1998 AStatisticalApproachToAnaphoraResolution

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Subject Headings: Supervised Anaphora Resolution Algorithm.


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This paper presents an algorithm for identifying pronominal anaphora and two experiments based upon this algorithm. We incorporate multiple anaphora resolution factors into a statistical framework -- specifically the distance between the pronoun and the proposed antecedent, gender/number/animaticity of the proposed antecedent, governing head information and noun phrase repetition. We combine them into a single probability that enables hs to identify the referent. Our first experiment shows the relative contribution of each source Of information and demonstrates a success rate of 82.9% for all sources combined. The second experiment investigates a method for unsuper- vised learning of gender/number/animaticity information. We present some experiments illustrating the accuracy of the method and note that with this information added, our pronoun resolution method achieves 84.2% accuracy.


 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
1998 AStatisticalApproachToAnaphoraResolutionEugene Charniak
Niyu Ge
John Hale
A Statistical Approach to Anaphora Resolutionhttp://acl.ldc.upenn.edu/W/W98/W98-1119.pdf