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Showing 100 pages using this property.
1985 DistributedSnapshotsDetermining
Leslie Lamport
K. Mani Chandy
1986 AComparativeAnalysisofMethodolo
C. Batini
M. Lenzerini
S. B. Navathe
1986 ADisciplineOfDistanceEducation
Borje Holmberg
1986 AnIntroToMathStats
Richard J. Larsen
Morris L. Marx
1986 AttentionIntentionsandtheStruct
Barbara J. Grosz
Candace L. Sidner
1986 AutoSenseDisambig
Michael E. Lesk
1986 DocumentationGuidelinesForEstDevOfMonThes
International Organization for Standardization
1986 LawsEmpire
Ronald Dworkin (1931-2013)
1986 LearningDistributedRepresentati
Geoffrey E. Hinton
1986 LearningIntRepsByErrPropagation
Geoffrey E. Hinton
David E. Rumelhart
Ronald J. Williams
1986 LexicalSemantics
D. Alan Cruse
1986 SemanticsandQuantificationinNat
W.A. Woods
1986 StabilizingAnUnstableEconomy
Hyman Minsky (1919-1996)
1986 TheFormsofCapital
Pierre Bourdieu
1987 EngineeringStatistics
Robert V. Hogg
Johannes Ledolter
1987 InferenceinTextUnderstanding
Peter Norvig
1987 IntentionChoiceCommitment
Hector J. Levesque
Philip R. Cohen
1987 MarkupSystemsAndTheFutOfScholTxtProc
Allen H. Renear
James H. Coombs
Steven J. DeRose
1987 ReactiveReasoningandPlanning
Michael P. Georgeff
Amy L. Lansky
1987 RealTimeHeuristicSearchFirstRes
Richard E. Korf
1987 StochasticBlockmodelsforDirecte
Yuchung J. Wang
George Y. Wong
1987 TruthandBeautyAestheticsandMoti
Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar (1910-1995)
1988 AlgorithmsForClusterData
Anil K. Jain
Richard C. Dubes
1988 AutomaticGenerationofHypertextK
Udo Hahn
Ulrich Reimer
1988 DependencySyntax
Igor Mel'cu
1988 InterpretationAsAbduction
Jerry R. Hobbs
Mark Stickel
Paul Martin
1988 LearningQuicklyWhenIrrelevantAt
Nick Littlestone
1988 LocallyWeightedReganApptoReg...
William S. Cleveland
Susan J. Devlin
1988 ManufacturingConsentThePolitica
Edward S. Herman
Noam Chomsky (1928-)
1988 MindChildrenTheFutureofRobotand
Hans Moravec
1988 OnLanguageandConnectionismAnaly
Steven Pinker (1954-present)
1988 ProbabilisticReasoningInIntelligentSystems
Judea Pearl
1988 QueriesandConceptLearning
Dana Angluin
1988 RelationalModelsoftheLexiconRep
Martha Walton Evens
1988 SelfOrgAndAssociativeMemory
Teuvo Kohonen
1988 TheCProgrammingLanguageSecondEd
Dennis Ritchie
Brian W. Kernighan
1988 TheDesignofEverydayThings
Norman Donald
1988 TheKnowledgeAcquisitionBottlene
J Cullen
A Bryman
1988 ToyotaProductionSystemBeyondLar
Taiichi Ohno
1989 AnIntroductiontoConceptMappingf
William M.K. Trochim
1989 BibliometricMeasureOfResPerformAndPriceTheoOfDiffAmongTheSciences
Henk F. Moed
1989 HypertextFullTextAndAutomaticLinking
James H. Coombs
1989 InfiniteWordswithLinearSubwordC
Filippo Mignosi
1989 OntheLimitedMemoryBFGSMethodfor
Dong C. Liu
Jorge Nocedal
1989 ParsingByChunks
Steven P. Abney
1989 RelativeEntropyMeasuresofMultiv
Harry Joe
1989 The7HabitsofHighlyEffectivePeop
Stephen R Covey
1989 TheNBestAlgorithmAnEfficientPro
Richard Schwartz
Yen-Lu Chow
1989 TheWeightedMajorityAlgorithm
Nick Littlestone
Manfred K. Warmuth
1990 ABridgingModelforParallelComput
Leslie G. Valiant
1990 AnApprenticeThatDiscoversHypertextLinks
Mark Bernstein
1990 ApplicationOfCaseRelationsToIR
Lu Xin
1990 ApproximationAlgsForSchedUnrelParMachines
Éva Tardos
