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List of results
- 2009 ReasonsExplanatoryandNormative + (Reasons: Explanatory and Normative)
- 2012 RecMaxExploitingRecommenderSyst + (RecMax: Exploiting Recommender Systems for Fun and Profit)
- 2004 RecentAdvInBayesianInf + (Recent Advances in Bayesian Inference Techniques)
- 2001 RecentAdvancesInComputationalTerminology + (Recent Advances in Computational Terminology)
- 2023 RecentAdvancesinNaturalLanguage + (Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing via Large Pre-trained Language Models: A Survey)
- 2019 RecentAdvancesinPhysicalReservo + (Recent Advances in Physical Reservoir Computing: A Review)
- 2017 RecentTrendsinDeepLearningBased + (Recent Trends in Deep Learning Based Natural Language Processing)
- 2015 ReciprocityinSocialNetworkswith + (Reciprocity in Social Networks with Capacity Constraints)
- 2007 nAryMultiSentencePPLRE + (Recognition of Multi-sentence n-ary Subcellular Localization Mentions in Biomedical Abstracts)
- 2015 RecognitionofPatientRelatedName + (Recognition of Patient-Related Named Entities in Noisy Tele-Health Texts)
- 2011 RecognizingNamedEntitiesinTweet + (Recognizing Named Entities in Tweets)
- 2009 RecommendationAsLinkPrediction + (Recommendation as Link Prediction: A graph kernel-based machine learning approach)
- 1998 RecommendedBudgetPracticesAFram + (Recommended Budget Practices - A Framework for Improved State and Local Government Budgeting)
- 2010 RecommenderProblemsforWebApplic + (Recommender Problems for Web Applications)
- 2013 RecommenderSystemsSurvey + (Recommender Systems Survey)
- 2015 RecommenderSystemsandLinkedOpen + (Recommender Systems and Linked Open Data)
- 2009 RecommenderSystemsForSocialBookmarking + (Recommender Systems for Social Bookmarking)
- 2019 ReconcilingModernMachineLearnin + (Reconciling Modern Machine-learning Practice and the Classical Bias--variance Trade-off)
- 2001 ReconcilingSchemasOfDispDatSour + (Reconciling Schemas of Disparate Data Sources: A Machine-Learning Approach)
- 2008 ReconstructingChemicalReactionN + (Reconstructing Chemical Reaction Networks: Data Mining Meets System Identification)
- 2015 ReconstructingTextualDocumentsf + (Reconstructing Textual Documents from N-grams)
- 1962 RecordLinkage + (Record Linkage: Making maximum use of the discriminating power of identifying information)
- 2010 RecordLevPecBaseDataAnalysisandClass + (Record-level Peculiarity-based Data Analysis and Classifications)
- 2010 RectifiedLinearUnitsImproveRest + (Rectified Linear Units Improve Restricted Boltzmann Machines)
- 2015 RecurrentConvolutionalNeuralNet + (Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks for Text Classification)
- 2017 RecurrentHighwayNetworks + (Recurrent Highway Networks)
- 2018 RecurrentNeuralNetworkAttention + (Recurrent Neural Network Attention Mechanisms for Interpretable System Log Anomaly Detection)
- Test:2010 RecurrentNeuralNetworkbasedLang + (Recurrent Neural Network based Language Model)
- 2010 RecurrentNeuralNetworkbasedLang + (Recurrent Neural Network based Language Model.)
- 2017 RecurrentRecommenderNetworks + (Recurrent Recommender Networks)
- 2005 RecursiveDatabaseStructures + (Recursive Database Structures)
- 2013 RecursiveDeepModelsforSemanticC + (Recursive Deep Models for Semantic Compositionality Over a Sentiment Treebank)
- 2013 RecursiveRegularizationforLarge + (Recursive Regularization for Large-scale Classification with Hierarchical and Graphical Dependencies)
- 2010 RedefiningClassDefinitionsUsing + (Redefining Class Definitions Using Constraint-based Clustering: An Application to Remote Sensing of the Earth's Surface)
- 2014 ReducingGangViolencethroughNetw + (Reducing Gang Violence through Network Influence based Targeting of Social Programs)
- 2001 ReducingMulticlassToBinary + (Reducing Multiclass to Binary: a unifying approach for margin classifiers)
- 2006 ReducingtheDimensionalityofData + (Reducing the Dimensionality of Data with Neural Networks)
- 2014 ReducingtheSamplingComplexityof + (Reducing the Sampling Complexity of Topic Models)
- 2015 ReducingtheUnlabeledSampleCompl + (Reducing the Unlabeled Sample Complexity of Semi-Supervised Multi-View Learning)
- 2008 RedundancyInWebScaleIE + (Redundancy in Web-scale Information Extraction: Probabilistic Model and Experimental Results)
- 2013 RedundancyAwareMaximalCliques + (Redundancy-aware Maximal Cliques)
- 1990 ReengineeringWorkDontAutomateOb + (Reengineering Work: Don't Automate, Obliterate)
- 2005 ReferenceReconciInComplexInfSpaces + (Reference Reconciliation in Complex Information Spaces)
- 2014 RefinementModalLogic + (Refinement Modal Logic)
- 2011 RefiningCausalityWhoCopiedfromW + (Refining Causality: Who Copied from Whom?)
- 2009 ReflectAndCorrect + (Reflect and Correct: A misclassification prediction approach to active inference)
- 1790 ReflectionsontheRevolutioninFra + (Reflections on the Revolution in France: And on the Proceedings in Certain Societies in London Relative to That Event. In a Letter Intended to Have Been Sent to a Gentleman in Paris)
- 2023 ReflexionAnAutonomousAgentwithD + (Reflexion: An Autonomous Agent with Dynamic Memory and Self-reflection)
- 1972 RegressionModelsandLifeTables + (Regression Models and Life-tables)
- 1996 RegressionShrinkageAndSelViaLasso + (Regression Shrinkage and Selection via the Lasso)
- 2009 RegressionbasedLatentFactorMode + (Regression-based Latent Factor Models)