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List of results
- 2010 ACompOfTwoOntBasedSemaAnnotFrameworks + (A Comparison of Two Ontology-based Semantic Annotation Frameworks)
- 2015 AComparisononMultiClassClassifi + (A Comparison on Multi-class Classification Methods based on Least Squares Twin Support Vector Machine)
- 2006 ACompositeKernelForRelExtr + (A Composite Kernel to Extract Relations between Entities with Both Flat and Structured Features)
- 2006 AComprehensiveComparStudyOfDocClustForBiomedDigiLibMEDLINE + (A Comprehensive Comparison Study of Document Clustering for a Biomedical Digital Library MEDLINE)
- 2023 AComprehensiveOverviewofLargeLa + (A Comprehensive Overview of Large Language Models)
- 2011 AComprehensiveSurveyofNeighborh + (A Comprehensive Survey of Neighborhood-based Recommendation Methods)
- 2023 AComprehensiveSurveyonVectorDat + (A Comprehensive Survey on Vector Database: Storage and Retrieval Technique, Challenge)
- 2004 AComputerizedClinicalDecisionSu + (A Computerized Clinical Decision Support System As a Means of Implementing Depression Guidelines)
- 2007 AConceptBasedModelForEnhancingTextCateg + (A Concept-based Model for Enhancing Text Categorization)
- 1884 AConfession + (A Confession)
- 1977 AConsidrationOnNormalForm + (A Consideration on Normal Form of Not-Necessarily-Normalized Relation in the Relational Data Model)
- 2010 AContextualBanditApproachtoPers + (A Contextual-bandit Approach to Personalized News Article Recommendation)
- 2022 AConvNetforthe2020s + (A ConvNet for the 2020s)
- 2007 ACorrelatedTopicModelOfScience + (A Correlated Topic Model of Science)
- 2014 ACostEffectiveRecommenderSystem + (A Cost-effective Recommender System for Taxi Drivers)
- 2015 ACriticalReviewofRecurrentNeura + (A Critical Review of Recurrent Neural Networks for Sequence Learning)
- 2002 ACritiqueandImprovementofAnEval + (A Critique and Improvement of An Evaluation Metric for Text Segmentation)
- 1985 ACyborgManifestoScienceTechnolo + (A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late 20th Century)
- 2013 ADataMiningDrivenRiskProfilingM + (A Data Mining Driven Risk Profiling Method for Road Asset Management)
- 2009 ADataMiningOntforAlgSelandMeta-Min + (A Data Mining Ontology for Algorithm Selection and Meta-Mining)
- 2003 ADataMinOntoforGridProg + (A Data Mining Ontology for Grid Programming)
- 2013 ADataDrivenMethodforInGameDecis + (A Data-driven Method for in-game Decision Making in MLB: When to Pull a Starting Pitcher)
- 2016 ADatasetforJointNounNounCompoun + (A Dataset for Joint Noun-Noun Compound Bracketing and Interpretation)
- 2003 ADecisionRuleForIdChildAtLowRiskForBrainInj + (A Decision Rule for Identifying Children at Low Risk for Brain Injuries After Blunt Head Trauma)
- 2015 ADecisionTreeFrameworkforSpatio + (A Decision Tree Framework for Spatiotemporal Sequence Prediction)
- 2016 ADecomposableAttentionModelforN + (A Decomposable Attention Model for Natural Language Inference)
- 2015 ADeepHybridModelforWeatherForec + (A Deep Hybrid Model for Weather Forecasting)
- 2019 ADeepNeuralNetworkforUnsupervis + (A Deep Neural Network for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection and Diagnosis in Multivariate Time Series Data)
- 2017 ADeepReinforcedModelforAbstract + (A Deep Reinforced Model for Abstractive Summarization)
- 1999 ADeepnessintheSky + (A Deepness in the Sky)
- 1996 ADensitybasedAlgorithmforDiscov + (A Density-based Algorithm for Discovering Clusters in Large Spatial Databases with Noise.)
- 2008 ADependencyParsApprToBiomedTMining + (A Dependency Parsing Approach to Biomedical Text Mining)
- 2010 ADictionaryOfComputing + (A Dictionary of Computing)
- 2008 ADictionaryOfLinguisticsAndPhonetics + (A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics, 6th edition)
- 2010 ADictionaryOfScience + (A Dictionary of Science, sixth edition)
- 2008 ADictionaryOfStatistics + (A Dictionary of Statistics)
- 2014 ADirichletMultinomialMixtureMod + (A Dirichlet Multinomial Mixture Model-based Approach for Short Text Clustering)
- 2007 ADirichletProcessMixtureModel + (A Dirichlet Process Mixture Model for the Analysis of Correlated Binary Responses)
- 1986 ADisciplineOfDistanceEducation + (A Discipline of Distance Education)
- 2004 ADistrAnalysisOfALexStatParsingModel + (A Distributional Analysis of a Lexicalized Statistical Parsing Model)
- 2011 ADomainSpecificOntologyBasedSem + (A Domain Specific Ontology Based Semantic Web Search Engine)
- 2014 ADomainIndependentStatisticalMe + (A Domain-independent Statistical Methodology for Dialog Management in Spoken Dialog Systems)
- 2015 AFactoryofComparableCorporafrom + (A Factory of Comparable Corpora from Wikipedia)
- 2008 AFamilyofDissimilarityMeasuresB + (A Family of Dissimilarity Measures Between Nodes Generalizing Both the Shortest-path and the Commute-time Distances)
- 2007 AFastBSplinePseudoInversionAlgo + (A Fast B-spline Pseudo-inversion Algorithm for Consistent Image Registration)
- 2006 AFastLearningAlgorithmforDeepBe + (A Fast Learning Algorithm for Deep Belief Nets)
- 2012 AFewUsefulThingstoKnowAboutMach + (A Few Useful Things to Know About Machine Learning)
- 2018 AFieldStudyofRelatedVideoRecomm + (A Field Study of Related Video Recommendations: Newest, Most Similar, Or Most Relevant?)
- 2013 AFrameworkforBenchmarkingEntity + (A Framework for Benchmarking Entity-annotation Systems)
- 2007 AFrameworkforCommunityIdentific + (A Framework for Community Identification in Dynamic Social Networks)
- 2008 AFrameworkForIdentityResolutionAndMerging + (A Framework for Identity Resolution and Merging for Multi-source Information Extraction)