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<p>The <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">search filter</a> allows the inclusion of <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">query expressions</a> such as <code>~</code> or <code>!</code>. The selected <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">query engine</a> might also support case insensitive matching or other short expressions like:</p><ul><li><code>in:</code> result should include the term, e.g. '<code>in:Foo</code>'</li></ul><ul><li><code>not:</code> result should to not include the term, e.g. '<code>not:Bar</code>'</li></ul>
Showing 100 pages using this property.
1995 TheEndOfWork
Jeremy Rifkin
1995 TheGenerativeLexicon
James Pustejovsky
1995 TheMergePurgeProblemForLargeDBs
Mauricio A. Hernández
Salvatore J. Stolf
1995 TheNatureOfStatisticalLearningTheory
Vladimir N. Vapnik
1995 TheProblOfCompTheMostProbTreeInDOPParsing
Rens Bod
1995 TrasformationBasedErrorDrivenPOSTagging
Eric D. Brill
1995 UnsupWSDRivalingSupervMethods
David Yarowsky
1995 UsingDecisionTreesforConference
Wendy G. Lehnert
Joseph F. McCarthy
1995 UsingInformationContentToEvalSemSim
Philip Resnik
1996 ADensitybasedAlgorithmforDiscov
Martin Ester
Hans-Peter Kriegel
Xiaowei Xu
1996 AMaxEntApproachToNLP
Vincent J. Della Pietra
Stephen A. Della Pietra
Adam L. Berger
1996 AMaximumEntropyModelForPOS
Adwait Ratnaparkhi
1996 ANewStatParserBasedOnBigramLexDeps
Michael Collins
1996 AStochasticFSWordSegAlgForChi
William A. Gale
Richard Sproat
Chilin Shih
1996 AdHocAttributeValuePrediction
Gabor Melli
1996 AdvancesInKnowledgeDiscovery
Usama M. Fayyad
Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro
Padhraic Smyth
1996 AnAnalysisOfCompoundsInHPSG
Fred Popowich
Paul McFetridge
Dan Fass
1996 AnaphoraForEveryone
Christopher Kennedy
Branimir Boguraev
1996 BaggingPredictors
Leo Breiman
1996 BiasPlusVarianceDecompForZeroOneLossF
Ron Kohavi
David H. Wolpert
1996 DATRaLanguageforLexicalKnowledg
Roger Evans
Gerald Gazdar
1996 EvaluatingInternalControlsALoca
Government Finance Officers Association
Stephen J. Gauthier
1996 ExperimentswithaNewBoostingAlgo
Yoav Freund
Robert E. Schapire
Douglas E. Appelt
Jerry R. Hobbs
John Bear
1996 FastDiscoveryOfAssociationRules
Heikki Mannila
Ramakrishnan Srikant
Hannu Toivonen
1996 FromDataMiningToKDInDBs
Usama M. Fayyad
Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro
Padhraic Smyth
1996 IncorporatingLatentSemanticInde
Inien Syu
S. D. Lang
Narsingh Deo
1996 IncreasingReturnsandtheNewWorld
W Brian Arthur
1996 InfiniteJest
David Foster Wallace (1962-2008)
1996 IntegratingMultipleKnowSourceToDisambigWordSense
Hwee Tou Ng
Hian Beng Lee
1996 IsItAnAgentOrJustaProgramATaxon
Stan Franklin
Art Graesser
1996 KillingTimeTheAutobiographyofPa
Paul Feyerabend (1924-1994)
1996 LexicalSemantics
James Pustejovsky
Branimir Boguraev
1996 MUC6ABriefHistory
Ralph Grishman
Beth Sundheim
1996 MatrixComputations3rdEd
Gene H. Golub
Charles F. Van Loan
1996 MotivationsandMethodsforTextSim
Christine Doran
B. Srinivas
Raman Chandrasekar
1996 NounPhraseAnalysisInUnrTextForIR
ChengXiang Zhai
David A. Evans
1996 ProblemsOfCitatAnalysis
Michael H. MacRoberts
Barbara R. MacRoberts
1996 ProgrammingPerl
Larry Wall
Tom Christiansen
Randal L. Schwartz
1996 RegressionShrinkageAndSelViaLasso
1996 ReinforcementLearningASurvey
Andrew W. Moore
Leslie Pack Kaelbling
Michael L. Littman
1996 RoutledgeDictionaryofLanguagean
Hadumod Bussmann
1996 TheBalancingActCombSymbAndStatApprToLang
Philip Resnik
Judith L. Klavans
1996 TheBigFiveversustheBigFourTheRe
Adrian Furnham
1996 TheFieldMatchingProblem
Alvaro E. Monge
Charles P. Elkan
1996 TheJavaLanguageSpecification
Bill Joy
James Gosling
Guy L. Steele Jr.
