Algorithmic Concept
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A Algorithmic Concept is a computing science concept within the algorithms subject area.
- Context:
- It can (typically) be the referent of a Algorithmic Term.
- It can be associated to: a Data Analysis Concept, AI Concept, Mathematics Concept, ...
- It can (typically) be expressed in a Mathematical Language and often involves the use of Pseudo-Code for illustration.
- It can involve Complexity Analysis to understand the efficiency and resource requirements.
- It can include Algorithmic Optimization for enhancing performance.
- ...
- Example(s):
- Sorting Algorithm, such as QuickSort or MergeSort.
- Search Algorithm, like Binary Search.
- Graph Algorithm, including Dijkstra's Algorithm for shortest path finding.
- Machine Learning Algorithm, such as Neural Networks or Support Vector Machines.
- Cryptography Algorithm, including RSA Algorithm or SHA-256.
- Computational Geometry Algorithm, like the Convex Hull algorithms.
- Data Compression Algorithm, such as Huffman Coding.
- Database Algorithm, including indexing techniques like B-Trees.
- …
- Counter-Example(s):
- a Statistical Concept, such as linear regression.
- a Machine Learning Concept, such as Probably Approximately Correct Learning.
- See: Statistics Encyclopedia, Statistics Textbook.
- nth root algorithm; 3Dc; A*; A-law algorithm; AC-3 algorithm; AKS primality test; ALOPEX; Abstract Algebra; AdaBoost; Adaptive Huffman coding; Adaptive histogram equalization; Adaptive replacement cache; Adaptive-additive algorithm; Addition-chain exponentiation; Adler-32; Advanced Encryption Standard; Aho–Corasick string matching algorithm; Algorithm X; Algorithm; Algorithms for Recovery and Isolation Exploiting Semantics; Algorithms for calculating variance; Alpha max plus beta min algorithm; Alpha-beta pruning; Ambient occlusion; Ant colony optimization; Approximate counting algorithm; Apriori algorithm; Arbitrarily oriented minimum bounding box; Arbitrary-precision arithmetic; Arithmetic coding; Arnoldi iteration; Artificial neural network; Association rule learning; Astronomical algorithm; Asymmetric (public key) encryption; Asymmetric key algorithm; Audio data compression; Audio; Average-linkage clustering; B*; B-spline; BCH Code; BCJR algorithm; BFGS method; BKM algorithm; Baby-step giant-step; Backpropagation; Backtracking; Backward Euler method; Bailey–Borwein–Plouffe formula; Baillie-PSW primality test; Banker's algorithm; Barnes–Hut simulation; Basic Local Alignment Search Tool; Baum–Welch algorithm; Bayesian statistics; Bead sort; Beam search; Beam stack search; Beam tracing; Bees algorithm; Bellman–Ford algorithm; Benson's algorithm; Bentley–Ottmann algorithm; Berkeley algorithm; Berlekamp–Massey algorithm; Best Bin First; Best-first search; Biconjugate gradient method; Bicubic interpolation; Bidirectional search; Bilinear interpolation; Binary GCD algorithm; Binary search algorithm; Binary splitting; Bioinformatics; Bionics; Birkhoff interpolation; Bisection method; Bitap algorithm; Bitonic sorter; Block Truncation Coding; Block nested loop; Bloom filter; Blowfish (cipher); Blowfish; Bluestein's FFT algorithm; Blum Blum Shub; Boehm garbage collector; Bogosort; Boosting (meta-algorithm); Booth's multiplication algorithm; Bootstrap aggregating; Boruvka's algorithm; Borwein's algorithm; Bowyer–Watson algorithm; Boyer–Moore string search algorithm; Boyer–Moore–Horspool algorithm; Branch and bound; Branch and cut; Breadth-first search; Brent's algorithm; Bresenham's line algorithm; Bron–Kerbosch algorithm; BrownBoost; Bruss algorithm; Bruun's FFT algorithm; Bubble sort; Buchberger's algorithm; Bucket sort; Buddy memory allocation; Bully algorithm; Burrows–Wheeler transform; Burstsort; Buzen's algorithm; Byte pair encoding; Byzantine fault tolerance; Bézier curve; C3 linearization; C4.5 algorithm; CHS conversion; CNF-SAT; CORDIC; CYK algorithm; Cache algorithm; Cannon's algorithm; Canny edge detector; Canonical LR parser; Canopy clustering algorithm; Cantor–Zassenhaus algorithm; Chaff algorithm; Chain matrix multiplication; Chaitin's algorithm; Chakravala method; Chan's algorithm; Cheney's algorithm; Cheney's copying