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Showing 100 pages using this property.
2001 ConvolutionKernelsForNaturalLanguage
Michael Collins
Nigel Duffy
2001 CureAnEfficientClusteringAlgori
Sudipto Guha
Rajeev Rastogi
Kyuseok Shim
2001 DataMiningAtTheIntOfCompSciAndStats
Padhraic Smyth
2001 DataMiningForScientificApplications
Robert L. Grossman
Chandrika Kamath
Philip Kegelmeyer
2001 DataMungingWithPerl
David Cross
2001 DetectingGeneRelsFromMedlineAbstracts
M. Stephens
M. Palakal
S. Mukhopadhyay
2001 ECommerceRecommenderApplications
J. Ben Schafer
Joseph A. Konstan
John Riedl
2001 EconomicGrowthGivenMachineIntel
Robin Hanson
2001 EnglishWords
Robert P. Stockwell
Donka Minkova
2001 FastSamplingofGausMarkovRand
Håvard Rue
2001 FindingMotifsUsingRandomProject
Jeremy Buhler
Martin Tompa
2001 FoundationsOfCompLing
Roland Hausser
2001 GenericSchemaMatchingWithCupid
Jayant Madhavan
Philip A. Bernstein
Erhard Rahm
2001 GreedyFunctionApprox
Jerome H. Friedman
2001 ImplementingaSentientComputingS
Mike Addlesee
Rupert Curwen
Steve Hodges
2001 InformationFiltering
Uri Hanani
Bracha Shapira
Peretz Shova
2001 IntroductiontoSequenceLearning
Ron Sun
2001 ItembasedCollaborativeFiltering
George Karypis
John Riedl
Badrul Sarwar
2001 JusticeAsFairnessARestatement
John Rawls (1921-2002)
2001 KnowledgeManagementAnOrganizati
Andrew H Gold
Albert H Segars Arvind Malhotra
2001 KnowledgeProcessesAndOntologies
Steffen Staab
Rudi Studer
Hans-Peter Schnurr
Chih-Jen Lin
Chih-Chung Chang
2001 LatentDirichletAllocation
Andrew Y. Ng
Michael I. Jordan
David M. Blei
2001 LearningWithKernels
Bernhard Schölkopf
Alexander J. Smola
2001 LexicographicProbabilityConditi
Joseph Y. Halpern
2001 MachineLearningForUserModeling
Geoffrey I. Webb
Michael J. Pazzani
Daniel Billsus
2001 MetricBasedMethodsFor
Dale Schuurmans
Finnegan Southey
2001 MiningScientificData
Naren Ramakrishnan
Ananth Grama
2001 MiningTheNetworkValueOfCustomers
Pedro Domingos
Matthew Richardson
2001 MiningTheWebForSynonyms
Peter D. Turney
2001 ModelDrivenArchitecture
Joaquin Miller
Jishnu Mukerji
2001 MulticlassCancerDiagUsingTumorGeneExpr
Sridhar Ramaswamy
Pablo Tamayo
Sayan Mukherjee
2001 NickelandDimedOnNotGettingByinA
Barbara Ehrenreich
2001 OnDiscriminativeVsGenerativeClassifiers
Andrew Y. Ng
Michael I. Jordan
2001 OnSpectralClustering
Yair Weiss
Andrew Y. Ng
Michael I. Jordan
2001 OntSemFormOntologyAndAmbiguity
Sergei Nirenburg
Victor Raskin
2001 OntheAlgorithmicImplementationo
Yoram Singer
Koby Crammer
2001 OntologyBasedTextClustering
Steffen Staab
Alexander Maedche
Andreas Hotho
2001 OntologyLearningForTheSemanticWeb
Steffen Staab
Alexander Maedche
2001 OverviewoftheTREC2003QuestionAn
Ellen Voorhees
2001 PrinciplesOfDataMining
Padhraic Smyth
Heikki Mannila
David J. Hand
2001 PropositionalizationApproachest
Stefan Kramer
Peter A. Flach
Nada Lavrač
2001 QualitativeTerminologyExtraction
Béatrice Daille
2001 RandomForests
Leo Breiman
2001 ReasWithinFuzzyDescLog
Umberto Straccia
2001 RecentAdvancesInComputationalTerminology
Didier Bourigault
Christian Jacquemin
Marie-Claude L'Homme
2001 ReconcilingSchemasOfDispDatSour
Pedro Domingos
AnHai Doan
2001 ReducingMulticlassToBinary
Robert E. Schapire
Yoram Singer
Erin L. Allwein
2001 RepSentStructInHidMarkovModelsForIE
Mark Craven
Soumya Ray
2001 RoadRunner
Valter Crescenzi
Giansalvatore Mecca
Paolo Merialdo
2001 RobustClassificationforImprecis
Foster Provost
Tom Fawcett
2001 SPADEAnEfficientAlgorithmforMin
Mohammed J. Zaki