1996 TheKDDProcess
Usama M. Fayyad
Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro
Padhraic Smyth
1996 TheKnowingOrganization
Chun Wei Choo
1996 TheLogStructuredMergeTreeLSMTre
Patrick O'Neil
Edward Cheng
Dieter Gawlick
1996 TheUnifiedModLangForOOD
Grady Booch
James Rumbaugh
Ivar Jacobson
1996 UnderstandingPatenteseAPatentGl
Arnold B Silverman
George K Stacey
1996 UnifyingInstAndRuleBasedInduction
Pedro Domingos
1996 WordSenseDisambigUsingConceptualDensity
Eneko Agirre
German Rigau
1996 X-Tree
Hans-Peter Kriegel
Stefan Berchtold
Daniel A. Keim
1997 AComparativeStudyOnFeatureSel
Yiming Yang
Jan O. Pedersen
1997 ANeuralDissociationWithinLangua
Steven Pinker (1954-present)
Michael T. Ullman
Suzanne Corkin
1997 ANonProjectiveDependencyParser
Pasi Tapanainen
Timo Järvinen
1997 AProbabilisticAnalOfTheRocchioAlg
Thorsten Joachims
1997 ASolutiontoPlatosProblemTheLate
Susan T. Dumais
Thomas K. Landauer
1997 ATechnicalWordAndTermTransAid
Pascale Fung
Kathleen R. McKeown
1997 ATrainableRuleBasedAlgForWordSeg
David D. Palmer
1997 AUniversalCitationDatabaseAsaCa
Robert D Cameron
1997 AnIntroductionToGraphicalModels
Michael I. Jordan
1997 AnOverviewofDataWarehousingandO
Surajit Chaudhuri
Umeshwar Dayal
1997 AutomaticCrossLanguageRetrieval
Susan T. Dumais
Thomas K. Landauer
Michael L. Littman
1997 AutonomousDiscovOfRelExceptRules
Einoshin Suzuki
1997 BidirectionalRecurrentNeuralNet
Mike Schuster
Kuldip K. Paliwal
1997 CogNIACHighPrecisionCoreference
Breck Baldwin
1997 CompCitatRankOfAuthInMonoAndJourLiteratAStudyOfSociology
Blaise Cronin
Herbert Snyder
Helen Atkins
1997 DataMiningTechniquesForMarketin
Michael J. Berry
Gordon S. Linoff
1997 DesignandAnalysisofExperiments
Douglas C. Montgomery
1997 DisambigOfProperNamesInText
Nina Wacholder
Yael Ravin
Misook Choi
1997 EmpiricalMethodsInInformationExtraction
Claire Cardie
1997 ExpansionOfMultiWordTerms
Christian Jacquemin
Judith Klavans
Evelyne Tzoukermann
1997 FunctionalReactiveAnimation
Conal Elliott
Paul Hudak
1997 GlossaryOfTermsUsedInTerminology
Bruno de Bessé
Blaise Nkwenti-Azeh
Juan C. Sage
1997 IDontBelieveInWordSenses
Adam Kilgarriff
1997 ImageSegmentationinVideoSequenc
Stuart J. Russell
Nir Friedman
1997 InducingModelTreesforContinuousClas
Ian H. Witten
Yong Wang
1997 InformationExtraction
Ralph Grishman
1997 InformationSeekingInElectronicEnvironments
Gary Marchionini
1997 IntelligencePersonalityInterests
Phillip L. Ackerman
Eric D. Heggestad
1997 KasparovVsDeepBlueComputerChess
Monty Newborn
Monroe Newborn
1997 KnowledgeDiscoveryFromUsersWebPageNav
Cyrus Shahabi
Amir M. Zarkesh
Jafar Adibi
1997 LogLinearModelsAndLogisticReg
Ronald Christensen
1997 LongShortTermMemory
Jürgen Schmidhuber
Sepp Hochreiter
1997 MachineLearning
Tom M. Mitchell
1997 MultitaskLearning
Rich Caruana
1997 MutualInformationMetricEntropya
David Haussler
Manfred Opper
1997 Nymble
Scott Miller
Richard Schwartz
Ralph Weischedel
1997 NymbleAHighPerformanceLearningN
Scott Miller
Ralph Weischedel
Daniel M. Bikel
1997 ObjectOrientedBayesianNetworks
Daphne Koller
Avi Pfeffer
1997 OnARelBetwGraphEditDistAndMaxCommonSub
Horst Bunke
1997 OptimizationByVectorSpaceMethods
David G. Luenberger
1997 ParallelAlgorithmsforDiscoveryo
Mohammed J. Zaki
Srinivasan Parthasarathy
Mitsunori Ogihara
1997 ProjectionsForEfficientDocumentClustering
Hinrich Schütze
Craig Silverstein
1997 RSTToolAnRSTAnalysisTool
Michael O'Donnell
1997 SemanticSimBasedOnCorpusStats
Jay J. Jiang
David W. Conrath
1997 SemanticTaggingUsingAProbCFG
Michael Collins
Scott Miller
1997 SemanticVectorSpaceModel
Geoffrey Z. Liu
Showing 4 related entities.
Test:2014 HandbookofNetworkAnalysisKONECT
2018 RequirementsforaFlexibleandGene
2020 DensePassageRetrievalforOpenDom
2024 MemorandumonAdvancingtheUnitedS
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