algorithm; Chew's second algorithm; Chien search; Cholesky decomposition; Chomsky normal form; Christofides algorithm; Clipping (computer graphics); Clipping; Clock synchronization; Clock with Adaptive Replacement; Closest pair problem; Clustering Algorithm; Cocktail sort; Code-excited linear prediction; Coding theory; Cohen–Sutherland; Collision detection; Coloring algorithm; Comb sort; Combinatorial optimization; Comparison_of_algorithm; Complete-linkage clustering; Computation of p; Computational complexity theory; Computational geometry; Computational linguistics; Computational mathematics; Computational physics; Computational science; Computational statistics; Computer algebra; Computer architecture; Computer graphics; Computer science; Computing p; Computus; Cone algorithm; Cone tracing; Congruence of squares; Conjugate gradient; Connected-component labeling; Constraint algorithm; Constraint satisfaction; Context tree weighting; Contour line; Convex hull algorithm; Cooley–Tukey FFT algorithm; Coppersmith–Winograd algorithm; Counting sort; Crank-Nicolson method; Cristian's algorithm; Cross-entropy method; Cryptographic hash function; Cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator; Cryptography; Cubic interpolation; Cuthill–McKee algorithm; Cutting-plane method; Cycle detection; Cycle sort; Cyclic redundancy check; Cyrus–Beck; D*; DBSCAN; DDA line algorithm; DEFLATE (algorithm); DEFLATE; DPLL algorithm; DSA; DTMF; Daitch–Mokotoff Soundex; Damerau–Levenshtein distance; Damm algorithm; Dancing Links; Dantzig–Wolfe decomposition; Data Encryption Standard; Data clustering; Database; Davis–Putnam algorithm; Davis–Putnam–Logemann–Loveland algorithm; De Boor algorithm; De Casteljau's algorithm; Decision Trees; Decision tree learning; Dekker's algorithm; Delaunay triangulation; Delayed column generation; Delta encoding; Demon algorithm; Depth-first search; Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm; Dice's coefficient; Dictionary coder; Difference map algorithm; Differential equation; Differential evolution; Diffie–Hellman key exchange; Digital Differential Analyzer (graphics algorithm); Digital Signature Algorithm; Digital signal processing; Dijkstra's algorithm; Dijkstra-Scholten algorithm; Dinic's algorithm; Discrete Fourier transform; Discrete Green's Theorem; Discrete logarithm; Disk scheduling; Distributed system; Dithering; Divide and conquer algorithm; Division algorithm; Dixon's algorithm; Doomsday algorithm; Double Metaphone; Double dabble; Dynamic Markov compression; Dynamic Programming; Dynamic time warping; Dynamical system; ESC algorithm; Earley parser; Earliest deadline first scheduling; Easter algorithm; Eclat algorithm; Edmonds's algorithm; Edmonds–Karp algorithm; Eigenvalue algorithm; ElGamal encryption; ElGamal; Elementary function (differential algebra); Elevator algorithm; Elias delta coding; Elias gamma coding; Elias omega coding; Ellipsoid method; Elliptic curve cryptography; Embedded Zerotree Wavelet; Entropy coding with known entropy characteristics; Entropy encoding; Error detection and correction; Error diffusion; Espresso heuristic logic minimizer; Estimation Theory; Estimation theory; Euclidean Distance Transform; Euclidean algorithm; Euclidean distance map; Euclidean minimum spanning tree; Euclidean shortest path problem; Euler integration; Euler method; Evolution strategy; Evolutionary computation; Exact cover; Expectation-maximization algorithm; Exponential backoff; Exponential-Golomb coding; Exponentiating by squaring; Extended Euclidean algorithm; Extrapolation; FELICS; FLAME clustering; FNN algorithm; FP-growth algorithm; Fair-share scheduling; False nearest neighbor algorithm; False position method; Fast Cosine Transform algorithm; Fast Cosine Transform; Fast Efficient & Lossless Image Compression System; Fast Fourier transform; Fast clipping; Fast folding algorithm; Fast multipole method; Fast-clipping; Faugère F4 algorithm; Fault-tolerant system; Featherstone's algorithm; Feature detection (computer vision); Feature detection; Fermat primality test; Fermat's factorization method; Fibonacci coding; Fibonacci numbers; Fibonacci search technique; Filtered back-projection; Finite difference method; Fisher–Yates