Systems Architecture Analysis Task

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A Systems Architecture Analysis Task is a technical analysis task that involves evaluating and comparing different system architectures to ensure they meet the specific business and technical requirements.



  • LLM
    • Propose several different architectures in tabular format, with each row being an architecture and each column representing the following properties:
      • Latency: How the configuration affects response times.
      • Code Complexity: The complexity of managing and maintaining the codebase.
      • Security: Ensuring data security and compliance across different environments.
      • Authentication: Efficient authentication mechanisms across different instances and clouds.
      • Protobuf Management: Handling Protobuf code generation across different environments.
      • Data Residency: Ensuring that data is kept within the respective country's data center for compliance.
      • High Availability: Setup for ensuring service continuity.
      • Cost: The overall cost of the architecture.
      • Container Orchestration: The use of container orchestration for managing microservices.
    • Assumptions:
      • The architecture is for ...
      • ...
      • Near real-time latency typical for chatbots (~3 seconds).
      • Support for 100 concurrent chatbot users (could grow to 1000 in the coming 2 years).
      • Streaming data required for chatbot functionality.
      • Authentication and Protobuf codegen management are key considerations.
      • High availability and failover setup are essential for ensuring service continuity.
      • Container orchestration (e.g., Kubernetes) may be required for managing microservices.
      • We are slowly transitioning from cloud X to cloud Y (though we may remain multi-cloud for special services).
      • Data residency requirements dictate that each chatbot must keep its data within its own country's data center.
    • Additional Instructions:
      • Ensure that the chosen architecture addresses the above criteria effectively while providing a robust, scalable, and maintainable solution.
      • Prioritize solutions balancing performance, cost, and management needs. Focus on the following key areas:
      • Ensuring high availability and failover setup for service continuity.
      • Implementing secure and efficient authentication across different instances and clouds.


  • ([Software Engineering Institute, 2023]) ⇒ Software Engineering Institute. (2023). "Software Architecture: Principles and Practices."
    • NOTE: This course provides a comprehensive overview of software architecture, emphasizing practical applications and real-world case studies, based on decades of SEI's experience in the field.


  • ([SEBoK, 2023]) ⇒ Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge.
    • NOTE: It serves as a detailed and continuously updated reference for systems engineering professionals, maintained by SERC and other major organizations in the field.


  • ([MIT OpenCourseWare, 2015]) ⇒ Fundamentals of Systems Engineering | Aeronautics and Astronautics. MIT OpenCourseWare.
    • NOTE: It provides a comprehensive overview of systems engineering principles, integrating both traditional and contemporary methodologies, and is taught by Prof. Olivier de Weck.