Container Orchestration System

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A Container Orchestration System is an orchestration system that automates the deployment, scaling, networking and operation of containers.



  • (ChatGPT-OpenAI, 2024) ⇒ Prompt: Summarize the concept Container Orchestration System in 1- 2 paragraphs. ChatGPT (model:gpt-4-turbo-preview). Retrieved: 2024-05-12.
    • QUOTE: A Container Orchestration System is a crucial tool in the world of modern software development and deployment, designed to automate the management, scaling, and networking of containers. Containers, which package and isolate applications with their entire runtime environment, have become a popular solution for ensuring that applications run smoothly and consistently across different computing environments. However, as applications grow in complexity and scale, managing these containers manually can become a daunting task. This is where container orchestration systems step in.

      The primary goal of a container orchestration system is to streamline and simplify container operations. This includes efficiently handling the lifecycle of containers, such as deployment, scaling up or down to meet demand, load balancing, and securing interactions between containers. Orchestration systems also facilitate continuous integration and delivery pipelines, auto-recovery, and provide monitoring and logging services to support diagnostics and maintenance. Prominent examples of container orchestration systems include Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, and Apache Mesos. These platforms enable developers and IT operations teams to automate and optimize container management, significantly improving the agility, efficiency, and resilience of application deployments.





  • (Revell, 2016) ⇒ Matthew Revell (2016). "Introduction to container orchestration: Kubernetes, Docker Swarm and Mesos with Marathon". In: ExoScale.
    • QUOTE: For the longest time, deploying an application into production was as much ritual as it was science.

      Deployment involved ugly bash scripts with as many if statements as there were corner cases, workarounds and “don’t ask why, it just has to be like that” situations. Coordinating it all was a gnarled sysadmin, and maybe a DBA, who’d jealously guard and devotedly follow the rites required to get code into production.

      Then came Chef, Puppet, Ansible and continuous integration and deployment. They made it easy to standardise testing and deployment. Importantly, once in place they allow developers and devops people to forget about the detail of what needs to happen.

      Similarly, containers allow us to standardise the environment and abstract away the specifics of the underlying operating system and hardware. You can think of container orchestration as doing the same job for the data center: it allows us the freedom not to think about what server will host a particular container or how that container will be started, monitored and killed.

      Container orchestration is the big fight of the moment. While the container format itself is largely settled, for now, the real differentiation is in how to deploy and manage those containers.