Jan Karel Lenstra
David B. Shmoys
1990 BasicLocalAlignmentSearchTool
David J. Lipman
Stephen F. Altschul
Warren Gish
1990 Biolexicon
Charles Blinderman
1990 BuildingLargeKBSys
Douglas B. Lenat
Ramanathan V. Guha
1990 ComputationalModelsOfSciDiscAndTheoryFormation
Pat Langley
Jeff Shrager
1990 DomainDescriptionGrammar
R. P. Carasik
S. M. Johnson
D. A. Patterson
1990 ExperimentalDesignAndAnalysis
Steven R. Brown
Lawrence E. Melamed
1990 FindingGroupInDataAnIntroToClusterAnalysis
Peter J. Rousseeuw
Leonard Kaufman
1990 GenderDifferencesinMathematicsP
Janet S Hyde
Elizabeth Fennema
Susan J Lamon
1990 IndexingbyLatentSemanticAnalysi
Susan T. Dumais
George W. Furnas
Thomas K. Landauer
1990 IntegratedArchitectureforLearni
Richard S. Sutton
1990 LearningLogicalDefinitionsfromR
J. Ross Quinlan
1990 MatrixMultiplicationviaArithmet
Don Coppersmith
Shmuel Winograd
1990 NonlinearMixedEffectsModels
Mary J. Lindstrom
Douglas M. Bates
1990 PovertyandOpportunityStructurei
Ann R Tickamyer
Cynthia M Duncan
1990 RealTimeHeuristicSearch
Richard E. Korf
1990 ReengineeringWorkDontAutomateOb
Michael M. Hammer
1990 ReverseEngineeringandDesignReco
Elliot J. Chikofsky
James H. Cross II
1990 TREATANewandEfficientMatchAlgor
Daniel P. Miranker
1990 TheFairWageEffortHypothesisandU
George A Akerlof
Janet L Yellen
1990 TheSymbolGroundingProblem
Stevan Harnad
1991 EnvisioningInformation
R. Tufte
1991 Flow
Mihály Csíkszentmihályi
1991 InstanceBasedLearning
David W. Aha
Dennis Kibler
Marc K. Albert
1991 IntegrationKidaLearningCompanio
Tak-Wai Chan
1991 IntroductionToTheTheoryOfNeurolComputation
John Hertz
Anders Krogh
Richard G. Palmer
1991 MovingFromTheOldToTheNewReadComp
Janice A. Dole
Gerald G. Duffy
Laura R. Roehler
1991 RatioandProductTypeExponentialE
Shashi Bahl
RK Tuteja
1991 RuleInductionUsingInformationTheory
Padhraic Smyth
Rodney M. Goodman
1991 StatisticalDataAnalysisInTheComputerAge
Bradley Efron
Robert Tibshirani
1991 TheFrameProbleminSituationtheCa
Raymond Reiter
1991 TheGenerativeLexicon
James Pustejovsky
1991 TheGenerativePowerOfCategGrammars
Bob Carpenter
1991 TheWorkofNationsPreparingOursel
Robert B. Reich
1991 WordSenseDisambigUsingStatMethods
Peter F. Brown
Robert L. Mercer
Vincent J. Della Pietra
1992 ABayesianMethodForTheIndOfProbNets
Gregory F. Cooper
Edward Herskovits
1992 ASimpleRulebasedPOSTagger
Eric D. Brill
1992 AccelerationofStochasticApproxi
Boris T. Polyak
Anatoli B. Juditsky
1992 AgentOrientedProgrammingAnOverv
Yoav Shoham
1992 AssociationbasedNaturalLanguage
Kimura Kazuhiro
Suzuoka Takashi
Amano Sin-ya
1992 AutomaticHyponymAcquisition
Marti Hearst
1992 ClassBasedNGramModelsOfNL
Peter F. Brown
Peter V. deSouza
Robert L. Mercer
1992 FeudalReinforcementLearning
Geoffrey E. Hinton
Peter Dayan
1992 InformationFilteringandInformat
W. Bruce Croft
Nicholas J. Belkin
1992 KnowledgeoftheFirmCombinativeCa
Bruce Kogut
Udo Zander
1992 MultivariateDensityEstimation
David W. Scott
1992 OneSensePerDiscourse
William A. Gale
Kenneth W. Church
David Yarowsky
1992 OntheApproximabilityoftheMaximu
Viggo Kann
Showing 4 related entities.
Test:2014 HandbookofNetworkAnalysisKONECT
2018 RequirementsforaFlexibleandGene
2020 DensePassageRetrievalforOpenDom
2024 MemorandumonAdvancingtheUnitedS
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