2008 CreatingRelationDataFromUnstrData
- (Michelson & Knoblock, 2008) ⇒ Matthew Michelson, Craig A. Knoblock. (2008). “Creating Relational Data from Unstructured and Ungrammatical Data Sources.” In: Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 31.
Subject Headings: Entity Mention Normalization Algorithm
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In order for agents to act on behalf of users, they will have to retrieve and integrate vast amounts of textual data on the World Wide Web. However, much of the useful data on the Web is neither grammatical nor formally structured, making querying difficult. Examples of these types of data sources are online classifieds like Craigslist1 and auction item listings like eBay.2 We call this unstructured, ungrammatical data “posts.” The unstructured nature of posts makes query and integration difficult because the attributes are embedded within the text. Also, these attributes do not conform to standardized values, which prevents queries based on a common attribute value. The schema is unknown and the values may vary dramatically making accurate search difficult. Creating relational data for easy querying requires that we define a schema for the embedded attributes and extract values from the posts while standardizing these values. Traditional information extraction (IE) is inadequate to perform this task because it relies on clues from the data, such as structure or natural language, neither of which are found in posts. Furthermore, traditional information extraction does not incorporate data cleaning, which is necessary to accurately query and integrate the source. The two-step approach described in this paper creates relational data sets from unstructured and ungrammatical text by addressing both issues. To do this, we require a set of known entities called a “reference set.” The first step aligns each post to each member of each reference set. This allows our algorithm to define a schema over the post and include standard values for the attributes defined by this schema. The second step performs information extraction for the attributes, including attributes not easily represented by reference sets, such as a price. In this manner we create a relational structure over previously unstructured data, supporting deep and accurate queries over the data as well as standard values for integration. Our experimental results show that our technique matches the posts to the reference set accurately and efficiently and outperforms state-of-the-art extraction systems on the extraction task from posts.
6. Related Work
Our research is driven by the principal that the cost of annotating documents for the Semantic Web should be free, that is, automatic and invisible to users (Hendler, 2001). Many researchers have followed this path, attempting to automatically mark up documents for the Semantic Web, as proposed here (Cimiano, Handschuh, & Staab, 2004; Dingli, Ciravegna, & Wilks, 2003; Handschuh, Staab, & Ciravegna, 2002; Vargas-Vera, Motta, Domingue, Lanzoni, Stutt, & Ciravegna, 2002). However, these systems rely on lexical information, such as part-of-speech tagging or shallow Natural Language Processing to do their extraction/annotation (e.g., Amilcare, Ciravegna, 2001). This is not an option when the data is ungrammatical, like the post data. In a similar vein, there are systems such as ADEL (Lerman, Gazen, Minton, & Knoblock, 2004) which rely on the structure to identify and annotate records in Web pages. Again, the failure of the posts to exhibit structure makes this approach inappropriate. So, while there is a fair amount of work in automatic labeling, there is little emphasis on techniques that could label text that is both unstructured and ungrammatical.
Although the idea of record linkage is not new (Fellegi & Sunter, 1969) and is well studied even now (Bilenko & Mooney, 2003) most current research focuses on matching one set of records to another set of records based on their decomposed attributes. There is little work on matching data sets where one record is a single string composed of the other data set’s attributes to match on, as in the case with posts and reference sets. The WHIRL system (Cohen, 2000) allows for record linkage without decomposed attributes, but as shown in Section 4.1 Phoebus outperforms WHIRL, since WHIRL relies solely on the vector-based cosine similarity between the attributes, while Phoebus exploits a larger set of features to represent both field and record level similarity. We note with interest the EROCS system (Chakaravarthy, Gupta, Roy, & Mohania, 2006) where the authors tackle the problem of linking full text documents with relational databases. The technique involves filtering out all non-nouns from the text, and then finding the matches in the database. This is an intriguing approach; interesting future work would involve performing a similar filtering for larger documents and then applying the Phoebus algorithm to match the remaining nouns to reference sets.
Using the reference set’s attributes as normalized values is similar to the idea of data cleaning. However, most data cleaning algorithms assume tuple-to-tuple transformations (Lee et al., 1999; Chaudhuri et al., 2003). That is, some function maps the attributes of one tuple to the attributes of another. This approach would not work on ungrammatical and unstructured data, where all attributes are embedded within the post, which maps to a set of attributes from the reference set. Although our work describes a technique for information extraction, many methods, such as Conditional Random Fields (CRF), assume at least some structure in the extracted attributes to do the extraction. As our extraction experiments show, Phoebus outperforms such methods, such as the Simple Tagger implementation of Conditional Random Fields (McCallum, 2002). Other IE approaches, such as Datamold (Borkar, Deshmukh, & Sarawagi, 2001) and CRAM (Agichtein & Ganti, 2004), segment whole records (like bibliographies) into attributes, with little structural assumption. In fact, CRAM even uses reference sets to aid its extraction. However, both systems require that every token of a record receive a label, which is not possible with posts that are filled with irrelevant, “junk” tokens. Along the lines of CRAM and Datamold, the work of Bellare and McCallum (2007) uses a reference set to train a CRF to extract data, which is similar to our PhoebusCRF implementation. However, there are two differences between PhoebusCRF and their work (Bellare & McCallum, 2007). First, the work of Bellare and McCallum (2007) mentions that reference set records are matched using simple heuristics, but it is unclear how this is done. In our work, matching is done explicitly and accurately through record linkage. Second, their work only uses the records from the reference set to label tokens for training an extraction module, while PhoebusCRF uses the actual values from the matching reference set record to produce useful features for extraction and annotation.