shuffle; Fitness proportionate selection; Flashsort; Fletcher's checksum; Flood fill; Flow network; Floyd's cycle-finding algorithm; Floyd–Steinberg dithering; Floyd–Warshall algorithm; Force-based algorithm; Force-based algorithms (graph drawing); Ford–Fulkerson algorithm; Formal grammar; Fortuna (PRNG); Fortuna; Fortune's Algorithm; Forward error correction; Forward-backward algorithm; Fowler–Noll–Vo hash function; Fractal compression; Freivalds' algorithm; Fuzzy c-means clustering; Fuzzy c-means; Fuzzy clustering; Fürer's algorithm; GLR parser; Gale–Shapley algorithm; Garbage collection (computer science); Garbage collectors; Gaussian elimination; Gauss–Jordan elimination; Gauss–Legendre algorithm; Gauss–Newton algorithm; Gauss–Seidel method; Gene expression programming; General Problem Solver; General number field sieve; Generalised Hough transform; Generational garbage collector; Genetic algorithm; Geometric algorithm; Geometric hashing; Geoscience; Gerchberg–Saxton algorithm; Gibbs sampling; Gift wrapping algorithm; Gilbert–Johnson–Keerthi distance algorithm; Girvan–Newman algorithm; Global illumination; Gnome sort; Goertzel algorithm; Goldschmidt division; Golomb coding; Gordon–Newell theorem; Gosper's algorithm; Gouraud shading; Gradient descent; Graham scan; Gram–Schmidt process; Graph algorithm; Graph drawing; Graph search algorithm; Graph theory; Gray code; Greedy randomized adaptive search procedure; Ground state; Grover's algorithm; GrowCut algorithm; Gröbner basis; HMAC; Halley's method; Hamming code; Hamming distance; Hamming weight; Hamming(7,4); Harmony search; Hash Function; Hash join; Hash tree (persistent data structure); Heap's algorithm; Heap's permutation generation algorithm; Heapsort; Hermite interpolation; Hidden Markov model; Hidden surface determination; Hidden surface removal; Hindley-Milner type inference; Hindley–Milner type inference algorithm; Hirschberg's algorithm; Histogram equalization; Hopcroft–Karp algorithm; Hopfield net; Hough transform; Huang's algorithm; Hubs and authorities; Huffman coding; Hungarian algorithm; Hungarian method; Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search; ID3 algorithm; IDEA; Image Compression; Image processing; Image-based lighting; Incremental encoding; Index calculus algorithm; Information theory; Insertion sort; Inside-outside algorithm; Integer factorization; Integer linear programming; Interior point method; International Data Encryption Algorithm; Interpolation search; Interpolation; Intersection algorithm; Introsort; Inverse iteration; Isosurface; Iterative deepening depth-first search; Jaccard index; Jacobi eigenvalue algorithm; Jacobi method; Jaro–Winkler distance; Johnson algorithm; Join (SQL); Join algorithm; Jump point search; Jump search; Jump-and-Walk algorithm; Kabsch algorithm; Kadane's algorithm; Kahan summation algorithm; Kalman filter; Karatsuba algorithm; Karger's algorithm; Karmarkar's algorithm; Karn's Algorithm; Karplus-Strong string synthesis; Kirkpatrick–Seidel algorithm; Knight's Tour; Knuth–Bendix completion algorithm; Knuth–Morris–Pratt algorithm; Kosaraju's algorithm; Kruskal's algorithm; LALR (Look-ahead LR) parser; LL parser; LPBoost; LR parser; LZ77 and LZ78; LZJB; LZRW; LZWL; LZX; Lagged Fibonacci generator; Lagrange interpolation; Lagrange polynomial; Lamport ordering; Lamport's Bakery algorithm; Lamport's Distributed Mutual Exclusion Algorithm; Lanczos iteration; Lanczos resampling; Laplacian smoothing; Lax-Wendroff method; Lax-Wendroff; Least slack time scheduling; Lempel–Ziv Jeff Bonwick; Lempel–Ziv Ross William; Lempel–Ziv; Lempel–Ziv–Markov chain algorithm; Lempel–Ziv–Oberhumer; Lempel–Ziv–Stac; Lempel–Ziv–Storer–Szymanski; Lempel–Ziv–Welch; Lenstra elliptic curve factorization; Lesk algorithm; Level set method; Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm; Levenshtein coding; Levenshtein distance; Levenshtein edit distance; Levinson recursion; Lexical analysis; Lexicographic breadth-first search; Liang–Barsky; Library sort; Linde–Buzo–Gray algorithm; Line Drawing; Line clipping; Line drawing algorithm; Line search; Line segment intersection; Linear congruential generator; Linear feedback shift register; Linear