2006 TeachingHowToGenComplexNomPhrases
- (Cortés & Verdejo, 2006) ⇒ Jesús Andrés Cortés, and Rafael Rigol Verdejo. (2006). “Teaching How to Generate Complex Nominal Phrases Used to Define New Concepts or Describe Objects.” In: Proceedings of AELFE.
Subject Headings: Nominal Phrase, Complex Noun Phrase, Semantic Relation Mention, Technical Terminology.
Author Keywords
Teaching technical vocabulary is a task which requires special techniques and the use of a context. Scientific texts incorporate complex noun phrases as part of their communicative function within a concept-oriented theory. The occurrence of these combinations constitutes a common feature of the above-mentioned texts. The aim of this paper is to examine the different functions which underlie those phrases and how they generate depending on the information they convey. Based on the communicative approach, we present these nominal phrases to our students as a means to define and describe new objects and concepts. In order to produce reliable, well-formed and permissible compound nominal phrases, their complexity is analysed and the different chunks are split up to understand the way each element is added to convey new information. The semantic relationships between all the different elements, which are dependent upon the function these items perform within the complex phrase, are also studied.
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Author | volume | Date Value | title | type | journal | titleUrl | doi | note | year | |
2006 TeachingHowToGenComplexNomPhrases | Jesús Andrés Cortés Rafael Rigol Verdejo | Teaching How to Generate Complex Nominal Phrases Used to Define New Concepts or Describe Objects | http://www.unizar.es/aelfe2006/ALEFE06/3. terminology/71.pdf |