Wearable Medical Device

(Redirected from medical wearables)

A Wearable Medical Device is a wearable device that is a medical device.





  1. Byrom, B. et al. Selection of and evidentiary considerations for wearable devices and their measurements for use in regulatory decision making: recommendations from the ePRO Consortium. Value Health (in press).
  2. Wright, R. & Keith, L. Wearable technology: If the tech fits, wear it. J. Electron. Resources Med. Libraries 11, 204–216 (2014).
  3. Tsoukalas, D., Chatzandroulis, S. & Goustouridis, D. Capacitive microsensors for biomedical applications. In: Encyclopedia of Medical Devices and Instrumentation (ed. Webster, J.G.) 1–12. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons; 2006.



Figure 1: Wearables devices for medical applications. a) Wearable devices (in vitro) have loose or conformal contact with the skin, or worn/inserted through body orifices. The most common interface is loose skin contact wearables, which measure electrophysiological signal via optics and electrodes. b) Information transfer from wearables. The data collected from wearable devices can be transmitted to the Internet or other devices via a body area network, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, LTE, 3G, 4G, or 5G connection. The medical data can be sent to a healthcare provider to receive therapeutic feedback or acted upon automatically by other devices in the network.


Device type Data collected Examples
Wrist worn Actigraphy, HR (Heart Rate), BP (Blood Pressure), EDA (Electrodermal activity) Actiwatch Spectrum by Phillips, ActiGraph Link by ActiGraph, E4 by Empatica, ViSi Mobile by Sotera Wireless
Skin patch ECG (Electrocardiography), actigraphy, skin temperature BioStampRC by MC10, HealthPatch by Vital Connect, BodyGuardian by Preventice
Cuffs BP, HR Intellisense Digital BP Monitor by Omron Healthcare
Finger worn HR, SpO2 iSpO2 Pulse Oximeter by Massimo
Clothing embedded sensors HR, HRV (Heart Rate Variability), ECG, Breathing Rate, actigraphy Smart shirts by Hexoskin
Headbands EEG (Electroencephalogram), EMG (Electromyography) EMOTIV EPOC by Emotiv, 4D FORCE by 4D FORCE
Table 1: Examples of wearable sensors.


