2014 GeneratingArtificialErrorsforGr

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Subject Headings: Automated Text Error Generation, Artificial Error, Grammatical Error Correction (GEC) System, CoNLL 2013 Shared Task, NUCLE, English as a Second Language (ESL).


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This paper explores the generation of artificial errors for correcting grammatical mistakes made by learners of English as a second language. Artificial errors are injected into a set of error-free sentences in a probabilistic manner using statistics from a corpus. Unlike previous approaches, we use linguistic information to derive error generation probabilities and build corpora to correct several error types, including open-class errors. In addition, we also analyse the variables involved in the selection of candidate sentences. Experiments using the NUCLE corpus from the CoNLL 2013 shared task reveal that: 1) training on artificially created errors improves precision at the expense of recall and 2) different types of linguistic information are better suited for correcting different error types.

1 Introduction

Building error correction systems using machine learning techniques can require a considerable amount of annotated data which is difficult to obtain. Available error-annotated corpora are often focused on particular groups of people (e.g. nonnative students), error types (e.g. spelling, syntax), genres (e.g. university essays, letters) or topics so it is not clear how representative they are or how well systems based on them will generalise. On the other hand, building new corpora is not always a viable solution since error annotation is expensive. As a result, researchers have tried to overcome these limitations either by compiling corpora automatically from the web (Mizumoto et al., 2011; Tajiri et al., 2012; Cahill et al., 2013) or using artificial corpora which are cheaper to produce and can be tailored to their needs.

 Artificial error generation allows researchers to create very large error-annotated corpora with little effort and control variables such as topic and |error types. Errors can be injected into candidate texts using a deterministic approach (e.g. fixed rules) or probabilities derived from manually annotated samples in order to mimic real data.

Although artificial errors have been used in previous work, we present a new approach based on linguistic information and evaluate it using the test data provided for the CoNLL 2013 shared task on grammatical error correction (Ng et al., 2013)

Our work makes the following contributions. First, we are the first to use linguistic information (such as part-of-speech (PoS) information or semantic classes) to characterise contexts of naturally occurring errors and replicate them in error-free text. Second, we apply our technique to a larger number of error types than any other previous approach, including open-class errors. The resulting datasets are used to train error correction systems aimed at learners of English as a second language (ESL). Finally, we provide a detailed description of the variables that affect artificial error generation.

2. Related work

The use of artificial data to train error correction systems has been explored by other researchers using a variety of techniques.

 Izumi et al. (2003), for example, use artificial errors to target article mistakes made by Japanese learners of English. A corpus is created by replacing a, an, the or the zero article by a different article chosen at random in more than 7,500 correct sentences and used to train a maximum entropy model. Results show an improvement for omission errors but no change for replacement errors.

 Brockett et al. (2006) describe the use of a statistical machine translation (SMT) system for correcting a set of 14 countable / uncountable nouns which are often confusing for ESL learners. Their training corpus consists of a large number of sentences extracted from news articles which were deliberately modified to include typical countability errors based on evidence from a Chinese learner corpus. Their approach to artificial error injection is deterministic, using hand-coded rules to change quantifiers (much → many), generate plurals (advice → advices) or insert unnecessary determiners. Experiments show their system was generally able to beat the standard Microsoft Word 2003 grammar checker, although it produced a relatively higher rate of erroneous corrections.

 SMT systems are also used by Ehsan and Faili (2013) to correct grammatical errors and context sensitive spelling mistakes in English and Farsi. Training corpora are obtained by injecting artificial errors into well-formed treebank sentences using predefined error templates. Whenever an original sentence from the corpus matches one of these templates, a pair of correct and incorrect sentences is generated. This process is repeated multiple times if a single sentence matches more than one error template, thereby generating many pairs for the same original sentence. A comparison between the proposed systems and rule-based grammar checkers show they are complementary, with a hybrid system achieving the best performance.

2.1 Probabilistic Approaches

A few researchers have explored probabilistic methods in an attempt to mimic real data more accurately. Foster and Andersen (2009), for example, describe a tool for generating artificial errors based on statistics from other corpora, such as the Cambridge Learner Corpus (CLC)[1]. Their experiments show a drop in accuracy when artificial sentences are used as a replacement for real incorrect sentences, suggesting that they may not be as useful as genuine text. Their report also includes an extensive summary of previous work in the area.

