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Showing 100 pages using this property.
1997 SoftwareQualityandtheCapability
James Herbsleb
David Zubrow
Dennis Goldenson
1997 StatisticalParsingwithaContextF
Eugene Charniak
1997 StatisticsGlossary
Valerie J. Easton
John H. McColl
1997 SyntacticClusteringoftheWeb
Andrei Z. Broder
Steven C. Glassman
Mark S. Manasse
1997 TheDemonHauntedWorldScienceAsaC
Carl Sagan (1934-1996)
1997 TheDrowningChildandtheExpanding
Peter A. D. Singer (1946-)
1997 TheFabricofRealityTheScienceofP
David Deutsch (1953-)
1997 TheGRAILConceptModelLangForMedicTerminology
Sean Bechhofer
Carole A. Goble
Alan L. Rector
1997 TheInnovatorsDilemmaWhenNewTech
Clayton M. Christensen
1997 TheRhetoricalParsingSummAndGenOfNL
Daniel Marcu
1997 TheTroubleWithTestosterone
Robert M. Sapolsky
1997 TheUseOfTheCompAsAToolForTestReadComp
Helen Pilypas
1997 TheUseoftheAreaundertheROCCurve
Andrew P. Bradley
1997 ThreeGenerativeLexModelsForStatParsing
Michael Collins
1997 UnsupervisedQuerybasedLearningo
Ray-I Chang
Pei-Yung Hsiao
1997 UseOfRelationMatchingInIR
Christopher Soo-Guan Khoo
1997 VisualImageRetrByElastMatchOfUserSketches
Alberto Del Bimbo
Pietro Pala
1997 WhatIsTechnicalText
Ken Barker
Stan Szpakowicz
Terry Copeck
1997 WhatsThePointOfCreditScoring
Loretta Mester
1998 ABriefIntroToBayesianNetworks
Kevin P. Murphy
1998 ACaseForTheLemmaLexemeDistInModOfSpeak
Ardi Roelofs
Antje S. Meyer
Willem J.M. Levelt
1998 AComparisonOfEventModelsForNBTC
Kamal Nigam
1998 AFreelyAvailMorphAnaDisamAndCSLemmForGer
Wolfgang Lezius
Reinhard Rapp
Manfred Wettler
1998 AGraphDistMetricBasedOnTheMaxCommSub
Horst Bunke
Kim Shearer
1998 ALinguisticComparisonConstituencyDependencyLink
Gerold Schneider
1998 AStatisticalApproachToAnaphoraResolution
Eugene Charniak
Niyu Ge
John Hale
1998 AlgsThatLearnToExtrInfBBN
Scott Miller
Michael Crystal
Heidi Fox
1998 AnInformationTheoDefOfSim
Dekang Lin
1998 AnIntroductiontoLatentSemanticA
Thomas K. Landauer
Peter W Foltz
Darrell Laham
1998 AppliedMultivariateStatisticalA
Richard Arnold Johnson
Dean W. Wichern
1998 ApproximateNearestNeighbors
Rajeev Motwani
Piotr Indyk
1998 AutomaticRetrAndClustOfSimWords
Dekang Lin
1998 AutomaticWSDiscrimination
Hinrich Schütze
1998 AutomaticWordSenseDiscrimination
Hinrich Schütze
1998 BeyondtheProductivityParadox
Erik Brynjolfsson
Lorin M. Hitt
1998 CiteSeerAnAutoCitatIndexSystem
Steve Lawrence
C. Lee Giles
Kurt D. Bollacker
1998 CombiningLabAndUnlabDataCotraining
Avrim Blum
Tom M. Mitchell
1998 ComputingTheEditDistBetUnrootOrdTrees
Philip N. Klein
1998 DensityBasedClusteringinSpatial
Martin Ester
Hans-Peter Kriegel
Xiaowei Xu
1998 DesignandAnalysisofGroupRandomi
David Murray
1998 DistributionalClusteringofWords
L. Douglas Baker
Andrew McCallum
1998 EmpiricalAnalysisofPredAlgsForCollabFilt
John S. Breese
David Heckerman
Carl Kadie
1998 EnhancedHypertextCategorizationUsingHyperlinks
Soumen Chakrabarti
Byron Dom
Piotr Indyk
1998 EntityBasedCrossDocCorefSVM
Amit Bagga
Breck Baldwin
1998 EntitybasedCrossDocumentCorefer
Amit Bagga
Breck Baldwin
1998 ExploitingDiverseKnowSourcesViaMEinNER
Ralph Grishman
Eugene Agichtein
Andrew Borthwick
1998 ExtractingRelationsFromWWW
Sergey Brin
1998 FeatureSelectionForKDD
Huan Liu
Hiroshi Motoda
1998 FixedExpressionsAndIdiomsInEnglish
Rosamund Moon
1998 FromDocumentstoDiscourseShiftin
Simon Buckingham Shum
Tamara Sumner
1998 GlossaryOfTerms
Foster Provost
Ron Kohavi
1998 GradientbasedLearningAppliedtoD
Léon Bottou
Yoshua Bengio
Yann LeCun
1998 GrowingaLanguage
Guy L. Steele Jr.
