2003 AutomaticOntologyBasedKEfromWebDocs
- (Alani et al., 2003) ⇒ Harith Alani, Sanghee Kim, David E. Millard, Mark J. Weal, Wendy Hall, Paul H. Lewis, Nigel R. Shadbolt. (2003). “Automatic Ontology-based Knowledge Extraction from Web Documents.” In: IEEE Intelligent Systems, 18(1).
Subject Headings: Artequakt Project, Artequakt.
Cited By
- The Artequakt project seeks to automatically extract knowledge about artists from the Web, populate a knowledge base, and use it to generate personalized narrative biographies. The system architecture has three key components-knowledge extraction, information management, and biography construction. An example of the generation of a short biography of Rembrandt illustrates Artequakt's functionality.