 Rozovskaya and Roth propose more sophisticated probabilistic methods to generate artificial errors for articles (2010a) and prepositions (2010b; 2011), also based on statistics from an ESL corpus. In particular, they compile a set of sentences from the English Wikipedia and apply the following generation methods:


Target words (e.g. articles) are replaced with others of the same class with probability $x$ (varying from 0.05 to 0.18). Each new word is chosen uniformly at random.

Distribution Before Correction (in ESL Data)

Target words in the error-free text are changed to match the distribution observed in ESL error-annotated data before any correction is made.

Distribution After Correction (in ESL Data)

Target words in the error-free text are changed to match the distribution observed in ESL error-annotated data after corrections are made.

Native Language-specific Distributions

It has been observed that second language production is affected by a learner's native language (L1) (Lee and Seneff, 2008; Leacock et al., 2010). A common example is the difficulty in using English articles appropriately by learners whose L1 has no article system, such as Russian or Japanese. Because word choice errors follow systematic patterns (i.e. they do not occur randomly), this information is extremely valuable for generating errors more accurately.

 L1-specific errors can be imitated by computing word confusions in an error-annotated ESL corpora and using these distributions to change target words accordingly in error-free text. More specifically, if we estimate $P (source|target)$ in an error-tagged corpus (i.e. the probability of an incorrect source word being used when the correct target is expected), we can generate more accurate confusion sets where each candidate has an associated probability depending on the observed word. For example, supposing that a group of learners use the preposition to in 10% of cases where the preposition for should be used (that is, $P (source=to|target=for=0.10$), we can replicate this error pattern by replacing the occurrences of the preposition for with to with a probability of 0.10 in a corpus of error-free sentences. When the source and target words are the same, $P (source=x|target=x)$ expresses the probability that a learner produces the correct/expected word.

Because errors are generally sparse (and therefore error rates are low), replicating mistakes based on observed probabilities can easily lead to low recall. In order to address this issue during artificial error generation, Rozovskaya et al. (2012) propose an inflation method that boosts confusion probabilities in order to generate a larger proportion of artificial instances. This reformulation is shown to improve F-scores when correcting determiners and prepositions.

 Experiments reveal that these approaches yield better results than assuming uniform probabilistic distributions where all errors and corrections are equally likely. In particular, classifiers trained on artificially generated data outperformed those trained on native error-free text (Rozovskaya and Roth, 2010a; Rozovskaya and Roth, 2011). However, it has also been shown that using artificially generated data as a replacement for nonnative error-corrected data can lead to poorer performance (Sjobergh and Knutsson, 2005; Foster and Andersen, 2009). This would suggest that artificial errors are more useful than native data but less useful than corrected non-native data.

Their probabilistic error generation approach has also been used by other researchers. Imamura et al. (2012), for example, applied this method to generate artificial incorrect sentences for Japanese particle correction with an inflation factor ranging from 0.0 (no errors) to 2.0 (double error rates). Their results show that the performance of artificial corpora depends largely on the inflation rate but can achieve good results when domain adaptation is applied.

In a more exhaustive study, Cahill et al. (2013) investigate the usefulness of automatically-compiled sentences from Wikipedia revisions for correcting preposition errors. A number of classifiers are trained using error-free text, automatically-compiled annotated corpora and artificial sentences generated using error probabilities derived from Wikipedia revisions and Lang8[2]. Their results reveal a number of interesting points, namely that artificial errors provide competitive results and perform robustly across different test sets. A learning curve analysis also shows system performance increases as more training data is used, both real and artificial.

More recently, some teams have also reported improvements by using artificial data in their submissions to the CoNLL 2013 shared task. Rozovskaya et al. (2013) apply their inflation method to train a classifier for determiner errors that achieves state-of-the-art performance while Yuan and Felice (2013) use naively-generated artificial errors within an SMT framework that places them third in terms of precision.

3 Advanced Generation of Artificial Errors

Our work is based on the hypothesis that using carefully generated artificial errors improves the performance of error correction systems. This implies generating errors in a way that resembles available error-annotated data, using similar texts and accurate injection methods. Like other probabilistic approaches, our method assumes we have access to an error-corrected reference corpus from which we can compute error generation probabilities.

3.1 Base Text Selection

We analyse a set of variables that we consider important for collecting suitable texts for error injection, namely:


Replicating errors on texts about the same topic as the training/test data is more likely to produce better results than out-of-domain data, as vocabulary and word senses are more likely to be similar. In addition, similar texts are more likely to exhibit suitable contexts for error injection and consequently help the system focus on particularly useful information.


