1998 DesignandAnalysisofGroupRandomi

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  • (Murray, 1998) ⇒ David Murray. (1998). “Design and Analysis of Group Randomized Trials.” Oxford University Press. ISBN:0195120361

Subject Headings: Group-Randomized Trial; Group-Randomized Trial Design; Group-Randomized Trial Analysis


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This text provides the most comprehensive treatment of the design and analytic issues involved in group-randomized trials. GRTs are comparative studies conducted to evaluate the effect of a health promotion intervention in which the units of assignment are identifiable groups (e.g., schools, worksites) and the units of observation are members of those groups (e.g., students, workers). The book reviews the underlying issues, the most widely used research designs, and analytic strategies. There is an emphasis on mixed-model regression, with two chapters illustrating the analytic methods in SAS PROC MIXED and GLIMMIX. There is also a detailed chapter on power analysis and sample size calculation.



 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
1998 DesignandAnalysisofGroupRandomiDavid MurrayDesign and Analysis of Group Randomized Trials01951203611998