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List of results
- 2008 RequirementsSpecificationUsingFactOrientedModeling + (Requirements Specification Using Fact-Oriented Modeling: A Case Study and Generalization)
- 2018 RequirementsforaFlexibleandGene + (Requirements for a Flexible and Generic Api Enabling Mobile Crowdsensing Mhealth Applications)
- 2013 ResearchPaperRecommenderSystemE + (Research Paper Recommender System Evaluation: A Quantitative Literature Survey)
- 2006 ResearchinDataWarehouseModeling + (Research in Data Warehouse Modeling and Design: Dead Or Alive?)
- 2019 ReservoirComputingUsingDiffusiv + (Reservoir Computing Using Diffusive Memristors)
- 2017 ReservoirComputingUsingDynamicM + (Reservoir Computing Using Dynamic Memristors for Temporal Information Processing)
- 2012 ResilientDistributedDatasetsAFa + (Resilient Distributed Datasets: A Fault-tolerant Abstraction for in-memory Cluster Computing)
- 2009 ResolvingIdentityUncertain + (Resolving Identity Uncertainty with Learned Random Walks)
- 2010 ResourceAwareAnnotationthroughA + (Resource-aware Annotation through Active Learning)
- 2011 ResponsePredictionUsingCollabor + (Response Prediction Using Collaborative Filtering with Hierarchies and Side-information)
- 2010 ResponsetoWolf2010 + (Response to (Wolf, 2010))
- 2013 RestreamingGraphPartitioningSim + (Restreaming Graph Partitioning: Simple Versatile Algorithms for Advanced Balancing)
- 2018 RethinkingMachineLearningDevelo + (Rethinking Machine Learning Development and Deployment for Edge Devices)
- 2008 RethinkingRiskManagement + (Rethinking Risk Management)
- 2020 RetrievalAugmentedGenerationfor + (Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Knowledge-intensive NLP Tasks)
- 2024 RetrievalAugmentedGenerationfor + (Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Large Language Models: A Survey)
- 2022 RetrievalEnhancedMachineLearnin + (Retrieval-enhanced Machine Learning)
- 2000 RetrievingDescrPhrasesfromLargeAmountsofFreeText + (Retrieving Descriptive Phrases from Large Amounts of Free text)
- 2015 RetrofittingWordVectorstoSemant + (Retrofitting Word Vectors to Semantic Lexicons)
- 2009 Retrospective + (Retrospective: an axiomatic basis for computer programming)
- 2013 RetweetOrNotPersonalizedTweetRe + (Retweet Or Not?: Personalized Tweet Re-ranking)
- 2002 ReversalofFortuneGeographyandIn + (Reversal of Fortune: Geography and Institutions in the Making of the Modern World Income Distribution)
- 1990 ReverseEngineeringandDesignReco + (Reverse Engineering and Design Recovery: A Taxonomy)
- 2012 ReviewSpamDetectionviaTemporalP + (Review Spam Detection via Temporal Pattern Discovery)
- 2003 CMPT825 GMelli Review + (Review of (Freund & Schapire, 1999) “A Short Introduction to Boosting”; and (Collins, 2000), “Discriminative Reranking for Natural Language Parsing”)
- 2020 RevisitingFewSampleBERTFineTuni + (Revisiting Few-sample BERT Fine-tuning)
- 2011 RevisitingSequentialPatternHidi + (Revisiting Sequential Pattern Hiding to Enhance Utility)
- 2009 RevisitingtheGermanWageStructur + (Revisiting the German Wage Structure)
- 1962 RevolutionaryRoad + (Revolutionary Road)
- 2012 RiseandFallPatternsofInformatio + (Rise and Fall Patterns of Information Diffusion: Model and Implications)
- 2015 RiseoftheMachines + (Rise of the Machines)
- 2009 RiseoftheRobotsTheFutureofArtif + (Rise of the Robots--The Future of Artificial Intelligence)
- 2015 RiseoftheRobotsTechnologyandthe + (Rise of the Robots: Technology and the Threat of a Jobless Future)
- 1995 RiverOutofEdenADarwinianViewofL + (River Out of Eden: A Darwinian View of Life)
- 2019 RoBERTaARobustlyOptimizedBERTPr + (RoBERTa: {A} Robustly Optimized {BERT} Pretraining Approach)
- 2014 RobotLearningfromHumanTeachers + (Robot Learning from Human Teachers)
- 2005 RoboticsbasedLocationSensingUsi + (Robotics-based Location Sensing Using Wireless Ethernet)
- 2020 RobotsandJobsEvidencefromUSLabo + (Robots and Jobs: Evidence from US Labor Markets)
- 2012 RobotsandRobberBarons + (Robots and Robber Barons)
- 2015 RobotsatWork + (Robots at Work)
- 2001 RobustClassificationforImprecis + (Robust Classification for Imprecise Environments)
- 2014 RobustEntityLinkingviaRandomWal + (Robust Entity Linking via Random Walks)
- 2005 RobustIdentificationOfFuzzyDuplicates + (Robust Identification of Fuzzy Duplicates)
- 2007 RobustIEWithPerceptrons + (Robust Information Extraction with Perceptrons)
- 2012 RobustMultiTaskFeatureLearning + (Robust Multi-task Feature Learning)
- 2013 RobustPrincipalComponentAnalysi + (Robust Principal Component Analysis via Capped Norms)
- 2003 RobustRegressionAndOutlierDetection + (Robust Regression and Outlier Detection)
- 2013 RobustSparseEstimationofMultire + (Robust Sparse Estimation of Multiresponse Regression and Inverse Covariance Matrix via the L2 Distance)
- 2015 RobustTreecodeApproximationforK + (Robust Treecode Approximation for Kernel Machines)
- 2003 RobustEfficientFuzzyMatch + (Robust and Efficient Fuzzy Match for Online Data Cleaning)
- 2012 RolXStructuralRoleExtractionMin + (RolX: Structural Role Extraction & Mining in Large Graphs)