2007 AddingNPStructToThePennTreebank
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- (Vadas & Curran, 2007) ⇒ David Vadas, and James R. Curran. (2007). “Adding Noun Phrase Structure to the Penn Treebank.” In: Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-2007).
Subject Headings: Penn Treebank, noun phrase, Noun-Phrase Premodifier, NP Bracketing Task.
- It wants to Tag Noun Phrase Structure more accurately.
- It tests the effect on performance on NP Bracketing Task and on Full Parsing Task.
- The Annotation Guidelines are at 2008_NounPhraseBracketingGuidelinesV1.
- They plan to transfer their annotation to CCGbank
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- ~31 …
The Penn Treebank does not annotate within base noun phrases (NPs), committing only to flat structures that ignore the complexity of English NPs. This means that tools trained on Treebank data cannot learn the correct internal structure of NPs.
This paper details the process of adding gold-standard bracketing within each noun phrase in the Penn Treebank. We then examine the consistency and reliability of our annotations. Finally, we use this resource to determine NP structure using several statistical approaches, thus demonstrating the utility of the corpus. This adds detail to the Penn Treebank that is necessary for many NLP applications.
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