2020 WhenWeCeasetoUnderstandtheWorld

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Subject Headings:


  • It blends historical facts with fictional elements, exploring the lives and discoveries of notable scientists and mathematicians such as Fritz Haber, Alexander Grothendieck, Werner Heisenberg, and Erwin Schrödinger.
  • It explores Erwin Schrödinger's contributions to quantum mechanics and his famous thought experiment involving a cat, highlighting the intellectual conflict between Schrödinger and Werner Heisenberg over the interpretation of quantum reality. Schrödinger's story is used to exemplify the thin line between genius and madness, and the ethical dilemmas arising from scientific breakthroughs.
  • It examines the dual nature of scientific progress, highlighting how innovations can lead to both profound advancements and catastrophic consequences.
  • It delves into the thin line between genius and madness, portraying the personal turmoil and societal impact of intense intellectual pursuits.
  • It raises ethical questions about the responsibilities of scientists, whose discoveries can have both beneficial and harmful effects on humanity.
  • It has received critical acclaim for its imaginative narrative and intellectual depth.

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 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
2020 WhenWeCeasetoUnderstandtheWorldBenjamín LabatutWhen We Cease to Understand the World2020