Emergent Process
(Redirected from emergent process)
An Emergent Process is a process that is an emergent system (naturally developing through repeated interactions and practice rather than through intentional design).
- Context:
- It can (typically) evolve through pattern formation over time.
- It can (typically) arise from collective behavior and interaction.
- It can (typically) adapt through feedback loops and learning.
- It can (typically) stabilize through reinforcement and repetition.
- It can (typically) change through environmental influences.
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- It can (often) develop informal rules through practice.
- It can (often) transfer tacit knowledge through observation.
- It can (often) solve complex problems through collective intelligence.
- It can (often) resist formal control through self-organization.
- It can (often) generate novel solutions through adaptation.
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- It can range from being a Simple Emergent Process to being a Complex Emergent Process, depending on its interaction complexity.
- It can range from being a Temporary Emergent Process to being a Persistent Emergent Process, depending on its stability level.
- It can range from being a Local Emergent Process to being a Global Emergent Process, depending on its scope scale.
- It can range from being an Informal Emergent Process to being a Formalized Emergent Process, depending on its structure level.
- It can range from being a Beneficial Emergent Process to being a Detrimental Emergent Process, depending on its outcome value.
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- Example(s):
- Natural Emergent Processes, such as:
- Biological Processes, such as:
- Physical Processes, such as:
- Social Emergent Processes, such as:
- Cultural Processes, such as:
- Community Processes, such as:
- Organizational Emergent Processes, such as:
- Work Practices, such as:
- Learning Processes, such as:
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- Natural Emergent Processes, such as:
- Counter-Example(s):
- Designed Process, which is intentionally created rather than naturally emerging.
- Controlled Process, which is managed rather than self-organizing.
- Planned System, which is predetermined rather than evolving.
- Engineered Solution, which is constructed rather than emerging.
- Imposed Structure, which is mandated rather than developing naturally.
- See: Emergence, Self-Organization, Complex System, Adaptation, Evolution, Natural Process, System Development.