2002 ABootstrappingMethForLearnSemLexUsExtrPatCtxts

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Subject Headings: Bootstrapping, Relation Recognition, Semi-Supervised Named Entity Recognition Algorithm, Basilisk Algorithm.




This paper describes a bootstrapping algorithm called Basilisk that learns high-quality semantic lexicons for multiple categories. Basilisk begins with an unannotated corpus and seed words for each semantic category, which are then bootstrapped to learn new words for each category. Basilisk hypothesizes the semantic class of a word based on collective information over a large body of extraction pattern contexts. We evaluate Basilisk on six semantic categories. The semantic lexicons produced by Basilisk have higher precision than those produced by previous techniques, with several categories showing substantial improvement.

1 Introduction

In recent years, several algorithms have been developed to acquire semantic lexicons automatically or semi-automatically using corpus-based techniques. For our purposes, the term semantic lexicon will refer to a dictionary of words labeled with semantic classes (e.g., \bird" is an animal and \truck" is a vehicle). Semantic class information has proven to be useful for many natural language processing tasks, including information extraction (Rilo and Schmelzenbach, 1998; Soderland et al., 1995), anaphora resolution (Aone and Bennett, 1996), question answering (Moldovan et al., 1999; Hirschman et al., 1999), and prepositional phrase attachment (Brill and Resnik, 1994). Although some semantic dictionaries do exist (e.g., WordNet (Miller, 1990)), these resources often do not contain the specialized vocabulary and jargon that is needed for speci c domains. Even for relatively general texts, such as the Wall Street Journal (Marcus et al., 1993) or terrorism articles (MUC-4 Proceedings, 1992), Roark and Charniak (Roark and Charniak, 1998) reported that 3 of every 5 terms generated by their semantic lexicon learner were not present in WordNet. These results suggest that automatic semantic lexicon acquisition could be used to enhance existing resources such as WordNet, or to produce semantic lexicons for specialized domains.

We have developed a weakly supervised bootstrapping algorithm called Basilisk that automatically generates semantic lexicons. Basilisk hypothesizes the semantic class of a word by gathering collective evidence about semantic associations from extraction pattern contexts. Basilisk also learns multiple semantic classes simultaneously, which helps constrain the bootstrapping process.

First, we present Basilisk's bootstrapping algorithm and explain how it di ers from previous work on semantic lexicon induction. Second, we present empirical results showing that Basilisk outperforms a previous algorithm. Third, we explore the idea of learning multiple semantic categories simultaneously by adding this capability to Basilisk as well as another bootstrapping algorithm. Finally, we present results showing that learning multiple semantic categories simultaneously improves performance.

2 Bootstrapping using Collective

Evidence from Extraction Patterns Basilisk (Bootstrapping Approach to Semantic Lexicon Induction using Semantic Knowledge) is a weakly supervised bootstrapping algorithm that automatically generates semantic lexicons. Figure 1 shows the high-level view of Basilisk's bootstrapping process. The input to Basilisk is an unannotated text corpus and a few manually defi ned seed words for each semantic category.

2.1.3 Related Work

Several weakly supervised learning algorithms have previously been developed to generate semantic lexicons from text corpora. Rilo and Shepherd (Rilo and Shepherd, 1997) developed a bootstrapping algorithm that exploits lexical co-occurrence statistics, and Roark and Charniak (Roark and Charniak, 1998) are ned this algorithm to focus more explicitly on certain syntactic structures. Hale, Ge, and Charniak (Ge et al., 1998) devised a technique to learn the gender of words. Caraballo (Caraballo, 1999) and Hearst (Hearst, 1992) created techniques to learn hypernym/hyponym relationships. None of these previous algorithms used extraction patterns or similar contexts to infer semantic class associations.

Several learning algorithms have also been developed for named entity recognition (e.g., (Collins and Singer, 1999; Cucerzan and Yarowsky, 1999)). (Collins and Singer, 1999) used contextual information of a di fferent sort than we do. Furthermore, our research aims to learn general nouns (e.g., \artist") rather than proper nouns, so many of the features commonly used to great advantage for named entity recognition (e.g., capitalization and title words) are not applicable to our task.

The algorithm most closely related to Basilisk is meta-bootstrapping (Rilo ff and Jones, 1999), which also uses extraction pattern contexts for semantic lexicon induction. Meta-bootstrapping identi fies a single extraction pattern that is highly correlated with a semantic category and then assumes that all of its extracted noun phrases belong to the same category. However, this assumption is often violated, which allows incorrect terms to enter the lexicon. Rilo ff and Jones acknowledged this issue and used a second level of bootstrapping (the "Meta" bootstrapping level) to alleviate this problem. While meta-bootstrapping trusts individual extraction patterns to make unilateral decisions, Basilisk gathers collective evidence from a large set of extraction patterns. As we will demonstrate in Section 2.2, Basilisk's approach produces better results than meta-bootstrapping and is also considerably more efficient because it uses only a single bootstrapping loop (meta-bootstrapping uses nested bootstrapping). However, meta-bootstrapping produces category-speci fic extraction patterns in addition to a semantic while Basilisk focuses exclusively on semantic lexicon induction.


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 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
2002 ABootstrappingMethForLearnSemLexUsExtrPatCtxtsEllen Riloff
Michael Thelen
A Bootstrapping Method for Learning Semantic Lexicons Using Extraction Pattern ContextsProceedings of the ACL 2002 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processinghttp://acl.ldc.upenn.edu/W/W02/W02-1028.pdf10.3115/1118693.11187212002