interpolation; Linear multistep method; Linear predictive coding; Linear programming; Linear search; Lloyd's algorithm; Local search (optimization); Local search; Locality-sensitive hashing; LogitBoost; Long division; Longest common subsequence problem; Longest common substring problem; Longest increasing subsequence problem; Longest path problem; Longitudinal redundancy check; Look-ahead LR parser; Lossless compression algorithm; Lossless data compression; Lossy compression algorithm; Lucas primality test; Luhn algorithm; Luhn mod N algorithm; Luleå algorithm; MD5; MISER algorithm; Machine Learning; Machine learning; Maekawa's Algorithm; Manning Criteria; Marching cubes; Marching squares; Marching tetrahedrons; Marching triangles; Mark and sweep; Mark-compact algorithm; Markov decision process; Marr–Hildreth algorithm; Marzullo's algorithm; Masaru Tomita; Match Rating Approach; Mathematical optimization; Matrix multiplication algorithm; Maximum a posteriori; Maximum parsimony (phylogenetics); Medical algorithm; Memetic algorithm; Merge algorithm; Merge sort; Mersenne twister; Metaphone; Methods of computing square roots; Metropolis light transport; Metropolis–Hastings algorithm; Midpoint circle algorithm; Miller–Rabin primality test; Min conflicts algorithm; Minimax algorithm with alternate moves; Minimax; Minimum bounding box algorithm; Minimum bounding box; Minimum degree algorithm; Minimum spanning tree; Monotone cubic interpolation; Monte Carlo method; Monte Carlo method; Monte Carlo simulation; Montgomery reduction; Mu-law algorithm; Muller's method; Multi level feedback queue; Multigrid methods; Multiplication algorithm; Multiplicative inverse Algorithm; Multiplicative inverse; Multiplicative inverses of numbers and power series; Multivariate division algorithm; Multivariate interpolation; Mutual exclusion; N-body problem; NIST; NTRUEncrypt; NYSIIS; Nagle's algorithm; Naimi-Trehel's log(n) Algorithm; Natural language processing; Nearest neighbor search; Nearest neighbour algorithm; Nearest-neighbor interpolation; Needleman–Wunsch algorithm; Nelder–Mead method; Nested loop join; Nested sampling algorithm; Network congestion; Network scheduler; Network theory; Neural Network; Neural network; Neville's algorithm; New York State Identification and Intelligence System; Newell's algorithm; Newton's method in optimization; Newton's method; Newton–Raphson division; Nicholl–Lee–Nicholl; Non-restoring division; Nonblocking Minimal Spanning Switch; Nonlinear optimization; Normal mapping; Nth root algorithm; Number theory; Numerical analysis; Numerical integration; Numerical linear algebra; OPTICS algorithm; OPTICS; Odd-even sort; Odds algorithm; Odlyzko–Schönhage algorithm; One-attribute rule; Operating system; Operator-precedence parser; Ordered dithering; Ordered subset expectation maximization; PPM compression algorithm; Package-merge algorithm; Packrat parser; Page replacement algorithm; PageRank; Painter's algorithm; Pancake sorting; Pareto distribution; Pareto interpolation; Parity bit; Parity; Parsing; Partial differential equation; Partial least squares regression; Particle swarm optimization; Particle swarm; Path tracing; Path-based strong component algorithm; Patience sorting; Paxos algorithm; Pearson hashing; Pell's equation; Perceptron; Permutations; Perturbation methods; Peterson's algorithm; Peterson–Gorenstein–Zierler algorithm; Petrick's method; Phonetic algorithm; Phong shading; Photon mapping; Pigeonhole sort; Pohlig–Hellman algorithm; Point in polygon; Point set registration; Pollard's p - 1 algorithm; Pollard's kangaroo algorithm; Pollard's p − 1 algorithm; Pollard's rho algorithm for logarithm; Pollard's rho algorithm; Polygon triangulation; Polynomial interpolation; Polynomial long division; Postman sort; Power iteration; Powerset construction; Pratt parser; Prediction by partial matching; Predictive search; Prim's algorithm; Primality test; Prime-factor FFT algorithm; Process scheduler; Process synchronization; Programming language theory; Prüfer coding; Prüfer sequence; Pseudorandom number generator; Pulmonary embolism; Pulse-coupled neural networks; Push–relabel algorithm; Q-learning; QR algorithm; Quadratic sieve; Quantum