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Showing 100 pages using this property.
2002 TowardsBestPracticeForMWEinCompLex
Charles J. Fillmore
Ralph Grishman
Nicoletta Calzolari
2002 UnsupervisedFeatSelUsingFeatureSim
Pabitra Mitra
C. A. Murthy
Sankar K. Pal
2002 UsingTheIntelMinerForData
International Business Machines (IBM) Corporation (1911-)
2002 WeightedFiniteStateTransiSpRecog
Mehryar Mohria
Fernando Pereirab
Michael Rileya
2002 WhatIsAStatisticalModel
Peter McCullagh
2002 WhenisaCognitiveSystemEmbodied
Alexander Riegler
2003 ACalculusforProbabilisticLangua
Sungwoo Park
2003 AComparisonOfStringEditDistMetrics
William W. Cohen
Pradeep Ravikumar
Stephen E. Fienberg
2003 ADataMinOntoforGridProg
Mario Cannataro
Carmela Comito
2003 ADecisionRuleForIdChildAtLowRiskForBrainInj
Michael J. Palchak
James F. Holmes
Cheryl W. Vance
2003 ANeuralProbabilisticLanguageMod
Yoshua Bengio
Pascal Vincent
Christian Janvin
2003 ANoteOnTheUnifOfIEandDM
David Jensen
Andrew McCallum
2003 APracticalGuideToSVClassification
Chih-Jen Lin
Chih-Wei Hsu
Chih-Chung Chang
2003 AReferenceOntologyforBiomedical
Cornelius Rosse
José L. V. Mejino Jr.
2003 ASurveyOfKernelsForStructuredData
Thomas Gärtner
2003 ASymbolicRepresentationofTimeSe
Eamonn Keogh
Jessica Lin
Stefano Lonardi
2003 AccurateUnlexicalizedParsing
Dan Klein
Christopher D. Manning
2003 AdaptiveDuplicateDetection
Mikhail Bilenko
Raymond J. Mooney
2003 AggregationbasedFeatureInventio
Foster Provost
Claudia Perlich
2003 AnEfficientBoostingAlgForCombPref
Yoav Freund
Raj Iyer
Robert E. Schapire
2003 AnEmpiricalModelOfMWExprDecomp
Timothy Baldwin
Colin Bannard
Takaaki Tanaka
2003 AnEvalOnFeatureSelectForTextCluster
Wei-Ying Ma
Zheng Chen
Tao Liu
2003 AnIntroToMCMCforML
Christophe Andrieu
Arnaud Doucet
Nando de Freitas
2003 AnIntroToVariableAndFeatureSelection
Isabelle M. Guyon
André Elisseeff
2003 AnIntroductionToDescriptionLogics
Daniele Nardi
Ronald J. Brachman
2003 AnIntrotoBoostandLeverag
Ron Meir
Gunnar Rätsch
2003 AutomaticAnnotOfContentRichTHMLDocs
Saikat Mukherjee
Guizhen Yang
I.V. Ramakrishnan
2003 AutomaticEvalOfSummsUsingNgramCooccur
Eduard Hovy
Chin-Yew Lin
2003 AutomaticOntologyBasedKEfromWebDocs
Harith Alani
Sanghee Kim
David E. Millard
2003 BayesianArtificialIntelligence
Kevin B. Korb
Ann E. Nicholson
2003 BenchmarkTestforSpeechRecogniti
Tatsuya Kawahara
Hiroaki Nanjo
Takahiro Shinozaki
2003 BibliographicAttrExtractFromErroRefBasedOnAStatModel
Atsuhiro Takasu
2003 CMPT825 GMelli Review
Gabor Melli
Hsinchun Chen
Daniel Zeng
Homa Atabakhsh
2003 ColumnReductionDuringProgressiveSampling
Gabor Melli
Siavash Amirrezvani
Felix Chen
2003 ComparingConvolKernelsAndRecursiveNNs
Massimiliano Pontil
Sauro Menchetti
Fabrizio Costa
2003 ComparingTopKLists
Ronald Fagin
Ravi Kumar
D. Sivakumar
2003 DescriptionLogicHandbook
Franz Baader
Diego Calvanese
Deborah McGuinness
2003 DesignandAnalysisofCrossoverTri
Byron Jones
Michael G Kenward
2003 DeterminingSemSimAmongEntClasses
M. Andrea Rodríguez
Max J. Egenhofer
2003 DiscourseSegmentationofMultiPar
Hongyan Jing
Kathleen R. McKeown
Michel Galley
2003 DistanceMetricLearningwithAppli
Eric P. Xing
Andrew Y. Ng
Stuart J. Russell
2003 DocumentClustBasedOnNonNegMatFact
Wei Xu
Xin Liu
Yihong Gong
2003 EarlyResultsForNERwithCRFs
2003 EarlyResultsForNERwithCRFs
Andrew McCallum
Wei Li
2003 EfficientRecordLinkageinLargeDa
Sharad Mehrotra
Liang Jin
Chen Li
2003 EfficientlyInducingFeaturesofCo
2003 EmployingTrainableStringSimilarityMetrics
Mikhail Bilenko
Raymond J. Mooney
2003 EventInfoExtractionUsingLinkGrammar
Harsha V. Madhyastha
N. Balakrishnan
K. R. Ramakrishnan
2003 EvidenceCombInBiomedNLP
Mark Craven
Marios Skounakis
2003 ExplainingTextClustResultsUsingSemanticStruct
