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This report lists all of the existing GM-RKB Publication Pages.
Here are independent links to recent publication years: 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1991, 1990, 1989, 1988, 1987, 1986, 1985, 1984, 1983, 1982, 1981, 1980, 1979, ...
Pages in category "Publication"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 5,425 total.
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- 1320 DivinaCommedia
- 1486 MalleusMaleficarum
- 1516 Utopia
- 1532 ThePrinceIlPrincipe
- 1651 Leviathan
- 1667 ParadiseLost
- 1689 TwoTreatisesofGovernment
- 1690 AnEssayConcerningHumanUnderstan
- 1724 TheFableoftheBees
- 1726 GulliversTravels
- 1738 ATreatiseofHumanNature
- 1748 ManaMachine
- 1759 Candide
- 1762 TheSocialContractAndTheFirstand
- 1764 DictionnairePhilosophique
- 1770 ElementsofAlgebra
- 1776 AnInquiryIntotheNatureandCauses
- 1776 CommonSense
- 1781 CritiqueofPureReason
- 1785 GroundworkoftheMetaphysicsofMorals
- 1789 DeclarationDesDroitsDeLhommeEtDu
- 1790 ReflectionsontheRevolutioninFra
- 1797 AgrarianJustice
- 1797 TheMetaphysicsofMorals
- 1807 PhenomenologyofSpirit
- 1817 PrinciplesofPoliticalEconomyand
- 1847 WutheringHeights
- 1848 TheCommunistManifesto
- 1852 UncleTomsCabin
- 1859 OnLiberty
- 1859 OntheOriginofSpeciesbyMeansofNa
- 1866 CrimeandPunishment
- 1874 FarfromtheMaddingCrowd
- 1877 AnnaKarenina
- 1879 ASystemofLogicRatiocinativeandI
- 1880 TheBrothersKaramazov
- 1884 AConfession
- 1887 TheGayScience
- 1890 TheRighttoPrivacy
- 1891 ThusSpakeZarathustraABookforall
- 1892 OnSenseAndReference
- 1899 TheTheoryoftheLeisureClass
- 1905 OnDenoting
- 1915 OfHumanBondage
- 1916 CourseInGeneralLinguistics
- 1917 TheStateAndRevolution
- 1923 TheMeaningOfMeaning
- 1927 ToTheLighthouse
- 1929 ARoomofOnesOwn
- 1930 CivilizationandItsDiscontents
- 1930 EconomicPossibilitiesforOurGran
- 1932 BraveNewWorld
- 1932 InPraiseofIdlenessandOtherEssay
- 1933 FoundationsOfTheTheoryOfProbability
- 1936 OnComputableNumberswithAnApplic
- 1938 Nausea
- 1942 PermanentTechnologicalUnemploym
- 1942 SocialismCapitalismandDemocracy
- 1943 BeingandNothingness
- 1945 AnimalFarmAFairyStory
- 1945 AsWeMayThink
- 1945 TheOpenSocietyandItsEnemies
- 1946 ExistentialismisaHumanism
- 1946 MansSearchforMeaning
- 1947 LaPeste
- 1949 LettertoUAWPresidentWalterReuth
- 1949 NineteenEightyFour
- 1950 ComputingMachineryandIntelligen
- 1951 DoNotGoGentleIntoThatGoodNight
- 1952 SomeAspectsoftheSequentialDesig
- 1953 Catch22ANovel
- 1953 PhilosophicalInvestigations
- 1954 DistributionalStructure
- 1955 CitatIndexesForScience
- 1955 LePhnomneHumain
- 1957 ASynopsisOfLinguisticTheory
- 1957 FactorsRelevanttotheVal...
