2011 TheMakingofPrinceofPersiaJourna

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Subject Headings: Game Development Process, Technical Challenges in Early Game Development, Creative Process in Game Design, Personal Struggles of Game Developers, 1980s Video Game Industry, Innovative Animation Technique, Business Side of Game Development.


Topic Description
Game Development Process Mechner's candid journals capture his journey creating Prince of Persia, from initial concept to final product
Technical Challenges Details on overcoming programming and design obstacles on the Apple II hardware
Creative Process Insights into Mechner's creative decisions and inspirations for the game's story and mechanics
Personal Struggles Honest accounts of Mechner's doubts, setbacks, and personal challenges during development
1980s Game Industry Glimpses into the early days of the video game industry in the 1980s
Animation Techniques Information on the innovative rotoscoping animation method used for the prince character
Business Aspects Details on working with publisher Broderbund and navigating the business side of game development
Post-Release Impact The game's reception and its influence on the industry after release
  1. The Creative Process: The book provides an in-depth look into the creative process behind Prince of Persia. Mechner emphasizes the iterative nature of game design, showcasing how ideas evolve from rough concepts into fully realized game mechanics and visuals over time. His journaling captures the challenges of refining gameplay and narrative elements while balancing innovation with playability.
  2. Technical Challenges: Developing Prince of Persia on the Apple II presented significant hurdles. Mechner discusses how the hardware limitations, particularly memory constraints, impacted the game's design. He describes the painstaking work of optimizing code and overcoming these challenges to bring his vision to life within the constraints of 1980s technology.
  3. Innovation in Animation: A groundbreaking aspect of Prince of Persia was the use of rotoscoping. Mechner filmed live-action sequences to capture realistic movement, which he then traced to create the game's fluid animations. This technique was revolutionary in video game development, leading to a more immersive and lifelike player experience.
  4. Persistence in Development: Throughout the book, Mechner reflects on the importance of persistence. He documents his internal struggles, including moments of doubt about the project's future, but his journals show how persistence through technical and creative setbacks ultimately led to success.
  5. Balancing Creativity and Business: The book illuminates the delicate balance between maintaining creative integrity and ensuring commercial success. Mechner was acutely aware of market trends and the financial pressures of game development, which influenced some of his design decisions to make the game more commercially viable.
  6. Support from Family and Friends: Mechner’s journals reveal his family and friends' critical role during the development process. Their emotional and practical support helped him through the most challenging phases, providing much-needed motivation to complete the project.
  7. Insights into the Gaming Industry: The book offers a glimpse into the rapidly evolving gaming industry of the 1980s. Mechner speculates about the industry's future, expressing both excitement and uncertainty about the longevity of video games as a mainstream entertainment medium.
  8. Entrepreneurial Mindset: In addition to being a game designer, Mechner also had an entrepreneurial spirit. His journals document his focus on securing financial success, negotiating royalties, and ensuring the game’s profitability at every stage of game development.
  9. Storytelling in Games: Prince of Persia was ahead of its time in blending gameplay with storytelling. Mechner aimed to create a narrative-driven game that would engage players emotionally, setting a new standard for storytelling in the video game medium.
  10. Setbacks and Triumphs: The book offers an honest account of the setbacks, including technical failures and design challenges, that Mechner faced during game development. These are balanced with moments of triumph, where breakthroughs in gameplay design or animation led to significant progress.
  11. Legacy of Prince of Persia: In the later portions of the journals, Mechner reflects on the unexpected success of Prince of Persia and its cultural impact. From becoming a best-selling game to spawning sequels and a Hollywood movie, the game’s legacy continues to influence modern gaming and pop culture.

Cited By






 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
2011 TheMakingofPrinceofPersiaJournaJordan Mechner (1964-)The Making of Prince of Persia: Journals 1985-19932011