Communication Pattern
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A Communication Pattern is a behavioral pattern that facilitates the exchange of information, meaning, and intention between agents.
- Context:
- It can typically transmit Message Content through communication channels.
- It can typically encode Information through symbol systems.
- It can typically facilitate Mutual Understanding through shared protocols.
- It can typically enable Coordination through signal exchange.
- It can typically convey Intention through structured interaction.
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- It can often reflect Social Norm through cultural communication conventions.
- It can often establish Relationship Dynamic through recurring interaction patterns.
- It can often reveal Power Structure through communication hierarchy.
- It can often shape Group Identity through shared communication practices.
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- It can range from being a Simple Communication Pattern to being a Complex Communication Pattern, depending on its structural complexity.
- It can range from being a Verbal Communication Pattern to being a Non-verbal Communication Pattern, depending on its modality.
- It can range from being a Direct Communication Pattern to being an Indirect Communication Pattern, depending on its style.
- It can range from being a Formal Communication Pattern to being an Informal Communication Pattern, depending on its social context.
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- It can support Social Function through shared meaning creation.
- It can facilitate Problem Solving through collaborative information processing.
- It can mediate Conflict Resolution through negotiation sequences.
- It can maintain Relationship Continuity through engagement rituals.
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- Examples:
- Communication Pattern Categories, such as:
- Interpersonal Communication Patterns, such as:
- Group Communication Patterns, such as:
- Mass Communication Patterns, such as:
- Communication Pattern Mediums, such as:
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- Communication Pattern Categories, such as:
- Counter-Examples:
- Sensory Processing, which involves internal information processing rather than exchange between agents.
- Individual Thought Pattern, which occurs within a single mind rather than between multiple agents.
- Unintentional Signal, which lacks deliberate communication intent and structured pattern.
- Random Noise, which contains no meaningful information or intentional structure.
- See: Behavioral Pattern, Information Exchange, Social Interaction, Communication Theory, Language, Non-verbal Communication.