Workflow Automation Platform
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A Workflow Automation Platform is an automation platform that orchestrates workflow automation systems through integrated workflow components (to enable process automation and automated workflow orchestration).
- Context:
- It can (typically) compose Core Workflow Components through workflow architecture:
- Workflow Engine for workflow execution.
- Workflow Integration Hub for workflow connection.
- Workflow Task Manager for workflow orchestration.
- Workflow Visual Designer for workflow building.
- Workflow Rule Engine for workflow logic.
- Workflow Authentication Service for workflow access.
- Workflow Monitoring System for workflow tracking.
- Workflow Storage Service for workflow persistence.
- ...
- It can (typically) enable Workflow Design through workflow builder.
- It can (typically) manage Workflow Integration through workflow connector.
- It can (typically) handle Workflow Data Transform through workflow mapper.
- It can (typically) control Workflow Process through workflow engine.
- It can (typically) monitor Workflow Execution through workflow analytics.
- It can (often) support Multi-Step Workflow through workflow editor.
- It can (often) provide Workflow Error Handling through workflow recovery.
- It can (often) enable Workflow Custom Logic through workflow code.
- It can (often) maintain Workflow Version Control through workflow history.
- It can (often) facilitate Workflow Collaboration through workflow sharing.
- ...
- It can range from being a No-Code Workflow Platform to being a Low-Code Workflow Platform, depending on its automation approach.
- It can range from being a Small Business Workflow Platform to being an Enterprise Workflow Platform, depending on its automation scale.
- It can range from being an Open-Source Workflow Platform to being a Proprietary Workflow Platform, depending on its automation model.
- It can range from being a Single-Tenant Workflow Platform to being a Multi-Tenant Workflow Platform, depending on its automation deployment.
- It can range from being a Cloud Workflow Platform to being an On-Premise Workflow Platform, depending on its automation hosting.
- ...
- It can integrate with External Workflow Service for workflow integration.
- It can connect to Workflow Storage System for workflow management.
- It can support Workflow Analytics Tool for workflow monitoring.
- It can interface with Workflow Identity Provider for workflow security.
- ...
- It can (typically) compose Core Workflow Components through workflow architecture:
- Example(s):
- Enterprise Workflow Platforms, such as:
- Cloud Workflow Platforms, such as:
- ...
- Counter-Example(s):
- Manual Process System, which requires human intervention rather than workflow automation.
- Basic Task Tool, which lacks workflow orchestration and process automation.
- Custom Script System, which needs manual coding rather than workflow automation.
- Simple Scheduler, which handles time execution without workflow automation.
- Document Management System, which manages content flow without workflow automation.
- See: Business Process Management, Workflow Automation, Workflow Integration Platform, Workflow Engine, Workflow Orchestration, Process Automation.
- QUOTE: ... While ProcessMaker is a low-code, intelligent BPM platform for enterprises, our goal is to deliver simplicity, but to allow complexity. ProcessMaker is easy to use, and allows you to design customized processes and end-user experiences without understanding what data is. However, understanding how Requests are represented in ProcessMaker takes your designing potential to the next level. ...
... Before discussing the foundation for Request data, let's understand what Request data is. Each Request can be unique even though it was started from the same Process. Each Process is designed to determine business decisions based on information in each Request. ...
... As each Request routes, ProcessMaker accumulates data that represents and contains the information entered into each Request. As data accumulates for each Request, this data affects how each Request routes through the Process. ...
- QUOTE: ... While ProcessMaker is a low-code, intelligent BPM platform for enterprises, our goal is to deliver simplicity, but to allow complexity. ProcessMaker is easy to use, and allows you to design customized processes and end-user experiences without understanding what data is. However, understanding how Requests are represented in ProcessMaker takes your designing potential to the next level. ...