently Inducing Features of Conditional Random Fields  +
Employing Trainable String Similarity Metrics for Information Integration  +
Event Information Extraction Using Link Grammar  +
Evidence Combination in Biomedical Natural-Language Processing  +
Explaining Text Clustering Results Using Semantic Structures  +
Extracting Biochemical Interactions from MEDLINE Using a Link Grammar Parser  +
Extracting Synonymous Gene and Protein Terms from Biological Literature  +
Fast methods for kernel-based text analysis  +
Feature Extraction Languages for Propositionalized Relational Learning  +
Feature Extraction by Non Parametric Mutual Information Maximization  +
Finite State Morphology  +
First-Order Probabilistic Inference  +
Fitting Multiplicative Models by Robust Alternating Regressions  +
Friends and Neighbors on the Web  +
Fuzzy Coreference Resolution for Summarization  +
GENIA Corpus - a semantically annotated corpus for bio-textmining  +
Grounding spatial named entities for information extraction and question answering  +
Head-Driven Statistical Models for Natural Language Parsing  +
Hierarchical Hidden Markov Models for Information Extraction  +
Hierarchical Document Clustering using Frequent Itemsets  +
How I Write  +
Identity Uncertainty and Citation Matching  +
Improving Word Sense Disambiguation in Lexical Chaining  +
Inducing Hyper­linking Rules in Text Collections  +
Information Extraction  +
Information-Theoretic Co-Clustering  +
Integrating Information Extraction and Automatic Hyperlinking  +
Introduction to the CoNLL-2003 Shared Task: Language-Independent Named Entity Recognition  +
Investigating Semantic Similarity Measures Across the Gene Ontology: The Relationship Between Sequence and Annotation  +
Jess in Action: Java Rule-based Systems  +
KIM - Semantic Annotation Platform  +
Kernel Methods for Relation Extraction  +
Language Independent Authorship Attribution Using Character Level Language Models  +
Language Modeling for Information Retrieval  +
Latent Dirichlet Allocation  +
Learning with Progressive Transductive Support Vector Machine  +
Link Prediction in Relational Data  +
Machine learning and data mining for yeast functional genomics  +
Matching Graphs by Pivoting  +
Maximum Entropy Models for FrameNet Classification  +
Max-Margin Markov Networks  +
Maximizing the Spread of Influence Through a Social Network  +
Methodologies, Tools and Languages for Building Ontologies. Where is their meeting point?  +
Minimum Error Rate Training in Statistical Machine Translation  +
Mining Data Records in Web Pages  +
Mining the Peanut Gallery: Opinion extraction and semantic classification of product reviews  +
Mining Topic-Specific Concepts and Definitions on the Web  +
Modeling Annotated Data  +
Modelling Binary Data, 2nd edition  +
Natural Language Parsing: Graphs, the A* Algorithm, and Modularity  +
Named Entity Recognition through Classifier Combination  +
Named Entity Recognition with Character-level Models  +
Novelty Detection: A Reviewâpart 1: Statistical Approaches  +
On Kernel Methods for Relational Learning  +
Ontologies for Enterprise Knowledge Management  +
Ontologies Improve Text Document Clustering  +
Ontology Learning and Its Application to Automated Terminology Translation  +
Ontology Mapping: the State of the Art  +
Order Statistics  +
Overview of the TREC 2003 Question Answering Track  +