2024 TrainingLanguageModelstoSelfCor

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Subject Headings: Intrinsic Self-Correction, Self-Correction via Reinforcement Learning, Multi-Turn Reinforcement Learning,Reward Shaping, On-Policy Learning, Distribution Shift, Policy Initialization.


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Self-correction is a highly desirable capability of large language models (LLMs), yet it has consistently been found to be largely ineffective in modern LLMs. Existing approaches for training self-correction either require multiple models or rely on a more capable model or other forms of supervision. To this end, we develop a multi-turn online reinforcement learning (RL) approach, SCoRe, that significantly improves an LLM's self-correction ability using entirely self-generated data. To build SCoRe, we first show that variants of supervised fine-tuning (SFT) on offline model-generated correction traces are insufficient for instilling self-correction behavior. In particular, we observe that training via SFT either suffers from a distribution mismatch between the training data and the model's own responses or implicitly prefers only a certain mode of correction behavior that is often not effective at test time. SCoRe addresses these challenges by training under the model's own distribution of self-generated correction traces and using appropriate regularization to steer the learning process into learning a self-correction strategy that is effective at test time as opposed to simply fitting high-reward responses for a given prompt. This regularization prescribes running a first phase of RL on a base model to generate a policy initialization that is less susceptible to collapse and then using a reward bonus to amplify self-correction during training. When applied to Gemini 1.0 Pro and 1.5 Flash models, we find that SCoRe achieves state-of-the-art self-correction performance, improving the base models' self-correction by 15.6% and 9.1% respectively on the MATH and HumanEval benchmarks.



 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
2024 TrainingLanguageModelstoSelfCorCosmin Paduraru
Shariq Iqbal
Aleksandra Faust
Feryal Behbahani
Rishabh Agarwal
Avi Singh
George Tucker
Kate Baumli
Disha Shrivastava
Colton Bishop
Aviral Kumar
Vincent Zhuang
Yi Su
John D Co-Reyes
Rebecca Roelofs
Lei M Zhang
Kay McKinney
Doina Precup
Training Language Models to Self-Correct via Reinforcement Learning2024