In cases where no a priori information about topic is available (for example, because the test set is unknown or the system will be used in different scenarios), knowing the genre or type of text the system will process can also be useful. Example genres include expository (descriptions, essays, reports, etc.), narrative (stories), persuasive (reviews, advertisements, etc.), procedural (instructions, recipes, experiments, etc.) and transactional texts (letters, interviews, etc.).


As with the previous aspects, style (colloquial, academic, etc.) and register (from formal written to informal spoken) also affect production and should therefore be modelled accurately in the training data.

Text Complexity/Language Proficiency

Candidate texts should exhibit the same reading complexity as training/test texts and be written by or targeted at learners with similar English proficiency. Otherwise, the overlap in vocabulary and grammatical structures is more likely to be small and thus hinder error injection.

Native Language

Because second language production is known to be affected by a learner's L1, using candidate texts produced by groups of the same L1 as the training test data should provide more suitable contexts for error injection. When such texts are not available, using data by speakers of other L1s that exhibit similar phenomena (e.g. no article system, agglutinative languages, etc.) might also be useful. However, finding error-free texts written in English by a specific population can be difficult, which is why most approaches resort to native English text.

In our experiments, the aforementioned variables are manually controlled although we believe many of them could be assessed automatically. For example, topics could be estimated using text similarity measures, genres could be predicted using structural information and L1s could be inferred using a native language identifier[3].

For an analysis of other variables such as domain and error distributions, the reader should refer to Cahill et al. (2013).

3.2 Error Replication

Our approach to artificial error generation is similar to the one proposed by Rozovskaya and Roth (2010a) in that we also estimate probabilities in a corpus of ESL learners which are then used to distort error-free text. However, unlike them, we refine our probabilities by imposing restrictions on the linguistic functions of the words and the contexts where they occur. Because we extend generation to open-class error types (such as verb form errors), this refinement becomes necessary to overcome disambiguation issues and lead to more accurate replication.

Our work is the first to exploit linguistic information for error generation, as described below.

Error Type Distributions

We compute the probability of each error type $p(t)$ occurring over the total number of relevant instances (e.g. noun phrases are relevant instances for article errors). During generation, $p(t)$ is uniformly distributed over all the possible choices for the error type (e.g. for articles, choices are a, an, the or the zero article). Relevant instances are detected in the base text and changed for an alternative at random using the estimated probabilities.

The probability of leaving relevant instances unchanged is $1−p(t)$.


We believe morphological information such as person or number is particularly useful for identifying and correcting specific error types, such as articles, noun number or subject-verb agreement. Thus, we compute the conditional probability of words in specific classes for different morphological contexts (such as noun number or PoS). The following example shows confusion probabilities for singular head nouns requiring an:

$P(source-det=an|target-det=anhead-noun=NN) = 0.942$

$P(source-det=the|target-det=anhead-noun=NN) = 0.034$

$P(source-det=a|target-det=anhead-noun=NN) = 0.015$

$P(source-det=other|target-det=anhead-noun=NN) = 0.005$

$P(source-det=\empty|target-det=anhead-noun=NN) = 0.004$

PoS Disambiguation

Most approaches to artificial error generation are aimed at correcting closed-class words such as articles or prepositions, which rarely occur with a different part of speech in the text. However, when we consider open-class error types, we should perform PoS disambiguation since the same surface form could play different roles in a sentence. For example, consider generating artificial verb form errors for the verb to play after observing its distribution in an error-annotated corpus. By using PoS tags, we can easily determine if an occurrence of the word play is a verb or a noun and thus compute or apply the appropriate probabilities:

$P(source=play|target=play_V) = 0.98$

$P(source=plays|target=play_V) = 0.02$

$P(source=play|target=play_N) = 0.84$

$P(source=plays|target=play_N) = 0.16$

Semantic Classes

We hypothesise that semantic information about concepts in the sentences can shed light on specific usage patterns that may otherwise be hidden. For example, we could refine confusion sets for prepositions according to the type of object they are applied to (a location, a recipient, an instrument, etc.):

$P(prep=in|noun class=location) = 0.39$

$P(prep=to|noun class=location) = 0.31$

$P(prep=at|noun class=location) = 0.16$

$P(prep=from|noun class=location) = 0.07$

$P(prep=\empty|noun class=location) = 0.05$

$P(prep=other|noun class=location) = 0.03$

By abstracting from surface forms, we can also generate faithful errors for words that have not been previously observed, e.g. we may have not seen hospital but we may have seen school, my sister's house or church.

