2019 ComplementaryRecommendationsABr

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Subject Headings: Complementary Recommendations.


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Driven by the rapid development of global e-commerce, recommender systems have become a hot topic across both industry and academia because they offer a potential source of business revenue. A wide range of recommendation solutions have been developed and they can be classified as substitute and complementary: substitute recommenders offer similar items to the source item, complementary recommenders suggest items that are dissimilar to the source but are often sold as a companion item or service (such as a mobile phone (source) and case (complementary)). Both types of recommendations demonstrate unique values in specific application domains. However, the research and development of complementary recommendations still remain sparse when compared with substitute recommenders. This paper presents a brief survey on existing solutions for complementary recommendations. Our work summarizes the existing research activities and explores open questions in this field by discussing three aspects including the identification of the ground truth for complements; the recommendation models; and evaluation datasets and metrics. To the best of our knowledge, this work is one of the few surveys that provide particular insights on complementary recommendations in recent years.

I. Introduction

Recommender systems are increasingly attracting the attention of both industry and academia because of the potential value generated in e-commerce applications [ 1 ]. For recommender systems, the ultimate target is to [[stimulate the purchasing activities of potential customers by retrieving the items that catch their personalized interests among the overloaded information. With this goal, such systems can be classified as substitute and complementary recommenders: substitute recommenders offer similar items to the source, complementary recommenders suggest items that are dissimilar to the source but are often sold with it as a companion item or service (such as a mobile phone (source) and case (complementary) ).

Compared with the deep and mature research outcomes on substitute recommenders, there still exist research gaps and opportunities for complementary recommenders. However, the research and development of complementary recommenders face unique challenges that require specific methodologies to address; the most typical challenge resides in complements discovery that is non-trivial for the system.

Fig. 1. Publications over year

Unlike substitutes that could be explicitly identified as similar products interchangeably viewed or purchased, a large number of complementary products are loosely bound by latent principles that are difficult to capture effortlessly. As a result, the relationships might be inappropriately defined as opposed to the ground truth, which imposes extra pressure on the model training and tuning. Correspondingly, from the perspective of modeling, the high complexity of complementary relationships may limit the direct application of some substitute recommendation models such as the ones that rely on simple similarity measures considering the possibly long distance between two complements in feature space [2]. The above challenges need to be addressed considering the high value of complementary recommendations [3]. This paper surveys 23 publications on complementary recommendations published between 1994 and 2018 including two publication sources that are conference proceedings and journals. The time distribution of all the publications, displayed in Fig. 1 and surveyed in this paper, shows that the research on complementary recommendations remains sparse before 2014 but demonstrates an increased popularity afterwards. Conference publications account for 87% of all papers surveyed.

In comparison with other surveys that mainly focus on substitute recommendations [4]–[9], we aim to contribute specific insights on complementary recommendations to future researchers in the following aspects:

1) The identification of the ground truth for complementary products.

2) Currently available complementary recommendation models.

3) Currently available evaluation data sets and metrics for complementary recommenders.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: in Section II, the identification of the ground truth for complementary products is introduced. Next, review of modeling including unsupervised and supervised learning is presented in Section III, followed by the summary of the typical evaluation data and metrics in Section IV. Finally, the conclusions are presented in Section V.

II. Identifying the Ground Truth for complementary products

III. Modeling complementary relationships

IV. Complementary recommender Evaluation

V. Conclusions

Recommender systems, which can be classified as substitute and complementary types, are one of the most effective solutions to boost business revenue. Therefore, the research and development of this topic have been rapidly progressing in recent years. Compared with the majority of the research that focuses on substitute recommenders, this survey reviews the currently available solutions and provides specific insights for complementary recommendations in three aspects including identifying the ground truth for complements, modeling complementary relationships, and evaluating complementary recommenders. The information aggregated in our work could provide researchers with a solid reference that enables future advancement for this field.


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 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
2019 ComplementaryRecommendationsABrHang Yu
Lester Litchfield
Thomas Kernreiter
Seamus Jolly
Kathryn Hempstalk
Complementary Recommendations: A Brief Survey2019