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List of results
- 1998 HowPopIsYourPaperAnEmpiricalStudyOfTheCitatDistr + (How Popular Is Your Paper? An Empirical Study of the Citation Distribution)
- 2014 HowTransferableAreFeaturesinDee + (How Transferable Are Features in Deep Neural Networks?)
- 2014 HowUniversalBasicIncomeWillSave + (How Universal Basic Income Will Save Us From the Robot Uprising, Io9)
- 2012 HowWillYouMeasureYourLife + (How Will You Measure Your Life?)
- 2023 HowisChatGPTsBehaviorChangingov + (How is ChatGPT's Behavior Changing over Time?)
- 2011 HowtoGrowaMindStatisticsStructu + (How to Grow a Mind: Statistics, Structure, and Abstraction)
- 2014 HowtoMeasureAnythingFindingtheV + (How to Measure Anything: Finding the Value of Intangibles in Business)
- 2012 HowtoUseNonLinguisticUtterances + (How to Use Non-linguistic Utterances to Convey Emotion in Child-robot Interaction)
- 2006 HumanGeneNameNormalUsingTextMatching + (Human Gene Name Normalization Using Text Matching with Automatically Extracted Synonym Dictionaries)
- 2011 HumanMobilitySocialTiesandLinkP + (Human Mobility, Social Ties, and Link Prediction)
- 2015 HumanLevelControlthroughDeepRei + (Human-level Control through Deep Reinforcement Learning)
- 2012 HySADASemiSupervisedHybridShill + (HySAD: A Semi-supervised Hybrid Shilling Attack Detector for Trustworthy Product Recommendation)
- 2016 HybridComputingUsingaNeuralNetw + (Hybrid Computing Using a Neural Network with Dynamic External Memory)
- 2011 HybridLanguageModelsUsingMixedT + (Hybrid Language Models Using Mixed Types of Sub-Lexical Units for Open Vocabulary German {LVCSR})
- 2013 HybridSpeechRecognitionwithDeep + (Hybrid Speech Recognition with Deep Bidirectional LSTM)
- 2008 HypergraphSpectralLearningforMu + (Hypergraph Spectral Learning for Multi-label Classification)
- 1989 HypertextFullTextAndAutomaticLinking + (Hypertext, Full Text, and Automatic Linking)
- 2002 HyponymyAndItsVarieties + (Hyponymy and its Varieties)
- 2008 ISAXIndexingandMiningTerabyteSi + (I SAX: Indexing and Mining Terabyte Sized Time Series)
- 2011 IWanttoAnswerWhoHasaQuestionYah + (I Want to Answer; Who Has a Question?: Yahoo! Answers Recommender System)
- 2018 IMPALAScalableDistributedDeepRL + (IMPALA: Scalable Distributed Deep-RL with Importance Weighted Actor-Learner Architectures)
- 2011 INCONCOInterpretableClusteringo + (INCONCO: Interpretable Clustering of Numerical and Categorical Objects)
- 1983 IRNLIAnExpertNaturalLanguageInt + (IR-NLI: An Expert Natural Language Interface to Online Data Bases)
- 2014 ISISANetworkedEpidemiologybased + (ISIS: A Networked-epidemiology based Pervasive Web App for Infectious Disease Pandemic Planning and Response)
- 2011 TheAnnotOfSpatialInforInLanguage + (ISO-Space: The Annotation of Spatial Information in Language)
- 2009 IdealDownwardRefinementintheELD + (Ideal Downward Refinement in the EL Description Logic)
- 2004 IdentificationandTracingofAmbig + (Identification and Tracing of Ambiguous Names: Discriminative and Generative Approaches)
- 1981 IdentificationOfCommonMolecSubseqs + (Identification of Common Molecular Subsequences)
- 2002 IdentifyingAnaphoricAndNonAnNPs + (Identifying Anaphoric and Non-Anaphoric Noun Phrases to Improve Coreference Resolution)
- 2008 IdentifyingAuthoritativeActorsi + (Identifying Authoritative Actors in Question-answering Forums: The Case of Yahoo! Answers)
- 2008 IdentifyingBiologicallyRelevant + (Identifying Biologically Relevant Genes via Multiple Heterogeneous Data Sources)
- 2006 IdentifyingComparativeSentences + (Identifying Comparative Sentences in Text Documents)
- 2006 IdentifyingDocTopicsUsingWikipedCatNet + (Identifying Document Topics Using the Wikipedia Category Network)
- 2008 IdentifyingDomainExpertiseofDev + (Identifying Domain Expertise of Developers from Source Code)
- 2010 IdentifyingGenericNounPhrases + (Identifying Generic Noun Phrases)
- 2008 IdentifyingKeyConceptsinAnOntol + (Identifying Key Concepts in An Ontology, through the Integration of Cognitive Principles with Statistical and Topological Measures)
- 2011 IdentifyingRelationsBetMedicalConcepts + (Identifying Relations between Medical Concepts by Parsing UMLS® Definitions)
- 2014 IdentifyingTouristsfromPublicTr + (Identifying Tourists from Public Transport Commuters)
- 2012 IdentifyingUntypedRelationMenti + (Identifying Untyped Relation Mentions in a Corpus Given An Ontology)
- 2014 IdentifyingandAttackingtheSaddl + (Identifying and Attacking the Saddle Point Problem in High-dimensional Non-convex Optimization)
- 2014 IdentifyingandLabelingSearchTas + (Identifying and Labeling Search Tasks via Query-based Hawkes Processes)
- 2010 IdentifyingTheInfStructOfSciAbstracts + (Identifying the Information Structure of Scientific Abstracts: An Investigation of Three Different Schemes)
- 2016 IdentityMappingsinDeepResidualN + (Identity Mappings in Deep Residual Networks)
- 2003 IdentityUncertaintyAndCitationMatching + (Identity Uncertainty and Citation Matching)
- 2008 IdiopathicThrPurCurrConcin... + (Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura: Current Concepts in Pathophysiology and Management)
- 2013 IfMachinesAreCapableofDoingAlmo + (If Machines Are Capable of Doing Almost Any Work Humans Can Do, What Will Humans Do?)
- 2006 IkeWikiASemanticWikiforCollabor + (IkeWiki: A Semantic Wiki for Collaborative Knowledge Management)
- 1997 ImageSegmentationinVideoSequenc + (Image Segmentation in Video Sequences: A Probabilistic Approach)
- 2012 ImageNetClassificationwithDeepC + (ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks)
- 2015 ImageNetLargeScaleVisualRecogni + (ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge)
- 2016 ImagesDontLieTransferringDeepVi + (Images Don't Lie: Transferring Deep Visual Semantic Features to Large-Scale Multimodal Learning to Rank)