Word Senses

Polysemous words with the same PoS can exhibit different patterns of usage for each of their meanings (e.g. one meaning may co-occur with a specific preposition more often than the others). For this reason, we introduce probabilities for each word sense in an attempt to capture more accurate usage. As an example, consider a hypothetical situation in which a group of learners confuse prepositions used with the word bank as a financial institution but they produce the right preposition when it refers to a river bed:

$P(prep=in|noun=bank_1) = 0.76$

$P(prep=at|noun=bank_1) = 0.18$

$P(prep=on|noun=bank_1) = 0.06$

$P(prep=on|noun=bank_2) = 1.00$

Although it is rare that occurrences of the same word will refer to different meanings within a document (the so-called ‘one sense per discourseassumption (Gale et al., 1992)), this is not the case when large corpora containing different documents are used for characterising and generating errors. In such scenarios, word sense disambiguation should produce more accurate results.

 Table 1 lists the actual probabilities computed from each type of information and the errors they are able to generate.

Information Probability Generated error types
Error type distribution

$P(error type)$

ArtOrDet, Nn, Prep, SVA, Vform

$P(source=determiner|target=determiner, head noun tag)$

ArtOrDet, SVA

$P(source=verb tag|target=verb tag, subj head noun tag)$

PoS disambiguation

$P(source=word|target=word, PoS)$

Nn, Vform
Semantic classes

$P(source=determiner|target=determiner, head noun class)$

ArtOrDet, Prep

$P(source=preposition|target=preposition, head noun class)$

Word senses

$P(source=preposition|verb sense + obj head noun sense)$

ArtOrDet, Prep, SVA

$P(source=preposition|target=preposition, head noun sense)$

$P(source=preposition|target=preposition, dep adj sense)$

$P(source=determiner|target=determiner, head noun sense)$

$P(source=verb tag|target=verb tag, subj head noun sense)$

Table 1: Probabilities computed for each type of linguistic information. Error codes correspond to the five error types in the CoNLL 2013 shared task: ArtOrDet (article or determiner), Nn (noun number), Prep (prepositions), SVA (subject-verb agreement) and Vform (verb form).

4. Experimental Setup

4.1 Corpora and Tools

We use the NUCLE v2.3 corpus (Dahlmeier et al., 2013) released for the CoNLL 2013 shared task on error correction, which comprises error-annotated essays written in English by students at the National University of Singapore. These essays cover topics such as environmental pollution, health care, welfare, technology, etc. All the sentences were manually annotated by human experts using a set of 27 error types, but we used the filtered version containing only the five types selected for the shared task: ArtOrDet (article or determiner), Nn (noun number), Prep (preposition), SVA (subject-verb agreements) and Vform (verb form) errors. The training set of the NUCLE corpus contains 57, 151 sentences and 1,161,567 tokens while the test set comprises 1,381 sentences and 29,207 tokens. The training portion of the corpus was used to estimate the required conditional probabilities and train a few variations of our systems while the test set was reserved to evaluate performance.

 Candidate native texts for error injection were extracted from the English Wikipedia, controlling the variables described Section 3.1 as follows:

For less sophisticated language, the Simple English Wikipedia could be an alternative.

Part of speech WordNet classification
Adjective all, pertainyms, participial
Adverb all
Noun act, animal, artifact, attribute, body, cognition, communication, event, feeling, food, group, location, motive, object, person, phenomenon, plant, possession, process, quantity, relation, shape, state, substance, time
Verb body, change, cognition, communication, competition, consumption, contact, creation, emotion, motion, perception, possession, social, stative, weather
Table 2: WordNet classes for content words.

4.2 Error Generation

For each type of information in Table 1, we compute the corresponding conditional probabilities using the NUCLE training set. These probabilities are then used to generate six different artificial corpora using the inflation method (Rozovskaya et al., 2012), as listed in Table 3.

Name Composition
ED errors based on error type distributions
MORPH errors based on morphology
POS errors based on PoS disambiguation
SC errors based on semantic classes
WSD errors based on word senses
Table 3: Generated artificial corpora based on different types of linguistic information.

