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List of results
- 2023 SyntheticallyGeneratedTextforSu + (Synthetically Generated Text for Supervised Text Analysis)
- 2011 SystemMLDeclarativeMachineLearn + (SystemML: Declarative Machine Learning on MapReduce)
- 2010 TAGMEOntheFlyAnnotationofShortT + (TAGME: On-the-fly Annotation of Short Text Fragments (by Wikipedia Entities))
- 2009 TANGENTaNovelSurpriseMeRecommen + (TANGENT: A Novel, 'Surprise Me', Recommendation Algorithm)
- 2014 TCSEfficientTopicDiscoveryoverC + (TCS: Efficient Topic Discovery over Crowd-oriented Service Data)
- 2006 TFICFANewTermWeightingSchemefor + (TF-ICF: A New Term Weighting Scheme for Clustering Dynamic Data Streams)
- 2010 TIARAaVisualExploratoryTextAnal + (TIARA: A Visual Exploratory Text Analytic System)
- 2012 TMLDAEfficientOnlineModelingofL + (TM-LDA: Efficient Online Modeling of Latent Topic Transitions in Social Media)
- 2015 TOPTRACTopicalTrajectoryPattern + (TOPTRAC: Topical Trajectory Pattern Mining)
- 1990 TREATANewandEfficientMatchAlgor + (TREAT: A New and Efficient Match Algorithm for AI Production Systems)
- 2003 TableExtractionUsingCRFs + (Table Extraction Using Conditional Random Fields)
- 2002 TaggingGeneAndProteinNamesInBioText + (Tagging Gene and Protein Names in Biomedical Text)
- 1998 TaggingInflectiveLanguagesPredi + (Tagging Inflective Languages: Prediction of Morphological Categories for a Rich, Structured Tagset)
- 1994 TaggingandMorphologicalDisambig + (Tagging and Morphological Disambiguation of Turkish Text)
- 2008 TagmarkReliableEstimationsofRFI + (Tagmark: Reliable Estimations of RFID Tags for Business Processes)
- 2012 TailoringEntityResolutionforMat + (Tailoring Entity Resolution for Matching Product Offers)
- 2015 TakeaStandonAIWeapons + (Take a Stand on AI Weapons)
- 2014 TargetDrivenMergingofTaxonomies + (Target-driven Merging of Taxonomies with Atom)
- 2014 TargetingDirectCashTransferstot + (Targeting Direct Cash Transfers to the Extremely Poor)
- 2000 TaskModelsIntentionsandAgentCon + (Task Models, Intentions, and Agent Conversation Policies)
- 2023 TaskWeaverACodeFirstAgentFramew + (TaskWeaver: A Code-First Agent Framework)
- 2020 TaxKnowledgeGraphforaSmarterand + (Tax Knowledge Graph for a Smarter and More Personalized TurboTax)
- 2005 TeachingAcademicWritingAToolkit + (Teaching Academic Writing: A Toolkit for Higher Education)
- 1998 TeachingDataStructureDesignPatterns + (Teaching Data Structure Design Patterns)
- 2006 TeachingHowToGenComplexNomPhrases + (Teaching How to Generate Complex Nominal Phrases Used to Define New Concepts or Describe Objects)
- 2015 TeachingMachinestoReadandCompre + (Teaching Machines to Read and Comprehend)
- 2015 TeachingStatisticsatGoogleScale + (Teaching Statistics at Google-Scale)
- 2016 TechMinerExtractingTechnologies + (TechMiner: Extracting Technologies from Academic Publications)
- 1992 QLearning + (Technical Note : \cal Q -Learning)
- 2017 TechnicalPerspectiveSolvingImpe + (Technical Perspective: Solving Imperfect Information Games)
- 2007 TeGRDv1TechRep + (Technical Report on TeGRD v1.0: A Supervised Learning Algorithm for Detecting N-ary Relations that span Multiple Sentences)
- 1992 TechniquesforAutomaticallyCorre + (Techniques for Automatically Correcting Words in Text)
- 1983 TechnologicalAdvanceEconomicGro + (Technological Advance, Economic Growth, and the Distribution of Income)
- 2014 TechnologicalGrowthandUnemploym + (Technological Growth and Unemployment: A Global Scenario Analysis.)
- 2009 TellMeSomethingIDontKnowRandomi + (Tell Me Something I Don't Know: Randomization Strategies for Iterative Data Mining)
- 2011 TellMeWhatINeedtoKnowSuccinctly + (Tell Me What I Need to Know: Succinctly Summarizing Data with Itemsets)
- 2018 TEMTreeEnhancedEmbeddingModelfo + (Tem: Tree-enhanced Embedding Model for Explainable Recommendation)
- 2009 TemporalMiningforInteractiveWor + (Temporal Mining for Interactive Workflow Data Analysis)
- 2011 TemporalMultiHierarchySmoothing + (Temporal Multi-hierarchy Smoothing for Estimating Rates of Rare Events)
- 2008 TemporalPatternDiscoveryforTren + (Temporal Pattern Discovery for Trends and Transient Effects: Its Application to Patient Records)
- 2010 TemporalPatternMininginSymbolic + (Temporal Pattern Mining in Symbolic Time Point and Time Interval Data)
- 2015 TemporalPhenotypingfromLongitud + (Temporal Phenotyping from Longitudinal Electronic Health Records: A Graph Based Framework)
- 2010 TemporalRecommendationonGraphsv + (Temporal Recommendation on Graphs via Long- and Short-term Preference Fusion)
- 2014 TemporalSkeletonizationonSequen + (Temporal Skeletonization on Sequential Data: Patterns, Categorization, and Visualization)
- 2016 TenYearsofKnowledgeHarvestingLe + (Ten Years of Knowledge Harvesting: Lessons and Challenges)
- 2016 TensorFlowLargeScaleMachineLear + (TensorFlow - Large-Scale Machine Learning on Heterogeneous Distributed Systems)
- 2016 TensorFlowASystemforLargeScaleM + (TensorFlow: A System for Large-scale Machine Learning)
- 2003 TermExtractionAndAutomaticIndexing + (Term Extraction and Automatic Indexing)
- 2004 TermIdentificationInTheBiomedLit + (Term Identification in the Biomedical Literature)
- 2007 TermextractoraWebApplicationtoL + (Termextractor: A Web Application to Learn the Shared Terminology of Emergent Web Communities)
- 2002 TerminologyMining + (Terminology Mining)