Another IE approach similar to ours performs named entity recognition using “Semi-CRFs” with a dictionary component (Cohen & Sarawagi, 2004), which functions like a reference set. However, in their work the dictionaries are defined as lists of single attribute entities, so finding an entity in the dictionary is a look-up task. Our reference sets are relational data, so finding the match becomes a record linkage task. Further, their work on Semi-CRFs (Cohen & Sarawagi, 2004) focuses on the task of labeling segments of tokens with a uniform label, which is especially useful for named entity recognition. In the case of posts, however, Phoebus needs to relax such a restriction because in some cases such segments will be interrupted, as the case of a hotel name with the area in the middle of the hotel name segment. So, unlike their work, Phoebus makes no assumptions about the structure of posts. Recently, Semi-CRFs have been extended to use database records in the task of integrating unstructured data with relational databases (Mansuri & Sarawagi, 2006). This work is similar to ours in that it links unstructured data, such as paper citations, with relational databases, such as reference sets of authors and venues. The difference is that we view this as a record linkage task, namely finding the right reference set tuple to match. In their paper, even though they use matches from the database to aid extraction, they view the linkage task as an extraction procedure followed by a matching task. Lastly, we are not the first to consider structured SVMs for information extraction. Previous work used structured SVMs to perform Named Entity Recognition (Tsochantaridis et al., 2005) but their extraction task does not use reference sets.
Our method of aiding information extraction with outside information (in the form of reference sets) is similar to the work on ontology-based information extraction (Embley, Campbell, Jiang, Liddle, Ng, Quass, & Smith, 1999). Later versions of their work even talk about using ontology-based information extraction as a means to semantically annotate unstructured data such as car classifieds (Ding, Embley, & Liddle, 2006). However, in contrast to our work, the information extraction is performed by a keyword-lookup into the ontology along with structural and contextual rules to aid the labeling. The ontology itself contains keyword misspellings and abbreviations, so that the look-up can be performed in the presence of noisy data. We believe the ontology-based extraction approach is less scalable than a record linkage type matching task because creating and maintaining the ontology requires extensive data engineering in order to encompass all possible common spelling mistakes and abbreviations. Further, if new data is added to the ontology, additional data engineering must be performed. In our work, we can simply add new tuples to our reference set. Lastly, in contrast to our work, this ontology based work assumes contextual and structural rules will apply, making an assumption about the data to extract from. In our work, we make no such assumptions about the structure of the text we are extracting from.
Yet another interesting approach to information extraction using ontologies is the Textpresso system which extracts data from biological text (Müller & Sternberg, 2004). This system uses a regular expression based keyword look-up to label tokens in some text based on the ontology. Once all tokens are labeled, Textpresso can perform “fact extraction” by extracting sequences of labeled tokens that fit a particular pattern, such as gene-allele reference associations. Although this system again uses a reference set for extraction, it differs in that it does a keyword look-up into the lexicon.
In recent work on learning efficient blocking schemes Bilenko et al., (2006) developed a system for learning disjunctive normal form blocking schemes. However, they learn their schemes using a graphical set covering algorithm, while we use a version of the Sequential Covering Algorithm (SCA). There are also similarities between our BSL algorithm and work on mining association rules from transaction data (Agrawal, Imielinski, & Swami, 1993). Both algorithms discover propositional rules. Further, both algorithms use multiple passes over a data set to discover their rules. However despite these similarities, the techniques really solve different problems. BSL generates a set of candidate matches with a minimal number of false positives. To do this, BSL learns conjunctions that are maximally specific (eliminating many false positives) and unions them together as a single disjunctive rule (to cover the different true positives). Since the conjunctions are maximally specific, BSL uses SCA underneath, which learns rules in a depth-first, general to specific manner (Mitchell, 1997). On the other hand, the work of mining association rules (Agrawal et al., 1993) looks for actual patterns in the data that represent some internal relationships. There may be many such relationships in the data that could be discovered, so this approach covers the data in a breadth-first fashion, selecting the set of rules at each iteration and extending them by appending to each a new possible item.
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Author | volume | Date Value | title | type | journal | titleUrl | doi | note | year | |
2008 CreatingRelationDataFromUnstrData | Matthew Michelson Craig A. Knoblock | Creating Relational Data from Unstructured and Ungrammatical Data Sources | JAIR Journal Series | https://www.aaai.org/Papers/JAIR/Vol31/JAIR-3116.pdf | 2008 |