- 1957 SyntacticStructures
- 1959 AutomaticLinkageOfVitalRecords
- 1960 AdaptiveAdalineNeuronUsingChemi
- 1960 ToKillaMockingbird
- 1961 BaseballAnAutomaticQuestionAnsw
- 1961 CapitalLaborSubstitutionandEcon
- 1961 GPSaProgramThatSimulatesHumanTh
- 1962 CapitalismandFreedom
- 1962 RecordLinkage
- 1962 RevolutionaryRoad
- 1962 SilentSpring
- 1962 TheOtherAmerica
- 1962 TheProcessofCreativeThinking
- 1963 TheFeminineMystique
- 1964 ATechniqueForComputDetAndCorOfSpelErr
- 1964 TheUseOfCitatDataInWritTheHistOfScience
- 1965 AnExamOfCitIndex
- 1965 ClusAnalysisMultiDataEffVersusInterOfClassification
- 1965 CrammingMoreComponentsOntoInteg
- 1965 CyberneticSolutionPathOfAnExperimentProblem
- 1965 LexicographicEtymology
- 1965 NetworksOfScientPapers
- 1965 PrisonersDilemmaAStudyinConflic
- 1965 SpeculationsConcerningtheFirstU
- 1965 TheShapeofAutomationforMenandMa
- 1966 ELIZAaComputerProgramfortheStud
- 1966 TheLogicofTacitInference
- 1966 TheTacitDimension
- 1967 ComputationFiniteandInfiniteMac
- 1967 NearestNeighborPatternClassification
- 1967 OneHundredYearsofSolitude
- 1967 StepWiseClusterProcedure
- 1967 WhereDoWeGofromHereChaosOrCommu
- 1968 AResearchCenterForAugmentingHumanIntellect
- 1968 DoAndroidsDreamofElectricSheep
- 1968 TheCaseForCase
- 1969 ATheoryForRecordLinkage
- 1969 SlaughterhouseFiveOrtheChildren
- Test:1970 AdaptiveAdalineNeuronUsingChemi
- 1970 AGeneralMethodAppToTheSearchForSimInAmAcSeq
- 1970 AnEfficientCFParsingAlgorithm
- 1970 ARelationalModelofDataforLargeS
- 1970 EfficientCapitalMarketsAReviewo
- 1970 SpacetimeTradeOffsinHashCodingw
- 1970 SpellingCorrecingInSystemsPrograms
- 1970 TransitionNetworkGrammarsForNat
- 1971 ATheoryofJustice
- 1971 GraphTheoMethodsForDetectAndDescrGestaltClusters
- 1972 DescriptivePredictiveandNormati
- 1972 GeneralizedIterativeScaling
- 1972 RegressionModelsandLifeTables
- 1972 SubjectiveProbabilityAJudgmento
- 1972 TheFoundationsOfStatistics
- 1973 CocitationInTheScientificLiterature
- 1973 HockeyHelmetsConcealedWeaponsan
- 1973 InformationTheoryAndAnExtOfMLE
- 1973 NumericalTaxoThePrinciplesAndPractOfNumClassific
- 1973 PatternClassifAndSceneAnalysis
- 1973 ProblemsInIR
- 1973 TheDenialofDeath
- 1974 JudgmentunderUncertaintyHeurist
- 1974 ObediencetoAuthority
- 1974 PrinciplesofEthicsAnIntroductio
- 1974 ThePoliticalEconomyoftheRentSee
- 1974 TheStringToStringCorrectionProblem
- 1975 ALinearSpaceAlgForCompMaxComSub
- 1975 AVectorSpaceModelForAutomaticIndexing
- 1975 ClusteringAlgorithms
- 1975 SomeResultsonTheFunctAndQualOfCitat
- 1975 TheMythicalManMonth
- 1975 TowardsAutomaticIndexing
- 1976 CohesioninSpokenandWrittenEngli
- 1976 TheEntityRelationshipModelmdash
- 1976 TheSelfishGene
- 1977 AConsidrationOnNormalForm
- 1977 MaximumLikelihoodFromIncompleteData
- 1977 OnTheCreationAndUseOfEnglCompNouns
- 1978 DevelopingaNaturalLanguageInter
- 1978 Orientalism
- 1978 SemanticsandQuantificationinNat
- 1978 StatisticsforExperimentersAnInt
- 1978 TheWorldAccordingtoGarpANovel
- 1978 TimeClocksandtheOrderingofEvent
- 1979 BiasedAssimilationandAttitudePo
- 1979 BootstrapMethods
- 1979 GodelEscherBach
- 1979 InformationRetrieval
- 1979 RobustLocWeiRegandSmScatterplots
- 1979 SocialNetworkAnalysisForOrgs
- 1979 TheTimelessWayOfBuilding
- 1980 AnAlgorithmForSuffixStripping
- 1980 KripkeVsKant
- 1980 NamingAndNecessity
- 1980 UnrealisticOptimismAboutFutureL
- 1980 WealthAddiction
- 1981 CaseForRuleDrivenSemanticAnalysis
- 1981 IdentificationOfCommonMolecSubseqs
- 1981 MarginalMaximumLikelihoodEstima
- 1981 Obasan
- 1981 OntheNotionsOfLexRelatedAndHeadOfAWord
- 1981 TheEconomicsofSuperstars
- 1981 TheNeedForTheoryOfCiting
- 1982 CacheMemories
- 1982 TheByzantineGeneralsProblem
- 1982 TheRealTerrorNetworkTerrorismin
- 1982 TheVarietiesOfReference
- 1983 BecomingAStrategicReader
- 1983 BuildingExpertSystems
- 1983 CompoundNounInterpretationProblems
- 1983 EnglishWordFormation
- 1983 HighOutputManagement
- 1983 IntroductionToModernInformationRetrieval
- 1983 IntroductionToModernIR
- 1983 IRNLIAnExpertNaturalLanguageInt
- 1983 MenubasedNaturalLanguageUnderst
- 1983 ProvidingAUnifAccOfDefNPs
- 1983 TechnologicalAdvanceEconomicGro
- 1983 TheVisualDispofQuantInfor
- 1984 ATheoryoftheLearnable
- 1984 ClassificationAndRegressionTrees
- 1984 ConceptualStructures
- 1984 DistinctionASocialCritiqueofthe