algorithm; Quasitriangulation; Queuing theory; Quickhull; Quicksort; Quine–McCluskey algorithm; RANSAC; RC4 (cipher); RIPEMD-160; RMSD; RSA (algorithm); RSA; RTR0; Rabin–Karp string search algorithm; Rader's FFT algorithm; Radial basis function network; Radiosity (3D computer graphics); Radiosity; Radix sort; Radon transform; Rainflow-counting algorithm; Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm; Random forest; Random walker algorithm; Random-restart hill climbing; Range encoding; Rate-monotonic scheduling; Ray tracing (graphics); Ray tracing; Rayleigh quotient iteration; Raymond's Algorithm; Recurrent neural network; Recursive descent parser; Redundancy check; Reed–Solomon error correction; Reference counting; Region growing; Reinforcement Learning; Relevance Vector Machine; Restoring division; Rete algorithm; Reverse-delete algorithm; Ricart-Agrawala Algorithm; Rice coding; Richardson–Lucy deconvolution; Ridder's method; Riemann zeta function; Riemersma dithering; Rijndael; Risch algorithm; Ritz method; Root-finding algorithm; Rotating calipers; Round-robin scheduling; Rounding functions; Run-length encoding; Runge's phenomenon; Runge–Kutta methods; Ruppert's algorithm; SEQUITUR algorithm; SHA-1; SHA-2; SIFT; SLR (Simple LR) parser; SRT division; SSS*; SUBCLU; SURF (Speeded Up Robust Features); SURF; Samplesort; Scale-invariant feature transform; Scanline rendering; Scheduling (computing); Schensted algorithm; Schreier–Sims algorithm; Schönhage–Strassen algorithm; Scoring algorithm; Seam carving; Secant method; Secret sharing; Segmentation (image processing); Segmentation; Selection algorithm; Selection sort; Self-organizing map; Semi-space collector; Sequences; Set (mathematics); Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees; Sethi-Ullman algorithm; Shading; Shamir's Scheme; Shamir's Secret Sharing; Shamos–Hoey algorithm; Shannon–Fano coding; Shannon–Fano–Elias coding; Shell sort; Shellsort; Shifting nth-root algorithm; Shoelace algorithm; Shor's algorithm; Shortest common supersequence; Shortest job next; Shortest path problem; Shortest remaining time; Shortest seek first; Shunting yard algorithm; Sieve of Atkin; Sieve of Eratosthenes; Sieve of Sundaram; Signal processing; Simon's algorithm; Simple LR parser; Simple precedence parser; Simplex algorithm; Simulated annealing; Single-linkage clustering; Slerp; Smith–Waterman algorithm; Smoothsort; Snapshot algorithm; Software engineering; Sort-Merge Join; Sorted list; Sorting algorithm; Sorting by signed reversals; Sorting_algorithm; Soundex; Spaghetti sort; Sparse matrix; Special functions; Special number field sieve; Spectral layout; Speech; Spigot algorithm; Spline interpolation; State space search; State-Action-Reward-State-Action; Statistical classification; Steinhaus–Johnson–Trotter algorithm; Stemming algorithm; Stemming; Stochastic tunneling; Stochastic universal sampling; Stone's method; Stooge sort; Strand sort; Strassen algorithm; String metrics; Strongly connected components; Structured SVM; Subsequence; Subset sum problem; Subset sum; Substring search; Substring; Successive over-relaxation; Sukhotin's algorithm; Summed area table; Support Vector Machines; Sutherland–Hodgman; Swarm intelligence; Sweep and prune; Symbolic Cholesky decomposition; Symmetric (secret key) encryption; Tabu search; Tarjan's off-line least common ancestors algorithm; Tarjan's strongly connected components algorithm; Tarski–Kuratowski algorithm; Temporal difference learning; Ternary search; Texas Medication Algorithm Project; The syntax of grammars; Theory of computation; Threefish; Tiger (hash); Tiger tree hashes; Tiger; Timsort; Tiny Encryption Algorithm; Todd–Coxeter algorithm; Toeplitz matrix; Tomasulo algorithm; Toom–Cook multiplication; Top-nodes algorithm; Topics in cryptography; Topological sort; Topological sorting; Tournament selection; Transform coding; Transitive closure; Trapezoidal rule (differential equations); Traveling salesman problem; Tree sort; Tree traversal; Trial division; Triangulation (geometry); Triangulation; Tricubic interpolation; Tridiagonal matrix algorithm; Trigonometric interpolation; Trigram search; Truncated binary encoding; Truncated binary exponential