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This page provides a simple browsing interface for finding entities described by a property and a named value. Other available search interfaces include the page property search, and the ask query builder.
List of results
- 1999 WhatAreOntologies + (What Are Ontologies, and Why Do We Need Them?)
- 2016 WhatDoesResearchReproducibility + (What Does Research Reproducibility Mean?)
- 2005 WhatMakesAGeneName + (What Makes a Gene Name? Named entity recognition in the biomedical literature)
- 2006 WhatShouldaBillionaireGiveandWh + (What Should a Billionaire Give--and What Should You?)
- 2012 WhatisAnAlgorithm + (What is An Algorithm?)
- 2015 WhatisCode + (What is Code?)
- 2000 WhatisEvolutionaryComputation + (What is Evolutionary Computation?)
- 1997 WhatIsTechnicalText + (What is Technical Text?)
- 1998 WhatIsADigitalDocument + (What is a Digital Document)
- 1994 WhatIsALogicalSystem + (What is a Logical System?)
- 2002 WhatIsAStatisticalModel + (What is a Statistical Model)
- 1994 WhatIsAWord + (What is a Word, What is a Sentence? Problems of Tokenization)
- 2014 WhattheNumbersTellUs + (What the Numbers Tell Us)
- 2023 WhattoReadinaContractPartySpeci + (What to Read in a Contract? Party-Specific Summarization of Legal Obligations, Entitlements, and Prohibitions)
- 2013 WhateverNextPredictiveBrainsSit + (Whatever Next? Predictive Brains, Situated Agents, and the Future of Cognitive Science)
- 1997 WhatsThePointOfCreditScoring + (What’s the Point of Credit Scoring)
- 2015 WhenDoestheFutureBeginTimeMetri + (When Does the Future Begin? Time Metrics Matter, Connecting Present and Future Selves)
- 2017 WhenRecurrentNeuralNetworksMeet + (When Recurrent Neural Networks Meet the Neighborhood for Session-Based Recommendation)
- 2020 WhenWeCeasetoUnderstandtheWorld + (When We Cease to Understand the World)
- 1998 WhenWillComputerHardwareMatchth + (When Will Computer Hardware Match the Human Brain)
- 2017 WhenWillAIExceedHumanPerformanc + (When Will {AI} Exceed Human Performance? Evidence from {AI} Experts)
- 2018 WhenandWhyArePreTrainedWordEmbe + (When and Why Are Pre-Trained Word Embeddings Useful for Neural Machine Translation?)
- 2002 WhenisaCognitiveSystemEmbodied + (When is a Cognitive System Embodied?)
- 1967 WhereDoWeGofromHereChaosOrCommu + (Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos Or Community? (Large Print 16pt))
- 2014 WhereWillAlltheWorkersGo + (Where Will All the Workers Go?)
- 2009 WhereNextaLocationPredictoronTr + (WhereNext: A Location Predictor on Trajectory Pattern Mining)
- 2011 WhichHalfIsWastedControlledExpe + (Which Half Is Wasted?: Controlled Experiments to Measure Online-advertising Effectiveness)
- 2015 WhitherSocialNetworksforWebSear + (Whither Social Networks for Web Search?)
- 2014 WhoAreExpertsSpecializinginLand + (Who Are Experts Specializing in Landscape Photography?: Analyzing Topic-specific Authority on Content Sharing Services)
- 2023 WhoNeedsExternalReferencesTextS + (Who Needs External References?âText Summarization Evaluation Using Original Documents)
- 2014 WhoOwnstheRobotsRulestheWorld + (Who Owns the Robots Rules the World)
- 2015 WhoSupportedObamain2012Ecologic + (Who Supported Obama in 2012?: Ecological Inference through Distribution Regression)
- 2014 WhotoFollowandWhyLinkPrediction + (Who to Follow and Why: Link Prediction with Explanations)
- 2013 WhoWhereWhenandWhatDiscoverSpat + (Who, Where, When and What: Discover Spatio-temporal Topics for Twitter Users)
- 2008 WholeBrainEmulation + (Whole Brain Emulation)
- 2015 WhyDoPeopleBuyVirtualGoodsAttit + (Why Do People Buy Virtual Goods? Attitude Toward Virtual Good Purchases versus Game Enjoyment)
- 2017 WhyDoPeopleWatchOthersPlayVideo + (Why Do People Watch Others Play Video Games? An Empirical Study on the Motivations of Twitch Users)
- 2016 WhyDoesDeepandCheapLearningWork + (Why Does Deep and Cheap Learning Work So Well?)
- 2010 WhyDoesUnsupervisedPreTrainingH + (Why Does Unsupervised Pre-training Help Deep Learning?)
- 2013 WhyDoestheMinimumWageHaveNoDisc + (Why Does the Minimum Wage Have No Discernible Effect on Employment?)
- 2020 WhyGradientClippingAcceleratesT + (Why Gradient Clipping Accelerates Training: A Theoretical Justification for Adaptivity)
- 2015 WhyItHappenedIdentifyingandMode + (Why It Happened: Identifying and Modeling the Reasons of the Happening of Social Events)
- 2010 WhyLabelWhenYouCanSearchAlterna + (Why Label When You Can Search?: Alternatives to Active Learning for Applying Human Resources to Build Classification Models under Extreme Class Imbalance)
- 2005 WhyMostPublishedResearchFinding + (Why Most Published Research Findings Are False)
- 2013 WhyPeopleHateYourAppMakingSense + (Why People Hate Your App: Making Sense of User Feedback in a Mobile App Store)
- 2004 WhyWeBlog + (Why We Blog)
- 2007 WhyWeTwitterUnderstandingMicrob + (Why We Twitter: Understanding Microblogging Usage and Communities)
- 2022 WhyisConstrainedNeuralLanguageG + (Why is Constrained Neural Language Generation Particularly Challenging?)
- 2000 WhytheFutureDoesntNeedUs + (Why the Future Doesn't Need Us: How 21st Century Technologies Threaten to Make Humans An Endangered Species)
- 2010 WiKi'manticsIntOntowithWikiA + (WiKi’mantics: Interpreting Ontologies with WikipediA)
- 2009 WibNEDWikipediaBasedNED + (WibNED Wikipedia Based Named Entity Disambiguation)