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This page provides a simple browsing interface for finding entities described by a property and a named value. Other available search interfaces include the page property search, and the ask query builder.
List of results
- 2014 ProfitMaximizingClusterHires + (Profit-maximizing Cluster Hires)
- 2014 ProfitsWithoutProsperity + (Profits Without Prosperity.)
- 1996 ProgrammingPerl + (Programming Perl, 2nd edition)
- 2010 ProgramminginScala + (Programming in Scala)
- 2015 ProgrammingtheQuantumFuture + (Programming the Quantum Future)
- 2017 ProgrammingwithaDifferentiableF + (Programming with a Differentiable Forth Interpreter)
- 1993 ProgressWithoutPeopleNewTechnol + (Progress Without People: New Technology, Unemployment, and the Message of Resistance)
- 2004 ProjectHaloTowardsaDigiAristotle + (Project Halo: Towards a Digital Aristotle)
- 1997 ProjectionsForEfficientDocumentClustering + (Projections for Efficient Document Clustering)
- 2006 ProkProtSubcLocaExtrFromBiomedSciArticles + (Prokaryotic Protein Subcellular Localization Extraction from Biomedical Scientific Articles)
- 2011 ProminentStreakDiscoveryinSeque + (Prominent Streak Discovery in Sequence Data)
- 2005 ProminerRuleBasedProteinGeneNER + (Prominer: Rule-based protein and gene entity recognition)
- 2024 PromptDesignandEngineeringIntro + (Prompt Design and Engineering: Introduction and Advanced Methods)
- Test:2024 PromptDesignandEngineeringIntro + (Prompt Design and Engineering: Introduction and Advanced Methods)
- 2023 PromptEngineeringaPromptEnginee + (Prompt Engineering a Prompt Engineer)
- 2004 PropositionalPlanninginBDIAgent + (Propositional Planning in BDI Agents)
- 2005 PropositionalAndPredicateCalculus + (Propositional and Predicate Calculus: A Model of Argument)
- 2001 PropositionalizationApproachest + (Propositionalization Approaches to Relational Data Mining)
- 2015 PropositionsAsTypes + (Propositions As Types)
- 2011 ProtectingLocationPrivacyUsingL + (Protecting Location Privacy Using Location Semantics)
- 2005 ProteinFunctionPredictionViaGraphKernels + (Protein function prediction via graph kernels)
- 2002 ProteinNamesAndHowToFindThem + (Protein names and how to find them)
- 2021 ProtoAIModelInformedPrototyping + (ProtoAI: Model-Informed Prototyping for AI-Powered Interfaces)
- 2014 PrototypebasedLearningonConcept + (Prototype-based Learning on Concept-drifting Data Streams)
- 2013 ProvOTheProvOntology + (Prov-o: The Prov Ontology)
- 2014 ProvableDeterministicLeverageSc + (Provable Deterministic Leverage Score Sampling)
- 2018 ProvidingASimpleQuestionAnsweri + (Providing A Simple Question Answering System By Mapping Questions to Questions)
- 1983 ProvidingAUnifAccOfDefNPs + (Providing a Unified Account of Definite Noun Phrases in Discourse)
- 1995 ProvidingAUnifAccOfDefNPs + (Providing a Unified Account of Definite Noun Phrases in Discourse)
- 2013 PsychologicalAdvertisingExplori + (Psychological Advertising: Exploring User Psychology for Click Prediction in Sponsored Search)
- 2012 PublicDebtOverhangsAdvancedEcon + (Public Debt Overhangs: Advanced-economy Episodes Since 1800)
- 2012 PublishingandPresentingClinical + (Publishing and Presenting Clinical Research)
- 2003 PurpleHibiscusANovel + (Purple Hibiscus: A Novel)
- 2008 PushingtheELEnvelopeFurther + (Pushing the EL Envelope Further)
- 2008 PuttingtheAltruismBackIntoAltru + (Putting the Altruism Back Into Altruism: The Evolution of Empathy)
- 2018 PyTextASeamlessPathfromNLPResea + (PyText: A Seamless Path from NLP Research to Production)
- 2005 PythonCookbook + (Python Cookbook)
- 2012 PythonforDataAnalysisDataWrangl + (Python for Data Analysis: Data Wrangling with Pandas, NumPy, and IPython)
- 2017 QLUTatSemEval2017Task2WordSimil + (QLUT at SemEval-2017 Task 2: Word Similarity Based on Word Embedding and Knowledge Base)
- 2013 QuadraticOptimizationtoIdentify + (Quadratic Optimization to Identify Highly Heritable Quantitative Traits from Complex Phenotypic Features)
- 2001 QualitativeTerminologyExtraction + (Qualitative Terminology Extraction: Identifying relational adjectives)
- 2016 QualityAssessmentofWikipediaArt + (Quality Assessment of Wikipedia Articles Without Feature Engineering)
- 2009 QuantificationandSemiSupervised + (Quantification and Semi-supervised Classification Methods for Handling Changes in Class Distribution)
- 2014 QuantifyingHerdingEffectsinCrow + (Quantifying Herding Effects in Crowd Wisdom)
- 2008 QuantitativeEvaluationofApproxi + (Quantitative Evaluation of Approximate Frequent Pattern Mining Algorithms)
- 2004 QueriesRevisited + (Queries Revisited)
- 1988 QueriesandConceptLearning + (Queries and Concept Learning)
- 2014 QueripidiaQuerySpecificWikipedi + (Queripidia: Query-specific Wikipedia Construction)
- 2011 QueryBasedLearninginMultiAgentS + (Query Based Learning in Multi-Agent Systems)
- 2013 QueryClusteringbasedonBidLandsc + (Query Clustering based on Bid Landscape for Sponsored Search Auction Optimization)
- 1994 QueryExpansionUsingLexicalSeman + (Query Expansion Using Lexical-semantic Relations)