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List of results
- 2013 TheGlobalDeclineoftheLaborShare + (The Global Decline of the Labor Share)
- 2016 TheGoldilocksPrincipleReadingCh + (The Goldilocks Principle: Reading Children's Books with Explicit Memory Representations)
- 2005 GoogleScholarTheNewGeneratOfCitaIndexes + (The Google Scholar: New Generation of Citation Indexes)
- 2007 TheGoogleSimilarityDistance + (The Google Similarity Distance)
- 2012 TheGrandChallengeofComputerGoMo + (The Grand Challenge of Computer Go: Monte Carlo Tree Search and Extensions)
- 2013 TheGreatReversalintheDemandforS + (The Great Reversal in the Demand for Skill and Cognitive Tasks)
- 2014 TheGrowthandSpreadofConcentrate + (The Growth and Spread of Concentrated Poverty, 2000 to 2008-2012)
- 2013 TheGrowthofLowSkillServiceJobsa + (The Growth of Low-skill Service Jobs and the Polarization of the US Labor Market)
- 2007 TheHadoopDistFS + (The Hadoop Distributed File System: Architecture and Design)
- 2015 TheHistoryofTechnologicalAnxiet + (The History of Technological Anxiety and the Future of Economic Growth: Is This Time Different?)
- 2008 TheITITXMCorpora + (The ITI TXM Corpora: Tissue Expressions and Protein-Protein Interactions)
- 2012 TheImpactofLabourMarketReformsa + (The Impact of Labour Market Reforms and Economic Performance on the Matching of the Short-term and the Long-term Unemployed)
- 2008 TheImpactofNamedEntityNormaliza + (The Impact of Named Entity Normalization on Information Retrieval for Question Answering)
- 2008 TheInnerHistoryofDevices + (The Inner History of Devices)
- 1997 TheInnovatorsDilemmaWhenNewTech + (The Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail)
- 1994 TheIntellBaseAndResearchFrontOfJASIS1986-1990 + (The Intellectual Base and Research Front of JASIS 1986-1990)
- 2024 TheIntelligenceAge + (The Intelligence Age)
- 2014 TheInterplayBetweenDynamicsandN + (The Interplay Between Dynamics and Networks: Centrality, Communities, and Cheeger Inequality)
- 1996 TheJavaLanguageSpecification + (The Java Language Specification)
- 1996 TheKDDProcess + (The KDD Process for Extracting Useful Knowledge from Volumes of Data)
- 1996 TheKnowingOrganization + (The Knowing Organization: How organizations use information to construct meaning, create knowledge and make decisions)
- 1988 TheKnowledgeAcquisitionBottlene + (The Knowledge Acquisition Bottleneck: Time for Reassessment?)
- 2016 TheLAMBADADatasetWordPrediction + (The LAMBADA Dataset: Word Prediction Requiring a Broad Discourse Context)
- 1994 TheLanguageInstinct + (The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language)
- 2005 TheLawofAttrition + (The Law of Attrition)
- 2009 TheLifeYouCanSave + (The Life You Can Save)
- 2010 TheLimitstoScarcityContestingth + (The Limits to Scarcity: Contesting the Politics of Allocation)
- 2003 TheLinkPredictionProblemforSoci + (The Link Prediction Problem for Social Networks)
- 2024 TheLlama3HerdofModels + (The Llama 3 Herd of Models)
- 1996 TheLogStructuredMergeTreeLSMTre + (The Log-structured Merge-tree (LSM-tree))
- 1966 TheLogicofTacitInference + (The Logic of Tacit Inference)
- 2012 TheLongandtheShortofItSummarisi + (The Long and the Short of It: Summarising Event Sequences with Serial Episodes)
- 2019 TheLotteryTicketHypothesisFindi + (The Lottery Ticket Hypothesis: Finding Sparse, Trainable Neural Networks)
- 2008 TheMachineLearningDictionaryForCOMP9414 + (The Machine Learning Dictionary for COMP9414)
- 2011 TheMakingofPrinceofPersiaJourna + (The Making of Prince of Persia: Journals 1985-1993)
- 1994 TheMarksAreontheKnowledgeWorker + (The Marks Are on the Knowledge Worker)
- 2015 TheMasterAlgorithmHowtheQuestfo + (The Master Algorithm: How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine Will Remake Our World)
- 2011 TheMathematicsofCausalInference + (The Mathematics of Causal Inference)
- 2007 TheMaximumCommonSubgraphProblem + (The Maximum Common Subgraph Problem: Faster Solutions via Vertex Cover)
- 1923 TheMeaningOfMeaning + (The Meaning of Meaning: A Study of the Influence of Language upon Thought and of the Science of Symbolism)
- 2000 TheMemeMachine + (The Meme Machine)
- 1995 TheMergePurgeProblemForLargeDBs + (The Merge/Purge Problem for Large Databases)
- 2014 TheMicroandMacroofDisappearingR + (The Micro and Macro of Disappearing Routine Jobs: A Flows Approach)
- 2002 TheMinimalUnitofPhonologicalEnc + (The Minimal Unit of Phonological Encoding: Prosodic Or Lexical Word)
- 2012 TheMissingModelsADataDrivenAppr + (The Missing Models: A Data-driven Approach for Learning how Networks Grow)
- 2017 TheMLTestScoreARubricforMlProdu + (The Ml Test Score: A Rubric for Ml Production Readiness and Technical Debt Reduction)
- 2010 TheMoralLandscapeHowScienceCanD + (The Moral Landscape: How Science Can Determine Human Values)
- 2015 TheMostGoodYouCanDoHowEffective + (The Most Good You Can Do: How Effective Altruism Is Changing Ideas About Living Ethically)
- 1975 TheMythicalManMonth + (The Mythical Man-month)
- 1989 TheNBestAlgorithmAnEfficientPro + (The N-Best Algorithm: An Efficient Procedure for Finding Top N Sentence Hypotheses)
- 2015 TheNLPEngineAUniversalTuringMac + (The NLP Engine: A Universal Turing Machine for NLP)