2003 ADataMinOntoforGridProg

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Subject Headings: Data Mining Ontology.


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The Grid is an integrated infrastructure for coordinated resource sharing and problem solving in distributed environments. The effective and efficient use of stored data and its transformation into information and knowledge will be a main driver in Grid evolution. The use of ontologies to describe Grid resources will simplify and structure the systematic building of Grid applications through the composition and reuse of software components and the development of knowledge-based services and tools. The paper presents an ontology for the Data Mining domain that can be used to simplify the development of distributed knowledge discovery applications on the Grid, offering to a domain expert a reference model for the different kind of data mining tasks, methodologies and software available to solve a given problem, helping a user in finding the most appropriate solution. How the DAMON ontology is used to enhance the design of distributed data mining applications on the KNOWLEDGE GRID is also shown.



 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
2003 ADataMinOntoforGridProgMario Cannataro
Carmela Comito
A Data Mining Ontology for Grid Programminghttp://grid.deis.unical.it/papers/pdf/SemPGRID2003.pdf