4.3 System Training

We approach the error correction task as a translation problem from incorrect into correct English. Systems are built using an SMT framework and different combinations of NUCLE and our artificial corpora, where the source side contains in correct sentences and the target side contains their corrected versions. Our setup is similar to the one described by Yuan and Felice (2013) in that we train a PoS-factored phrase-based model (Koehn, 2010) using Moses (Koehn et al., 2007), Giza++ (Och and Ney, 2003) for word alignment and the IRSTLM Toolkit (Federico et al., 2008) for language modelling. However, unlike them, we do not optimise decoding parameters but use default values instead.

We build 11 different systems in total: a baseline system using only the NUCLE training set, one system per artificial corpus and other additional systems using combinations of the NUCLE training data and our artificial corpora. Each of these systems uses a single translation model that tackles all error types at the same time.

5. Results

Each system was evaluated in terms of precision, recall and F1 on the NUCLE test data using the M2 Scorer (Dahlmeier and Ng, 2012), the official evaluation script for the CoNLL 2013 shared task. Table 4 shows results of evaluation on the original test set (containing only one gold standard correction per error) and a revised version (which allows for alternative corrections submitted by participating teams).

  Original Revised
C M U P R F1 C M U P R F1
NUCLE (baseline) 181 1462 513 0.2608 0.1102 0.1549 200 1483 495 0.2878 0.1188 0.1682
ED 53 1590 150 0.2611 0.0323 0.0574 62 1621 141 0.3054 0.0368 0.0657
MORPH 74 1569 333 0.1818 0.0450 0.0722 83 1600 324 0.2039 0.0493 0.0794
POS 42 1601 99 0.2979 0.0256 0.0471 42 1641 99 0.2979 0.0250 0.0461
SC 80 1563 543 0.1284 0.0487 0.0706 87 1596 536 0.1396 0.0517 0.0755
WSD 82 1561 305 0.2119 0.0499 0.0808 91 1592 296 0.2351 0.0541 0.0879
NUCLE+ED 173 1470 411 0.2962 0.1053 0.1554 194 1489 390 0.3322 0.1153 0.1712
NUCLE+MORPH 163 1480 427 0.2763 0.0992 0.1460 182 1501 408 0.3085 0.1081 0.1601
NUCLE+POS 164 1479 365 0.3100 0.0998 0.1510 182 1501 347 0.3440 0.1081 0.1646
NUCLE+SC 162 1481 488 0.2492 0.0986 0.1413 181 1502 469 0.2785 0.1075 0.1552
NUCLE+WSD 163 1480 413 0.2830 0.0992 0.1469 181 1502 395 0.3142 0.1075 0.1602
Table 4: Evaluation of our correction systems over the original and revised NUCLE test set using the M2 Scorer. Columns C, M and U show the number of correct, missed and unnecessary corrections suggested by each system. Results in bold show improvements over the baseline.

 Results reveal our ED and POS corpora are able to improve precision for both test sets. It is surprising, however, that the least informed dataset (ED) is one of the best performers although this seems reasonable if we] consider it is the only dataset that includes artificial instances for all error types (see Table 1). Hybrid datasets containing the NUCLE training set plus an artificial corpus also generally improve precision, except for NUCLE + SC. It could be argued that the reason for this improvement is corpus size, since our hybrid datasets are double the size of each individual set, but the small differences in precision between the ED and POS datasets and their corresponding hybrid versions seem to contradict that hypothesis. In fact, results would suggest artificial and naturally occurring errors are not interchangeable but rather complementary.

The observed improvement in precision, however, comes at the expense of recall, for which none of the systems is able to beat the baseline. This contradicts results by Rozovskaya and Roth (2010a), who show their error inflation method increases recall, although this could be due to differences in the training paradigm and data. Still, results are encouraging since precision is generally preferred over recall in error correction scenarios (Yuan and Felice, 2013).

We also evaluated performance by error type on the original (Table 5) and revised (Table 6) test data using an estimation approach similar to the one in CoNLL 2013. Results show that the performance of each dataset varies by error type, suggesting that certain types of information are better suited for specific error types. In particular, we find that on the original test set, ED achieves the highest precision for article and determiners, WSD maximises precision for prepositions and SC achieves the highest recall and F1. When using hybrid sets, results improve overall, with the highest precision being as follows: NUCLE + POS (ArtOrDet), NUCLE + ED (Nn), NUCLE + WSD (Prep) and NUCLE + SC (SVA/Vform). As expected, the use of alternative annotations in the revised test set improves results but it does not reveal any qualitative difference between datasets.

