Personal Pursuit

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A Personal Pursuit is a individual activity that involves the dedicated investment of time, energy, and attention toward achieving specific goals or exploring interests that hold personal significance.



  • Ruth Chang. (2015). "Resolving to Create a New You." NYTimes Opinion JAN. 3, 2015
    • QUOTE: … Instead of looking outward to find the value that determines what you should do, you can look inward to what you can stand behind, commit to, resolve to throw yourself behind. By committing to an option, you can confer value on it.

      Of course, this isn't to say that you should commit to being a first-class jerk, pedophile or murderer. That's because being a jerk is not on a par with being a good person.

      When we choose between options that are on a par, we make ourselves the authors of our own lives. Instead of being led by the nose by what we imagine to be facts of the world, we should instead recognize that sometimes the world is silent about what we should do. In those cases, we can create value for ourselves by committing to an option. By doing so, we not only create value for ourselves but we also (re)create ourselves.