Intentional Life

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An Intentional Life is a human life-story that scores highly in an intentional living measure.



  • chat
    • Q: What are examples of a half-lived vs a fully authentic life
    • A: A half-lived life might include:

Going through the motions in a job that you don't find fulfilling or meaningful Being in relationships that lack depth, honesty, and intimacy Settling for mediocre experiences and opportunities, rather than striving for something more meaningful or impactful Not expressing your true thoughts, feelings, and opinions because of fear or a desire to fit in Living life according to the expectations of others, rather than pursuing your own goals and aspirations A fully authentic life, on the other hand, might involve:

Pursuing work or activities that bring joy, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose Building meaningful relationships with others, based on honesty, trust, and mutual support Embracing and expressing your true thoughts, feelings, and opinions, even when they may not align with others' expectations Pursuing experiences and opportunities that align with your values and personal goals Living life on your own terms, rather than trying to please others or fit into a preconceived mold.





  • (Levoy, 1998) ⇒ Gregg Levoy. (1998). “Callings: Finding and Following An Authentic Life." Three Rivers Press (CA),
    • QUOTE: How do we know if we're following our true callings? How do we sharpen our senses to cut through the distractions of everyday reality and hear the calls that are beckoning us? … is the first book to examine the many kinds of calls we receive and the great variety of channels...


  • Ricoeur, P., 1992. Oneself as Another. Tr. Kathleen Blamey. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.