  ArtOrDet Nn Prep SVA/Vform Other
P R F1 P R F1 P R F1 P R F1 C M U
NUCLE (b) 0.2716 0.1551 0.1974 0.4625 0.0934 0.1555 0.1333 0.0386 0.0599 0.2604 0.1016 0.1462 0 0 34
ED 0.2813 0.0391 0.0687 0.6579 0.0631 0.1152 0.0233 0.0032 0.0056 0.0000 0.0000 0 0 5
MORPH 0.1862 0.1058 0.1349 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1429 0.0041 0.0079 0 0 7
POS 0.0000 0.0000 0.4405 0.0934 0.1542 0.0000 0.0000 0.1515 0.0203 0.0358 0 0 10
SC 0.1683 0.0739 0.1027 0.0000 0.0986 0.0932 0.0959 0.0000 0.0000 0 0 21
WSD 0.2219 0.1029 0.1406 0.0000 0.0000 0.1905 0.0257 0.0453 0.1875 0.0122 0.0229 0 0 8
NUCLE+ED 0.3185 0.1348 0.1894 0.5465 0.1187 0.1950 0.1304 0.0386 0.0596 0.2658 0.0854 0.1292 0 0 35
NUCLE+MORPH 0.2857 0.1507 0.1973 0.4590 0.0707 0.1225 0.1719 0.0354 0.0587 0.2817 0.0813 0.1262 0 0 30
NUCLE+POS 0.3384 0.1290 0.1868 0.4659 0.1035 0.1694 0.1884 0.0418 0.0684 0.2625 0.0854 0.1288 0 0 29
NUCLE+SC 0.2890 0.1290 0.1784 0.4500 0.0682 0.1184 0.1492 0.0868 0.1098 0.2836 0.0772 0.1214 0 0 34
NUCLE+WSD 0.3003 0.1449 0.1955 0.4667 0.0707 0.1228 0.1948 0.0482 0.0773 0.2632 0.0813 0.1242 0 0 30
Table 5: Error type analysis of our correction systems over the original NUCLE test set using the M2 Scorer. Columns C, M and U show the number of correct, missed and unnecessary corrections outside the main categories suggested by each system. Results in bold show improvements over the baseline.

  ArtOrDet Nn Prep SVA/Vform Other
P R F1 P R F1 P R F1 P R F1 C M U
NUCLE (b) 0.3519 0.2026 0.2572 0.6163 0.1302 0.2150 0.2069 0.0682 0.1026 0.4105 0.1718 0.2422 0 0 34
ED 0.4063 0.0579 0.1014 0.7297 0.0684 0.1250 0.0465 0.0077 0.0132 0.1818 0.0183 0.0332 0 0 5
MORPH 0.2270 0.1311 0.1662 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.2857 0.0092 0.0179 0 0 7
POS 0.0000 0.0000 0.5465 0.1169 0.1926 0.0000 0.0000 0.4242 0.0631 0.1098 0 0 10
SC 0.2112 0.0944 0.1305 0.0000 0.1088 0.1221 0.1151 0.0000 0.0000 0 0 21
WSD 0.2781 0.1313 0.1784 0.0000 0.0000 0.2143 0.0347 0.0598 0.2000 0.0138 0.0259 0 0 8
NUCLE+ED 0.4334 0.1849 0.2592 0.7000 0.1552 0.2540 0.1685 0.0575 0.0857 0.4744 0.1630 0.2426 0 0 35
NUCLE+MORPH 0.3791 0.2006 0.2624 0.6308 0.1017 0.1752 0.2295 0.0536 0.0870 0.4714 0.1454 0.2222 0 0 30
NUCLE+POS 0.4601 0.1761 0.2547 0.6087 0.1383 0.2254 0.2424 0.0613 0.0979 0.4430 0.1549 0.2295 0 0 29
NUCLE+SC 0.3961 0.1773 0.2450 0.6154 0.0993 0.1709 0.1844 0.1250 0.1490 0.4848 0.1410 0.2184 0 0 34
NUCLE+WSD 0.3994 0.1933 0.2605 0.6308 0.1017 0.1752 0.2432 0.0690 0.1075 0.4667 0.1535 0.2310 0 0 30
Table 6: Error type analysis of our correction systems over the revised NUCLE test set using the M2 Scorer. Columns C, M and U show the number of correct, missed and unnecessary corrections outside the main categories suggested by each system. Results in bold show improvements over the baseline.

