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List of results
- 2001 ApproximationAlgorithms + (Approximation Algorithms)
- 1990 ApproximationAlgsForSchedUnrelParMachines + (Approximation Algorithms for Scheduling Unrelated Parallel Machines)
- 2012 ArchitecturalDesignsofEchoState + (Architectural Designs of Echo State Network)
- 2007 ArchitectureofaDatabaseSystem + (Architecture of a Database System)
- 2023 AreEmergentAbilitiesofLargeLang + (Are Emergent Abilities of Large Language Models a Mirage?)
- 2024 AreEmergentAbilitiesofLargeLang + (Are Emergent Abilities of Large Language Models a Mirage?)
- 2011 ArePropensityScoresReallySuperi + (Are Propensity Scores Really Superior to Standard Multivariable Analysis?)
- 2014 AreTechnologicalUnemploymentand + (Are Technological Unemployment and a Basic Income Guarantee Inevitable Or Desirable?)
- 2014 AretheLongTermUnemployedontheMa + (Are the Long-Term Unemployed on the Margins of the Labor Market?)
- 2000 ArgumentsDialogueandNegotiation + (Arguments, Dialogue, and Negotiation)
- 2004 ArmadilloHarvestingInformationf + (Armadillo: Harvesting Information for the Semantic Web)
- 2008 ArnetMinerExtractionandMiningof + (ArnetMiner: Extraction and Mining of Academic Social Networks)
- 2024 ArtPromptASCIIArtbasedJailbreak + (ArtPrompt: ASCII Art-based Jailbreak Attacks Against Aligned LLMs)
- 2011 ArticleClipperaSystemforWebArti + (Article Clipper: A System for Web Article Extraction)
- 2017 ArtificialErrorGenerationwithMa + (Artificial Error Generation with Machine Translation and Syntactic Patterns)
- 2009 ArtificialIntelligenceSearchAlg + (Artificial Intelligence Search Algorithms)
- 2016 ArtificialIntelligenceandLifein + (Artificial Intelligence and Life in 2030.” One Hundred Year Study on Artificial Intelligence: Report of the 2015-2016 Study Panel,)
- 2015 ArtificialIntelligenceandTechno + (Artificial Intelligence and Technological Unemployment)
- 2008 ArtificialIntelligenceASystemsApproach + (Artificial Intelligence: A Systems Approach)
- 1995 ArtificialIntelligenceAModernApproach + (Artificial Intelligence: a modern approach)
- 2002 ArtificialIntelligenceAModernApproach + (Artificial Intelligence: a modern approach (2nd edition))
- 1945 AsWeMayThink + (As We May Think)
- 2005 AsWeMaySearCompMajFeatTheWebSciScopAndGoSchoCitatBasCitEnhanDB + (As we May Search - Comparison of Major Features of the Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar Citation-based and Citation-enhanced Databases)
- 2017 AsilomarAIPrinciples + (Asilomar AI Principles)
- 2022 AskMeAnythingASimpleStrategyfor + (Ask Me Anything: A Simple Strategy for Prompting Language Models)
- 2015 AskMeAnythingDynamicMemoryNetwo + (Ask Me Anything: Dynamic Memory Networks for Natural Language Processing)
- 2011 AskMeBetterQuestionsActiveLearn + (Ask Me Better Questions: Active Learning Queries based on Rule Induction)
- 2018 AsktheRightQuestionsActiveQuest + (Ask the Right Questions: Active Question Reformulation with Reinforcement Learning)
- 2009 AspectGuidedTextCategoriza + (Aspect Guided Text Categorization with Unobserved Labels)
- 2015 AssemblerEfficientDiscoveryofSp + (Assembler: Efficient Discovery of Spatial Co-evolving Patterns in Massive Geo-sensory Data)
- 2007 AssessingQualDynInUnsupMdataExtrDL + (Assessing Quality Dynamics in Unsupervised Metadata Extraction for Digital Libraries)
- 2013 AssessingTeamStrategyUsingSpati + (Assessing Team Strategy Using Spatiotemporal Data)
- 2008 AssessmentofPLSDACrossValidatio + (Assessment of PLSDA Cross Validation)
- 2011 AssociationPatforDataModelandDef + (Association Patterns for Data Modeling and Definition)
- 1992 AssociationbasedNaturalLanguage + (Association-based Natural Language Processing with Neural Networks)
- 2008 AsymmetricSupportVectorMachines + (Asymmetric Support Vector Machines: Low False-positive Learning under the User Tolerance)
- 2016 AsynchronousMethodsforDeepReinf + (Asynchronous Methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning)
- 2016 AttentionandAugmentedRecurrentN + (Attention and Augmented Recurrent Neural Networks)
- 2017 AttentionisallYouNeed + (Attention is all You Need)
- 1986 AttentionIntentionsandtheStruct + (Attention, Intentions, and the Structure of Discourse)
- 2018 AttentionbasedEncoderDecoderNet + (Attention-based Encoder-Decoder Networks for Spelling and Grammatical Error Correction.)
- 2015 AttentionbasedModelsforSpeechRe + (Attention-based Models for Speech Recognition)
- 2017 AttentiveLanguageModels + (Attentive Language Models)
- 2000 AttitudesValuesBeliefsandtheMic + (Attitudes, Values, Beliefs, and the Microeconomics of Prosperity)
- 2004 AttributeBasedAndValueBasedClustering + (Attribute-based and Value-based Clustering: An evaluation)
- 2009 AudienceSelectionforOnLineBrand + (Audience Selection for on-line Brand Advertising: Privacy-friendly Social Network Targeting)
- 2009 AugmentingtheGeneralizedHoughTr + (Augmenting the Generalized Hough Transform to Enable the Mining of Petroglyphs)
- 1999 AuthoritativeSources + (Authoritative Sources in a Hyperlinked Environment)
- 2019 AutoKerasAnEfficientNeuralArchi + (Auto-Keras: An Efficient Neural Architecture Search System)
- 2013 AutoWEKACombinedSelectionandHyp + (Auto-WEKA: Combined Selection and Hyperparameter Optimization of Classification Algorithms)
- 2015 AutoExtendExtendingWordEmbeddin + (AutoExtend: Extending Word Embeddings to Embeddings for Synsets and Lexemes)