2011 OntologyAPracticalGuide
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- (Pease, 2011) ⇒ Adam Pease. (2011). “Ontology: A Practical Guide.” Articulate Software Press. ISBN:1889455105
Subject Headings: SUMO Ontology, Top-Level Ontology.
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This new book reports on a decade of work developing SUMO and its associated tools, models and domain ontologies. Written for a wide audience, it should be accessible to anyone with a general computer science background. It includes introductions to topics such as formal theorem proving and the properties of different formal knowledge representation languages. The book is suitable as a self-study guide for the professional, student or researcher. It also includes a number of exercises with selected answers, making it appropriate as a textbook for a senior year or graduate level course in AI knowledge representation.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction 1 Motivation 3 Responding to the Critics 11 The Symbol Grounding Problem 20 Contents of the Book 28 Chapter 2: Knowledge Representation 31 Overview 33 Informal Languages 35 Frames 38 Description Logic 41 Propositional and Predicate Logic 47 First-Order Logic 53 Higher-Order Logics 55 First-Order Logic in SUO-KIF 56 SUO-KIF Details 58 Conversion to First-Order Logic 61 Exercises 68 Chapter 3: Ontologies (in the Broadest Sense) 69 Introduction 71 WordNet (and Why it's not an Ontology) 71 Digression: Ontology Development Pitfalls 78 Chapter 4: Suggested Upper Merged Ontology 83 Overview 86 Validation 89 Principles of Construction 92 Digression - Open Research 93 SUMO History 94 SUMO Overview 101 SUMO's Eleven Modules 105 Lower Level Ontologies 109 Ontological Issues 111 Ontology Code Management 118 SUMO Details and Examples 120 Semiotics Content 147 Exercises 154 Chapter 5: SUMO and the WordNet Mappings 157 Overview 159 Interpreting Language 164 Global WordNet 166 The Interlingual Index 166 Arabic and Filipino Wordnets 168 Chapter 6: Knowledge Engineering Tools 171 Introduction 173 Language Generation 175 Browsing and Display 179 Analysis and Debugging 182 Inference 184 Higher-Order Logic 192 Mapping, Merging and Translation 194 Working with Sigma and SUMO 195 Example Application 197 Browsing and Editing 201 Sigma Tutorial 202 Exercises 214 Chapter 7: Using SUMO for Inference 215 Overview 217 Inference 218 Example Inference 220 Proof Presentation 222 Resolution Theorem Proving Example 223 Normalization Algorithm 230 Refutation Algorithm 232 Chapter 8: Controlled English to Logic Translation 235 Introduction 237 Simple Parsing and Interpretation 239 Issues in Translation 241 CELT Components 248 Chapter 9: An Application: Extending SUMO with Wikipedia 249 Introduction 251 Related Work 251 General Comparison of the Knowledge Sources 253 Integration of Entities 255 Integrating Factual Knowledge 262 Semantics of Terms in Ontologies 266 Conclusion 267
Author | volume | Date Value | title | type | journal | titleUrl | doi | note | year | |
2011 OntologyAPracticalGuide | Adam Pease | Ontology: A Practical Guide | 2011 |