Narrative Item

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A Narrative Item is a content unit that presents a sequential account of related events, experiences, or scenarios (either real or imagined) to convey meaning, entertainment, or information.



  1. International Journal of Education and the Arts | The Power of Storytelling: How Oral Narrative Influences Children's Relationships in Classrooms
  2. Hodge, et al. 2002. Utilizing Traditional Storytelling to Promote Wellness in American Indian events within any given narrative


  • (Greene, 2020) ⇒ Brian Greene. (2020). “Until the End of Time: Mind, Matter, and Our Search for Meaning in An Evolving Universe.” Knopf. ISBN:9781524731670
    • QUOTE: ... These are all ongoing stories, developed by thinkers hailing from a great range of distinct disciplines. Understandably so. A saga that ranges from quarks to consciousness is a hefty chronicle. Still, the different stories are interlaced. Don Quixote speaks to humankind’s yearning for the heroic, told through the fragile Alonso Quijano, a character created in the imagination of Miguel de Cervantes, a living, breathing, thinking, sensing, feeling collection of bone, tissue, and cells that, during his lifetime, supported organic processes of energy transformation and waste excretion, which themselves relied on atomic and molecular movements honed by billions of years of evolution on a planet forged from the detritus of supernova explosions scattered throughout a realm of space emerging from the big bang. Yet to read Don Quixote’s travails is to gain an understanding of human nature that would remain opaque if embedded in a description of the movements of the knight-­errant’s molecules and atoms or conveyed through an elaboration of the neuronal processes crackling in Cervantes’s mind while writing the novel. Connected though they surely are, different stories, told with different languages and focused on different levels of reality, provide vastly different insights.