Steffen Staab
Andreas Hotho
Gerd Stumme
2003 ExtractingBioInteractionsWithALinkParser
Jun Xu
Jing Ding
Daniel Berleant
2003 ExtractingSynonymousGeneProteinTerms
Hong Yu
Eugene Agichtein
2003 FastMethodsForKernelBasedTextAnalysis
Taku Kudo
Y. Matsumoto
2003 FeatExtrLangForPropositionalizedRelLearning
Chad Cumby
2003 FeatureExtractionbyNonParametri
Kari Torkkola
2003 FiniteStateMorphology
Kenneth R. Beesley
Lauri Karttunen
2003 FirstOrderProbInfer
David Poole
2003 FittingMultiplicativeModelsbyRo
Peter J. Rousseeuw
Christopher Croux
Peter Filzmoser
2003 FriendsAndNeighbors
Lada A. Adamic
Eytan Adar
2003 FuzzyCoreferenceResolution
René Witte
Sabine Bergler
2003 GENIAcorpus
Jun'ichi Tsujii
Tomoko Ohta
Jin-Dong Kim
2003 GroundingSpatialNamedEntsForIEandQA
JL Leidner
G Sinclair
B Webber
2003 HeadDrivenStatModelsForNLP
Michael Collins
2003 HierHiddenMarkovModelsForIE
Mark Craven
Soumya Ray
Marios Skounakis
2003 HierarchicalDocClusteringUsingFreqItemsets
Martin Ester
Benjamin C. M. Fung
Ke Wang
2003 HowIWrite
Robert M. Sapolsky
2003 IdentityUncertaintyAndCitationMatching
Hanna Pasula
Bhaskara Marthi
Brian Milch
2003 ImprovingWSDinLexicalChaining
Kathleen R. McKeown
Michel Galley
2003 IncomeInequalityintheUnitedStat
Thomas Piketty (1971-present)
Emmanuel Saez
2003 InducingHyperlinkingRulesInTextCollections
Roberto Basili
Maria Teresa Pazienza
Fabio Massimo Zanzotto
2003 InformationExtraction
Ralph Grishman
2003 InformationTheoreticCoClustering
Inderjit S. Dhillon
Subramanyam Mallela
Dharmendra S. Modha
2003 IntegratingInfExtrAndAutoHlinking
Stephan Busemann
Witold Drozdzynski
Hans-Ulrich Krieger
2003 IntroductionToTheCoNLL2003SharedTask
Erik Tjong Kim Sang
F. De Meulder
2003 InvestSemantSimMeasAcrossTheGeneOntoTheRelBetwSeqAndAnno
Phillip W. Lord
Robert D. Stevens
Andy Brass
2003 JessInAction
Ernest Friedman-Hill
2003 KIMSemanticAnnotPlatform
Atanas Kiryakov
Borislav Popov
Dimitar Manov
2003 KernelMethodsForRelationExtraction
Chinatsu Aone
Dmitry Zelenko
Anthony Richardella
2003 LanguageIndependentAuthorshipAt
Fuchun Peng
Dale Schuurmans
Shaojun Wang
2003 LanguageModelingForInformationRetrieval
John D. Lafferty
W. Bruce Croft
2003 LatentDirichletAllocation
Andrew Y. Ng
Michael I. Jordan
David M. Blei
2003 LearningwithProgressiveTransduc
Yisong Chen
Guoping Wang
Shihai Dong
2003 LinkPredictionInRelData
Daphne Koller
Pieter Abbeel
Ming-Fai Wong
2003 MLandDMforYeastFunctionalGenomics
Amanda Clare
2003 MatchingGraphsbyPivoting
Alessio Massaro
Marcello Pelillo
2003 MaxEntForFrameNetClassification
Eduard Hovy
Namhee Kwon
Michael Fleischman
2003 MaxMarginMarkovNetworks
Daphne Koller
Carlos Guestrin
Ben Taskar
2003 MaximizingSpreadOfInfluence
David Kempe
Jon Kleinberg
Éva Tardos
2003 MethodToolsAndLangForBuildOntol
Oscar Corcho
Mariano Fernández-López
Asunción Gómez Pérez
2003 MinimumErrorRateTraininginStati
Franz Josef Och
2003 MiningDataRecordsInWebPages
Bing Liu
Robert L. Grossman
Yanhong Zhai
2003 MiningThePeanutGallery
Steve Lawrence
David M. Pennock
Kushal Dave
2003 MiningTopicSpecificConceptsAndDefsOnTheWeb
Bing Liu
Hwee Tou Ng
Chee Wee Chin
2003 ModelingAnnotatedData
Michael I. Jordan
David M. Blei
2003 ModellingBinaryData
David Collett
2003 NLParsingGraphsAStarAlgModularity
Dan Klein
Christopher D. Manning
Roger Levy
2003 NamedERtClassifierComb
Radu Florian
Abe Ittycheriah
Hongyan Jing
2003 NamedEntityRecognitionwithChara
Dan Klein
Christopher D. Manning
Huy Nguyen
2003 NoveltyDetectionAReviewpart1Sta
Sameer Singh
Markos Markou
Showing 4 related entities.
Test:2014 HandbookofNetworkAnalysisKONECT
2018 RequirementsforaFlexibleandGene
2020 DensePassageRetrievalforOpenDom
2024 MemorandumonAdvancingtheUnitedS
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