2001 ScalingToAVVLargeCorpForNLDisambig
Michele Banko
Eric D. Brill
2001 ScenearioCustomizationForIE
Roman Yangarber
2001 ScientificDataMiningInteAndVis
Bob Mann
Roy Williams
Malcolm Atkinson
2001 SearchingInMetricSpaces
Gonzalo Navarro
Edgar Chávez
Ricardo Baeza-Yates
2001 SiftingTheEvidence
George Davey Smith
Jonathan A. C. Sterne
2001 SpottingAndDiscovTerms
Christian Jacquemin
2001 StableAlgorithmsForLinkAnalysis
Andrew Y. Ng
Alice X. Zheng
Michael I. Jordan
2001 StatisticalModelingTheTwoCultur
Leo Breiman
2001 StatisticsNotesAnalysingControl
Douglas G Altman
Andrew J Vickers
2001 StructuralGraphMatchingUsingEMandSVD
Bin Luo
Edwin R. Hancock
2001 SuperIntelligentMachines
Bill Hibbard
2001 SupportVMActiveLearningWAtoTextCl
Daphne Koller
Simon Tong
2001 TestableUseCasesintheAbstractSt
Wolfgang Grieskamp
Markus Lepper
Wolfram Schulte
2001 TextandKnowledgeMiningforCorefe
Sanda M. Harabagiu
Rǎzvan C. Bunescu
Steven J. Maiorano
2001 TheBOIDArchitectureConflictsBet
Jan Broersen
Mehdi Dastani
Joris Hulstijn
2001 TheElementsOfStatisticalLearning
Jerome H. Friedman
Trevor Hastie
Robert Tibshirani
2001 TheOpenArchivesInitiativeBuildi
Carl Lagoze
Herbert Van de Sompel
2001 TheProgressOfComputing
William D. Nordhaus
2001 TheRoleofLexicoSemanticFeedback
Marius Paşca
Mihai Surdeanu
Sanda M. Harabagiu
2001 TheSemanticWeb
Tim Berners-Lee
James Hendler
Ora Lassila
2001 TheSkepticalEnvironmentalistMea
Bjørn Lomborg
2001 TheSkillContentofRecentTechnolo
David H. Autor
Frank Levy
Richard J. Murnane
2001 TowardsaStandardUpperOntology
Adam Pease
Ian Niles
2001 UnsupervisedLearningbyProbabili
Thomas Hofmann
2001 UnsupervisedLearningoftheMorpho
John Goldsmith
2001 ValidationofClinicalClassificat
Brian F Gage
Amy D Waterman
William Shannon
2001 ValueMaximizationStakeholderThe
Michael C. Jensen
2002 ABootstrappingMethForLearnSemLexUsExtrPatCtxts
Ellen Riloff
Michael Thelen
2002 ACommonOntologyforLinguisticConcept
Scott Farrar
William Lewis
Terence Langendoen
2002 AComparisonOfProbAndNonProbAnaphorRes
Judita Preiss
2002 AComparisonofAlgorithmsforMaxim
Horst Bunke
Pasquale Foggia
Corrado Guidobaldi
2002 ACritiqueandImprovementofAnEval
Marti Hearst
Lev Pevzner
2002 AHierarchicalBayesianMarkovianMod
Eric P. Xing
Richard M. Karp
Stuart J. Russell
2002 AMachineLearningBasedApproachForTableDetection
Yalin Wang
Jianying Hu
2002 AModelofoftenMixedStereotypeCon
Jun Xu
Peter Glick
Susan T. Fiske
2002 ASimpleApproachToEmptyNodeFilling
Mark Johnson
2002 ASurveyOfDimeRedTech
Imola K. Fodor
2002 AcceleratedFocusedCrawling
Soumen Chakrabarti
Kunal Punera
Mallela Subramanyam
2002 ActiveSemiSupervisedLearningRob
Ion Muslea
Steven Minton
Craig A Knoblock
2002 AdaptingTheLeskAlgForWSD
Satanjeev Banerjee
2002 AdaptingTheLeskAlgForWSD
Satanjeev Banerjee
2002 AnAdaptedLeskAlgForWSDUsingWordNet
Satanjeev Banerjee
Ted Pedersen
2002 AnImportanceSamplingAlgorithmba
Changhe Yuan
Marek J. Druzdzel
2002 AnaphoraResolution
Ruslan Mitkov
2002 ArtificialIntelligenceAModernApproach
Peter Norvig
Stuart J. Russell
2002 AutomaticLabelingOfSemanticRoles
Daniel Jurafsky
Daniel Gildea
2002 AutomaticLabelingofSemanticRole
Daniel Jurafsky
Daniel Gildea
2002 BayesianTreedModels
Hugh A. Chipman
Edward I. George
Robert E. McCulloch
Showing 4 related entities.
Test:2014 HandbookofNetworkAnalysisKONECT
2018 RequirementsforaFlexibleandGene
2020 DensePassageRetrievalforOpenDom
2024 MemorandumonAdvancingtheUnitedS
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