Finally, when compared to other systems in the CoNLL 2013 shared task in terms of F1, our best systems would rank 9th on both test sets. This would suggest that using an off-the-shelf SMT system trained on a combination of real and artificial data can yield better results than other machine learning techniques (Yi et al., 2013; van den Bosch and Berck, 2013; Berend et al., 2013) or rule-based approaches (Kunchukuttan et al., 2013; Putra and Szabo, 2013; Flickinger and Yu, 2013; Sidorov et al., 2013).

6. Conclusions

This paper presents early results on the generation and use of artificial errors for grammatical error correction. Our approach uses conditional probabilities derived from an ESL error-annotated corpus to replicate errors in native error-free data. Unlike previous work, we propose using linguistic information such as PoS or sense disambiguation to refine the contexts where errors occur and thus replicate them more accurately. We use five different types of information to generate our artificial corpora, which are later evaluated in isolation as well as coupled to the original ESL training data.

General results show error distributions and PoS information produce the best results, although this varies when we analyse each error type separately. These results should allow us to generate errors more efficiently in the future by using the best approach for each error type.

We have also observed that precision improves at the expense of recall and this is more pronounced when using purely artificial sets. Finally, artificially generated errors seem to be a complement rather than an alternative to genuine data.

7. Future Work

There are a number of issues we plan to address in future research, as described below.

Scaling Up Artificial Data

The experiments presented here use a small and manually selected collection of Wikipedia articles. However, we plan to study the performance of our systems as corpus size is increased. We are currently using a larger selection of Wikipedia articles to produce new artificial datasets ranging from 50K to 5M sentences. The resulting corpora will be used to train new error correction systems and study how precision and recall vary as more data is added during the training process, similar to Cahill et al. (2013).

Reducing Differences Between Datasets

As shown in Table 1, we are unable to produce the same set of errors for each different type of information. This is a limitation of our conditional probabilities which encode different information in each case. In consequence, comparing overall results between datasets seems unfair as they do not target the same error types. In order to overcome this problem, we will define new probabilities so that we can generate the same types of error in all cases.

Exploring Larger Contexts

Our current probabilities model error contexts in a limited way, mostly by considering relations between two or three words (e.g. article + noun, verb + preposition + noun, etc.). In order to improve error injection, we will define new probabilities using larger contexts, such as $P (source=verb|target=verb, subject\_class, auxiliary\_verbs, object\_class)$ for verb form errors. Using more specific contexts can also be useful for correcting complex error types, such as the use of pronouns, which often requires analysing coreference chains.

Using New Linguistic Information

In this work we have used five types of linguistic information. However, we believe other types of information and their associated probabilities could also be useful, especially if we aim to correct more error types. Examples include spelling, grammatical relations (dependencies) and word order (syntax). Additionally, we believe the use of semantic role labels can be explored as an alternative to semantic classes, as they have proved useful for error correction (Liu et al., 2010).

Mixed Error Generation

In our current experiments, each artificial corpus is generated using only one type of information at a time. However, having found that certain types of information are more suitable than others for correcting specific error types (see Tables 5 and 6), we believe better artificial corpora could be created by generating instances of each error type using only the most appropriate linguistic information.


We would like to thank Prof. Ted Briscoe for his valuable comments and suggestions as well as Cambridge English Language Assessment, a division of Cambridge Assessment, for supporting this research.


  1. http://www.cup.cam.ac.uk/gb/elt/ catalogue/subject/custom/item3646603/ Cambridge-International-CorpusCambridge-Learner-Corpus/
  2. http://lang-8.com/
  3. See the First Edition of the Shared Task on Native Language Identification (Tetreault et al., 2013) at https:// sites.google.com/site/nlisharedtask2013/
  4. http://wordnet.princeton.edu/man/lexnames.5WN.html



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  author    = {Mariano Felice and
               Zheng Yuan},
  editor    = {Gosse Bouma and
               Yannick Parmentier},
  title     = {Generating Artificial Errors for Grammatical Error Correction},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th Conference of the European Chapter of the
               Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL 2014)},
  pages     = {116--126},
  publisher = {The Association for Computer Linguistics},
  year      = {2014},
  url       = {https://doi.org/10.3115/v1/e14-3013},
  doi       = {10.3115/v1/e14-3013},

 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
2014 GeneratingArtificialErrorsforGrMariano Felice
Zheng Yuan
Generating Artificial Errors for Grammatical Error Correction2014