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Showing 100 pages using this property.
Boosting Support Vector Machines for Imbalanced Data Sets  +
Bootstrapping Named Entity Annotation by Means of Active Machine Learning: A Method for Creating Corpora  +
Bootstrapping Named Entity Annotation by Means of Active Machine Learning  +
Bridging Centrality: Graph Mining from Element Level to Group Level  +
Building Semantic Kernels for Text Classification Using Wikipedia  +
Bypass Rates: Reducing Query Abandonment Using Negative Inferences  +
CRO : A System for Online Review Structurization  +
Can Complex Network Metrics Predict the Behavior of NBA Teams?  +
Case Study Research: Design and Methods. Fourth Edition  +
Categorizing and Mining Concept Drifting Data Streams  +
Challenges in Pronoun Resolution System for Biomedical Text  +
Cheap and Fast - But is it Good?: Evaluating non-expert annotations for natural language tasks  +
Church: A Language for Generative Models  +
Classification with Partial Labels  +
Colibri: Fast Mining of Large Static and Dynamic Graphs  +
Collaborative Filtering for Implicit Feedback Datasets  +
Column-stores Vs. Row-stores: How Different Are They Really?  +
Combinational Collaborative Filtering for Personalized Community Recommendation  +
Community Evolution in Dynamic Multi-mode Networks  +
Composition Attacks and Auxiliary Information in Data Privacy  +
Concept-graph based Biomedical Automatic Summarization Using Ontologies  +
Concept Recognition for Extracting Protein Interaction Relations from Biomedical Text  +
Constrained Clustering: Advances in Algorithms, Theory, and Applications  +
Constraint Programming for Itemset Mining  +
Constructing Comprehensive Summaries of Large Event Sequences  +
Context-aware Query Suggestion by Mining Click-through and Session Data  +
Context-aware Recommender Systems  +
Convex Multi-task Feature Learning  +
Coreference: Current Trends and Future Directions  +
Creating Relational Data from Unstructured and Ungrammatical Data Sources  +
Curious Machines: Active Learning with Structured Instances  +
Customer Targeting Models Using Actively-selected Web Content  +
Cut-and-stitch: Efficient Parallel Learning of Linear Dynamical Systems on Smps  +
Cuts3vm: A Fast Semi-supervised Svm Algorithm  +
Decision Trees for Hierarchical Multi-label Classification  +
Data Mining Using High Performance Data Clouds: Experimental Studies Using Sector and Sphere  +
De-duping URLs via Rewrite Rules  +
Decoding Wikipedia Categories for Knowledge Acquisition  +
Deductio'ad Absurdum: CEOs Donating their Own Stock to their Own Family Foundations  +
Deriving Distance Metrics from Generality Relations  +
Detecting Privacy Leaks Using Corpus-based Association Rules  +
DiMaC: A Disguised Missing Data Cleaning Tool  +
Direct Mining of Discriminative and Essential Frequent Patterns via Model-based Search Tree  +
Discrimination-aware Data Mining  +
Effective Label Acquisition for Collective Classification  +
Effective and Efficient Itemset Pattern Summarization: Regression-based Approaches  +
Efficient Computation of Personal Aggregate Queries on Blogs  +
Efficient Semi-streaming Algorithms for Local Triangle Counting in Massive Graphs  +
Efficient Ticket Routing by Resolution Sequence Mining  +
Electronic Publication and the Narrowing of Science and Scholarship  +
Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining, 2nd edition  +
Enhancing Collaborative Web Search with Personalization: Groupization, Smart Splitting, and Group Hit-highlighting  +
Entity Categorization Over Large Document Collections  +
Entity Categorization over Large Document Collections  +
Entity Ranking in Wikipedia  +
Experimental Comparison of Scalable Online Ad Serving  +
Exploiting Hyponymy in Extracting Relations and Enhancing Ontologies  +
Exploiting Multiply Annotated Corpora in Biomedical Information Extraction Tasks  +
Extraction of semantic Biomedical Relations From Text Using Conditional Random Fields  +
Extended Named Entity Ontology with Attribute Information  +
Extracting Semantic Networks from Text via Relational Clustering  +
Extracting Shared Subspace for Multi-label Classification  +
Extracting and Composing Robust Features with Denoising Autoencoders  +
FAST: A Roc-based Feature Selection Metric for Small Samples and Imbalanced Data Classification Problems  +
FRIL: A Tool for Comparative Record Linkage  +
Factorization Meets the Neighborhood: A Multifaceted Collaborative Filtering Model  +
Fast Collapsed Gibbs Sampling for Latent Dirichlet Allocation  +
Fast Computation of Moore-Penrose Inverse Matrices  +
Fast Logistic Regression for Text Categorization with Variable-length N-grams  +
Fastanova: An Efficient Algorithm for Genome-wide Association Study  +
Febrl -: An Open Source Data Cleaning, Deduplication and Record Linkage System with a Graphical User Interface  +
Feedback Effects Between Similarity and Social Influence in Online Communities  +
Finding Non-redundant, Statistically Significant Regions in High Dimensional Data: A Novel Approach to Projected and Subspace Clustering  +
From Glossaries to Ontologies: Extracting Semantic Structure from Textual Definitions  +
Generating Succinct Titles for Web URLs  +
Genesis of Postal Address Reading, Current State and Future Prospects: Thirty Years of Pattern Recognition on Duty of Postal Services  +
Genre Oriented Summarization  +
Get Another Label? Improving Data Quality and Data Mining Using Multiple, Noisy Labelers  +
Giving Customers a Fair Hearing  +
Glossary of Terms Relating to Thesauri and Other Forms of Structured Vocabulary for Information Retrieval  +
Graph-based Representation and Reasoning for Ontologies  +
Graph Mining and Graph Kernels  +
Heterogeneous Data Fusion for Alzheimer's Disease Study  +
Hive Psychology, Happiness, and Public Policy  +
How Is Meaning Grounded in Dictionary Definitions?  +
Hypergraph Spectral Learning for Multi-label Classification  +
I SAX: Indexing and Mining Terabyte Sized Time Series  +
Language Resource Management — Lexical Markup Framework (LMF)  +
Identifying Authoritative Actors in Question-answering Forums: The Case of Yahoo! Answers  +
Identifying Biologically Relevant Genes via Multiple Heterogeneous Data Sources  +
Identifying Domain Expertise of Developers from Source Code  +
Identifying Key Concepts in An Ontology, through the Integration of Cognitive Principles with Statistical and Topological Measures  +
Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura: Current Concepts in Pathophysiology and Management  +
Improving the Accuracy and Efficiency of MAP Inference for Markov Logic  +
Influence and Correlation in Social Networks  +
Information Extraction  +
Information Extraction from Wikipedia: Moving Down the Long Tail  +
Intelligence in Wikipedia  +
Inter-species normalization of gene mentions with GNAT  +
Interactive Entity Resolution in Relational Data: A Visual Analytic Tool and Its Evaluation  +