backoff; Truncation selection; TrustRank; Twofish; UPGMA; Ukkonen's algorithm; Unary coding; Unicode Collation Algorithm; Uniform binary search; Uniform-cost search; Universal code (data compression); Universal codes; VEGAS algorithm; Variational method; Vatti clipping algorithm; Vatti; Vector clocks; Vector quantization; Velvet (algorithm); Velvet; Verhoeff algorithm; Verlet integration; Video compression; Vincenty's formulae; Visual surface determination; Viterbi algorithm; Voronoi diagram; WHIRLPOOL; Wang and Landau algorithm; Ward's method; Warnock algorithm; Warnsdorff's algorithm; Warped Linear Predictive Coding; Watershed (algorithm); Watershed transformation; Wavelet compression; Weiler–Atherton; Winnow algorithm; X-Ray diffraction; X-ray crystallography; X-ray; Xiaolin Wu's line algorithm; Xor swap algorithm; Yamartino method; Yarrow algorithm; Young tableaux; Zeller's congruence; Zero-attribute rule; Zhu–Takaoka string matching algorithm; Ziggurat algorithm; Zobrist hashing; adaptive coding; affine transformation; all pairs shortest path; analytical hierarchy; antiderivatives; antipodal point; antipodal; arithmetic coding; arithmetical hierarchy; assignment problem; asymptotic complexity; bandwidth (matrix theory); bandwidth; basis function; beam search; best-first search; biomimetic; burst trie; calculus; causality; collision detection; conjunctive normal form; constrained Delaunay triangulation; context-free grammar; convex hull; convex polygon; convex set; convex; coset; cubic interpolation; data mining; date=March 2011; de Bruijn graph; delta; deterministic automaton; difference-map algorithm; distributed algorithm; divide and conquer; dual; duality (mathematics); dynamic system; edge detection; elementary functions; entropy; exponential function; exponential; factorization; fatigue (material); fatigue; fault tolerance; feature space; flow network; fractal dimension; gamma; garbage collection (computer science); golden section search; greatest common divisor; half-toning; hidden markov model; image compression; importance sampling; incremental heuristic search; integer factorization; k-means clustering; k-means++; k-medoids; k-nearest neighbors; keyed-hash message authentication code; l1=Combinatorial algorithm; l1=Geometric algorithm; l1=Lossless compression algorithm; l1=Lossy compression algorithm; l1=Sequence alignment algorithm; l2=Computational science; large integer; least squares; linear classifier; linear interpolation; linear programming; linear time; linear-time; logistic regression; lossless compression; lowest common ancestor; machine-learning algorithm; magnitude (mathematics); magnitude; mark-sweep algorithm; mathematical constant; matrix multiplication; maximal clique; maximum cardinality matching; maximum flow problem; maximum flow; maximum likelihood; medical imaging; medoid; metaheuristic; metric space; microcanonical ensemble; minimum cut; modular arithmetic; neural models; non-deterministic algorithm; nondeterministic algorithm; nonlinear optimization; normal maps; numerical integration; odds algorithm; omega; online algorithm; optimal substructure; oriented minimum bounding box; overlapping subproblem; parsing expression grammar; partial order; partial ordering; perfect matching; permutation group; phonetic algorithm; pi; point cloud; point sets; polynomial time; polynomial; positron emission tomography; posterior mode; prime factorization algorithm; prime number; prime; priority queue; probabilistic context-free grammar; probability distribution; production rule; reciprocal; rewriting; root mean squared deviation; seek time; sequence alignment; sequence assembly; set; shortest path problem; shortest paths; single photon emission computed tomography; sparse; spectral envelope; speech encoding; stable marriage problem; stress (physics); stress; strong generating set; strongly polynomial; sublinear; suffix tree; supervised learning; sweep line algorithm; symmetric key algorithm; symmetric matrices; system of linear equations; systems of linear equations; telephone exchange; top-down parser; top-down parsing; transaction (database); transaction; transitive closure; transposition table; tree search; trie; vector optimization.