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This page provides a simple browsing interface for finding entities described by a property and a named value. Other available search interfaces include the page property search, and the ask query builder.
List of results
- 2005 TwentyFiveYearsofFiniteStateMor + (Twenty-Five Years of Finite-State Morphology)
- 2012 TwoApproachestoUnderstandingWhe + (Two Approaches to Understanding When Constraints Help Clustering)
- 2006 TwoGraphBasedAlgsForWSD + (Two Graph-based Algorithms for State-of-the-Art WSD)
- 2008 TwoLanguagesAreBetterThanOnefor + (Two Languages Are Better Than One (for Syntactic Parsing))
- 2004 TwoSuperLearnApproachforNameDisambigInAuthorCitations + (Two Supervised Learning Approach for Name Disambiguation in Author Citations)
- 1689 TwoTreatisesofGovernment + (Two Treatises of Government)
- 2011 TwoLocusAssociationMappinginSub + (Two-locus Association Mapping in Subquadratic Time)
- 2013 UAirWhenUrbanAirQualityInferenc + (U-Air: When Urban Air Quality Inference Meets Big Data)
- 2006 U-director + (U-director: A decision-theoretic narrative planning architecture for storytelling environments)
- 2014 UBCEntityRecognitionandDisambig + (UBC Entity Recognition and Disambiguation at ERD 2014)
- 2007 UCIMachineLearningRepository + (UCI Machine Learning Repository)
- 2004 UIMA + (UIMA: An architectural approach to unstructured information processing in the corporate research environment)
- 2004 AnArchApproachToUnstrInforProcInTheCorpResearchEnv + (UIMA: An architectural approach to unstructured information processing in the corporate research environment)
- 2007 AKnowRichApproachToIdSemRelsBetNominalsUIUC + (UIUC: A Knowledge-rich Approach to Identifying Semantic Relations between Nominals)
- 2010 UPGrowthAnEfficientAlgorithmfor + (UP-Growth: An Efficient Algorithm for High Utility Itemset Mining)
- 2013 USIAnswersNaturalLanguageQuesti + (USI Answers: Natural Language Question Answering Over (Semi-) Structured Industry Data)
- 2012 USpanAnEfficientAlgorithmforMin + (USpan: An Efficient Algorithm for Mining High Utility Sequential Patterns)
- 2007 UbiLexIbiPoenaDesigningNormEnfo + (Ubi Lex, Ibi Poena: Designing Norm Enforcement in E-institutions)
- 2017 UnbiasedLearningtoRankwithBiase + (Unbiased Learning-to-Rank with Biased Feedback)
- 2011 UnbiasedOfflineEvaluationofCont + (Unbiased Offline Evaluation of Contextual-bandit-based News Article Recommendation Algorithms)
- 2011 UnbiasedOnlineActiveLearninginD + (Unbiased Online Active Learning in Data Streams)
- 2006 UnbiasedRecursivePartitioningAC + (Unbiased Recursive Partitioning: A Conditional Inference Framework)
- 2024 UnboxingGenerativeAIfortheLegal + (Unboxing Generative AI for the Legal Professions: Functions, Impacts and Governance)
- 2009 UncertaintyDetectionForIE + (Uncertainty Detection For Information Extraction)
- 2013 UncertaintyinOnlineExperimentsw + (Uncertainty in Online Experiments with Dependent Data: An Evaluation of Bootstrap Methods)
- 1852 UncleTomsCabin + (Uncle Tom's Cabin)
- 2008 UncoveringTheRelationalWeb + (Uncovering the Relational Web)
- 2011 UnderemploymentPsychologicalEco + (Underemployment: Psychological, Economic, and Social Challenges)
- 2020 UnderspecificationPresentsChall + (Underspecification Presents Challenges for Credibility in Modern Machine Learning)
- 2011 UnderstandingAtrophyTrajectorie + (Understanding Atrophy Trajectories in Alzheimer's Disease Using Association Rules on MRI Images)
- 2007 UnderstandingComplexDatasets + (Understanding Complex Datasets: Data Mining with Matrix Decompositions)
- 2017 UnderstandingDeepLearningRequir + (Understanding Deep Learning Requires Rethinking Generalization)
- 2013 UnderstandingEvolutionofResearc + (Understanding Evolution of Research Themes: A Probabilistic Generative Model for Citations)
- 2011 UnderstandingNetworkFailuresinD + (Understanding Network Failures in Data Centers: Measurement, Analysis, and Implications)
- 2012 UnderstandingUsersSatisfactionf + (Understanding Users' Satisfaction for Search Engine Evaluation)
- 2014 UnderstandingtheEmpiricalHardne + (Understanding the Empirical Hardness of NP -complete Problems)
- 2008 UnderstandingtheValueofFeatures + (Understanding the Value of Features for Coreference Resolution)
- 2004 UnderstandingTheYarowskyAlgorithm + (Understanding the Yarowsky Algorithm)
- 1996 UnderstandingPatenteseAPatentGl + (Understanding “Patenteseâ - A Patent Glossary)
- 2013 UnemploymentDynamicsintheOECD + (Unemployment Dynamics in the OECD)
- 2005 UnfocussedSpatialAttention + (Unfocussed Spatial Attention Underlies the Crowding Effect in Indirect Form Vision)
- 2014 UnfoldingPhysiologicalStateMort + (Unfolding Physiological State: Mortality Modelling in Intensive Care Units)
- 2013 UnicornASystemforSearchingtheSo + (Unicorn: A System for Searching the Social Graph)
- 2015 UnifiedandContrastingCutsinMult + (Unified and Contrasting Cuts in Multiple Graphs: Application to Medical Imaging Segmentation)
- 2023 UnifierAUnifiedRetrieverforLarg + (Unifier: A Unified Retriever for Large-scale Retrieval)
- 2010 UnifyingDependentClusteringandD + (Unifying Dependent Clustering and Disparate Clustering for Non-homogeneous Data)
- 2014 UnifyingFunctionalandObjectOrie + (Unifying Functional and Object-oriented Programming with Scala)
- 1996 UnifyingInstAndRuleBasedInduction + (Unifying Instance-based and Rule-based Induction)
- 2023 UnifyingLargeLanguageModelsandK + (Unifying Large Language Models and Knowledge Graphs: A Roadmap)
- 2014 UnifyingLearningtoRankandDomain + (Unifying Learning to Rank and Domain Adaptation: Enabling Cross-task Document Scoring)
- 2015 UnifyingLogicandProbability + (Unifying Logic and Probability)