1998 HowLongBeforeSuperintelligence
Nick Bostrom (1973-)
1998 HowPopIsYourPaperAnEmpiricalStudyOfTheCitatDistr
Sydney Redner
1998 InductiveLearningAlgsForTextCat
David Heckerman
Susan T. Dumais
John C. Platt
1998 JustConsequentialismandComputin
James H. Moor
1998 KnowledgeEngineering:PrinciplesAndMethods
Rudi Studer
Dieter Fensel
V. Richard Benjamins
1998 LazyModelBasedOnlineClassification
Gabor Melli
1998 LearnTheStructOfDynamicProbNetworks
Kevin P. Murphy
Stuart J. Russell
Nir Friedman
1998 LexicalChainsAsRepOfContext
Graeme Hirst
David St-Onge
1998 LocalAdaptiveSubspaceRegression
Sethu Vijayakumar
Stefan Schaal
1998 Long-TermVsShort-TermJournalImpactDoesItMatter
Eugene Garfield
1998 MUC7EvaluationOfIETechnology
Elaine Marsh
Dennis Perzanowski
1998 MetacognitionAbilitiesAndDevExpertise
Robert J. Sternberg
1998 MindNetAcquiringandStructuringS
Lucy Vanderwende
Stephen D. Richardson
William B. Dolan
1998 NounPhraseCoOccurrenceStatistic
Eugene Charniak
Brian Roark
1998 OntBasedExtrAndStructOfInforFromDataRichUnstrDocs
David W. Embley
Douglas M. Campbell
Randy D. Smith
1998 PreservingInformatoinForver
Steve Gilheany
1998 RecommendedBudgetPracticesAFram
National Advisory Council on State and Local Budgeting
1998 StatisticalDataAnalysis
Glen Cowan
1998 StatisticalLearningTheory
Vladimir N. Vapnik
1998 StatisticalMethodsforDNASequenc
Jerome V Braun
Hans-Georg Muller
1998 StatisticsMakingSenseOfData
William Stout
John Marden
Kenneth Travers
1998 StatisticsNotesTimetoEventsurvi
Douglas G Altman
J Martin Bland
1998 TaggingInflectiveLanguagesPredi
Jan Hajič
Barbora Hladká
1998 TeachingDataStructureDesignPatterns
Natasha Gelfand
Michael T. Goodrich
Roberto Tamassia
1998 TextCategorizationWithSVMs
Thorsten Joachims
1998 ThatSwimsuitBecomesYouSexDiffer
Tomi-Ann Roberts
Barbara L. Fredrickson
Stephanie M. Noll
1998 TheAnatomyofaLargeScaleHypertex
Sergey Brin
Lawrence Page
1998 TheBerkeleyFrameNetProject
Charles J. Fillmore
Collin F. Baker
John B. Lowe
1998 TheEmergingRoleofElectronicMark
Yannis Bakos
1998 TheExtendedMind
David J. Chalmers
Andy Clark
1998 ThePageRankCitationRanking
Sergey Brin
Lawrence Page
Rajeev Motwani
1998 TheUseAndMisuseOfCitatAnalysisInResearchEval
Ronald N. Kostoff
1998 TheoryOfLinearAndIntegerProg
Alexander Schrijver
1998 TopicDetectionAndTrackingPilotStudy
George Doddington
Yiming Yang
Jaime G. Carbonell (1953 – 2020)
1998 UsingAGenerlizedInstSetForTextCat
Wai Lam
Chao Yang Ho
1998 VocabularyAppliedLinguisticPerspectives
Ronald Carter
1998 WhatIsADigitalDocument
Michael Buckland
1998 WhenWillComputerHardwareMatchth
Hans Moravec
1998 WordNetAnElectronicLexicalDatabase
Christiane Fellbaum
1999 ADeepnessintheSky
Vernor Vinge (1944-2024)
1999 AReExaminationOfTextCategorizationMethods
Xin Liu
Yiming Yang
1999 AShortIntroToBoosting
Yoav Freund
Robert E. Schapire
1999 ATutorialonDefaultLogics
Grigoris Antoniou
1999 AdvancesInKernelMethods
Bernhard Schölkopf
Alexander J. Smola
Christopher J. C. Burges
1999 AnAlgoThatLearnsWhInAName
Richard Schwartz
Ralph Weischedel
Daniel M. Bikel
1999 AnAlgorithmicFrameworkforPerfor
Joseph A. Konstan
John Riedl
Jonathan L. Herlocker
1999 AnEmpiricalComparisonofVotingCl
Ron Kohavi
Eric Bauer
Showing 4 related entities.
Test:2014 HandbookofNetworkAnalysisKONECT
2018 RequirementsforaFlexibleandGene
2020 DensePassageRetrievalforOpenDom
2024 MemorandumonAdvancingtheUnitedS
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